《 First Teaser 》

《 Sensoria ⋮ Apply close 》





Psst! Hey, Nami!” Sandeul harshly whispered to the girl sitting next to him. He smiled brightly when their professor suddenly turned his head to him. He waited until he turned back around to teach them more techniques and strategies, “Psst!

Cecilia let out a sigh, chin on top of a closed fist, as she looked at random parts of the classroom they were in since she wasn’t sitting by the window. She scowled, that guy West got to have one of the best seats in the classroom, able to stare out the window or do anything else that wouldn’t get him in immediate trouble. “I’m not paying attention,” she whispered back to Sandeul, causing him to softly groan.

But I don’t want to pay attention.”

“Junghwan!” the professor yelled out, hearing a whisper and causing Sandeul to sit up straight.

“I’m sorry! I just need to really go to the bathroom, sir!”

Cecilia snickered before the professor rolled his eyes, allowing her best friend to escape the lecture briefly. She didn’t even bother to greet him back when he returned. She was so bored. Her fingers were itching to create a random tsunami in the middle of class.

- -

Unfazed by the suddenly noisy class, West rested his head on his palms. Sighing, he looked out the window imagining the lands that stretched upon the horizon, wider and bigger than what his sightline allowed. With a lazy blink, he considered disappearing from the room. Surely his power would allow him to be quiet and go unnoticed.

Detaching his eyes from the green scenery, West looked at the front of the class where the teacher was trying to interest his students in the History of Mae. And well, that proved to be quite difficult. While half of the students who were really from Mae already knew everything he was saying, the other half that were from Beom and Yong clearly didn’t care about another country’s treaties and the list of its presidents.

West spun an index finger in a discreet motion making a piece of chalk that was below the blackboard suddenly rise in the air. He stopped moving and the white object stayed in place.

“What should I write?” he pondered.

West gave a quick look around, but cruelly lacking inspiration, he settled the chalk back on its metal holder. He gave another sigh and resumed daydreaming about faraway lands he never visited.

- -

“What are you doing?” Sandeul curiously questioned, watching as Cecilia hid behind a corner of a wall and created a ball of water in the air, flattening it to lightly glide along the ceiling and heading for a certain someone who was peacefully talking to his friend.


Sandeul rolled his eyes, watching as she slapped her hand down in the air, resulting in the water coming down from the ceiling and onto the other person. “Aw, man!” she yelled out, watching as a barrier instantly formed around the other, keeping him dry, “Why are you so boring, Yixing?!”

“I’m not boring to others,” Lay calmly responded back with a smile, not even turning around to look at her and instead look down to see the water around him evaporate back into the air. He looked to his side where West stood, drenched, “Oh, sorry.”

West sighed, shaking his head as he ruffled his hair, “I’ll just get back at her later.”

“Come on!” Cecilia shouted out, stalking up to him with Sandeul following closely behind, “You’re the only one I haven’t had an actual fight with.”

“You know there’s good reason for that,” Lay simply said.

“I’m gone.”

Lay turned to wave bye to his friend, only to realize that he was already gone, “Oh.” He laughed afterwards, “I hope he doesn’t get sick.”

Cecilia frowned, going to splash more water on him to get him the least bit angry when Sandeul just wrapped an arm around her waist to drag her back with him, “Wait! Sandeul!”

“Nah uh,” the other responded back, nodding his goodbye to a confused Lay, “We’ll see you later, Lay! Sorry for the trouble!”

Lay laughed as Cecelia hit Sandeul on the arm, “I’m not trouble!”

“Ow! Nami!"

- -

“How did that happen?” Yenny asked as West teleported right in front of her, on their favorite balcony.

Running his fingers through his damp hair, he absent-mindedly pulled on a strand to examine it.

“A prank, I guess,” he answered after a few seconds.

Yenny burst in laughter and he only smiled at her behavior.

“And now I don’t want to go to class anymore. We should skip!” West offered.

“And to do what?” his friend inquired with a hesitant smile.

West took a step back, his face quickly turning into a childish grin. With his hair still falling in front of his eyes and the fact that he was still dripping on the floor, he looked quite similar to a kid.

“I want to go see the Yongian Desert!”

Yenny winced.

“Oh, please? Isn’t it the perfect place to dry myself? Besides, I need you with me.”

She gave way and agreed to go with him with a roll of her eyes.

“And possibly a camel too,” he added.

- -

An hour passed by with Sandeul effectively getting Cecilia to forget about trying to annoy Lay by actually going to class and begging her to pay attention in it since he paid attention to the lecture last time.

“Junghwan~!” she called out, throwing herself around him from the back, “It’s lunchtime~!”

“I know!” Sandeul exclaimed back, turning around to wrap an arm around her waist, “I wonder what we have today.”

“Hopefully something good,” she commented back before turning to poke him on the cheek, “I bet you taste good.”

Sandeul sighed tiredly, but a smile still pulling at his lips, “You need to stop before you get yourself in trouble with the wrong guys.” Cecilia rolled her eyes, pulling away from him to quickly make her way for food. Sandeul sighed for a different reason, “It’s amazing how I put up with you,” before jogging to catch up to her.

- -

It took some time for West to actually muster the will to get his revenge on Cecilia. Inspired by his earlier attempt to disrupt the classroom, he spotted the girl as she was walking with her friend and made sure two chalkboard erasers constantly followed her, half a meter above her head. Soon enough, a thick white layer was covering the girl and part of her friend’s shoulder. He smiled thinking of the mess it could cause if she ever had the idea to try to remove the dust with water…

1 to 1.

A draw, for now.




Author's note

Lydine says:

Here is something to help you wait while we take forever to do the reviews. ^^

I hope the change of writer wasn't too shocking for you. ;)

Author's note

-catalyst says:

I apologize if this sounds choppy right now. We just decided to do little snippets first and combine our characters' activities into one teaser. I hope it isn't too bad!


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《 Sensoria ⋮ Deadline is today, everyone. If you want an extension, PM me. Otherwise, you'll know the full cast soon. :) 》


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Chapter 6: Are you still going to update in the future or did you possibly close down this story? Just asking because I'm curious. ;;;;;
Chapter 6: Guess I'll change Youngae's love interest (I just chose 'male applicant'). :)
Chapter 10: Update soon when you have the time! :D
Chapter 10: Thanks for choosing Haeseok! Cant wait to read more of the updates
Chapter 6: Congrats! Cameos, cameos! Lol~ This would be fun. Hwaiting^^
Chapter 6: Good Job to everyone! Woohoo! the story can finally start!
Chapter 6: Wooh, I'm so excited!
Congrats to Mieun and Haesok. :)

Now the story can finally start! ; w;
Congrats to all the newest chosen applicants! Now the story can officially start! /so excited! :D
mushiromigal #9
Chapter 6: Oh my gosh oh my gosh! I didn't expect this to happen! Thank you thank you! :3