~Memory 1~

The Throne or Love?



“Yes, dead. When the job is done, I’ll give you $500,000.”

“I want the money NOW.” Cecilia set her gaze right into the man’s eyes.

“How am I supposed to know if you’d die? If I give you the money now and you die, wouldn’t it be a waste of my time and money?”

“Then why are you hiring me?”

“Don’t get too confident there, little missy. You may have lived all those other times, but how do I know if you’re not gonna die on me this time?”

Cecilia narrowed her gaze. She hated it when people called her a little missy.

“I don’t do business with customers who don’t trust my abilities. If you want to question the skills of the assassinator you hire, go find another one. Have a nice day.” Cecilia smirked and turned.  The man threw a sports bag at Cecilia’s back and she caught it just in time.

“You want the money? You got it.” The man said.

Cecilia smiled and opened the bag to find it filled with hundred dollar bills. Silence filled the dark alley as water dripped from the edges of the roof and landed in a puddle.

“He’ll be dead by morning. Rest assured. I never let my customers down.”

“I hope.” The man inquired.

Cecilia and the man went separate ways as Cecilia started on her mission. She found the man in his apartment ready to sleep. She climbed up the fire escape covered in the darkness of the night. Lights were off as the man went to bed.


Cecilia climbed in the window and slowly looked around for any hidden things. Ever since she was young, she had the natural ability to see at night, hear things, and had the ability to smell things better than a dog. Suddenly, her ears picked up a shuffle and all was quiet again.

‘He’s awake. Smart man; knows when to sleep and when not to sleep. Too bad he wasn’t smart enough to stay on the good side of that person who wanted me to kill him.’

Another sound came from somewhere in the bedroom and this time, it was a bit muffled, but still, detectable. It was a gun click as bullets were softly placed inside the gun.

‘So he was prepared for me.’

As if it was lightning, the man swung open his bedroom door, and aimed the gun at Cecilia.

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