《 The Travellers 》

《 Sensoria ⋮ Apply close 》



Meeting the characters



Name : Lemaire, Cecilia

Age : 22

Date of Birth : February 04, 1991

Height & Weight : 155 cm & 46 kg

Operator Specialty : Hydrokinesis & Pheromone Manipulation

Trivia : ...

❝ Why do I need to go if it's Beom's princess? My country will win if we go to war anyways. But that means we will probably pass by there soon... ❞

Name : Cho Haeseok

Age : 20

Date of Birth : August 27, 1993

Height & Weight : 180 cm & 63 kg

Operator Specialty : Telekinesis & Dragon Transformation

Trivia : ...

❝ Of course i'll join this group, especially since Cecilia is going. every girl needs a bodyguard. i'm surprised the princess was taken so easily. Did she have one? ❞










Name : Bae, Hyunju

Age : 22

Date of Birth : May 12, 1991

Height & Weight : 160 cm & 49 kg

Operator Specialty : Intangibility & Super Healing

Trivia : ...

❝ My younger sister disappeared? How in the world did that happen?! Of course something would happen in my absence. Where was my older brother? Was he not the one protecting her?! ❞

Name : Kikuchi Gilles

Age : 19

Date of Birth : January 1, 1994

Height & Weight : 173 cm & 56 kg

Operator Specialty : Mind Control

Trivia : ...

❝ Of course I'll join you to find the princess. Who would do such a thing to a young lady? ❞











Name : Shan, West

Age : 21

Date of Birth : October 13, 1992

Height & Weight : 176 cm & 71 kg

Operator Specialty : Invisibility & Teleportation

Trivia : ...

❝ I don't want to go. This all seems like so much work- Wait, a princess was taken? That seems really important... and we get to travel? ❞

Name : Whang Youngae

Age : 19

Date of Birth : May 21, 1994

Height & Weight : 153cm & 45 kg

Operator Specialty : Phytokinesis & Healing

Trivia : ...

Of course I'll aide in rescuing the princess. I would be frightened if I were in her position. Let's hurry and save her. ❞

Name : Luriema, Kiju

Age : 18

Date of Birth : November 27, 1995

Height & Weight : 170 cm & 54 kg

Operator Specialty : Electrokinesis

Trivia : ...

❝ We should go. Beom's govenment will easily fall if one of their royalty has disappeared, and we are the best option since we all come from such a prestigious academy with technically higher skills. We will have a higher chance of getting her back. Um, but are you sure you really want me? Maybe my skills will be good enough for the team... I mean... Would it be okay for me to join the group? I'm not... Are you sure? ❞

Name : Go Mieun

Age : 20

Date of Birth : December 11, 1993

Height & Weight : 160 cm & 52 kg

Operator Specialty : Geokinesis & Animal Control

Trivia : ...

❝ Whoa! i really get to travel out of mae? With a group of people? This will still be interesting, it sounds like! I wonder if my best friend is coming with me... but i think everything will be okay. ❞





Author's note

Lydine says:

So with this surprise, two positions are out: Girl from Beom and Guy from Mae. You can now only be a girl from Mae, or a boy from either Beom or Yong.

If you applied for one of the now closed positions, there are way you can tweak your app so it's not wasted, don't worry. We are actually pretty nice on that and willing to helps you! :) Or you can start over a new character if you really want to. XD 

Edit (20140127) : All the characters have been chosen! Congratulation! To those who have not been chosen, you will still appear as cameos. You know, when they are selecting and considering people. :)

Author's note

-catalyst says:

Surprise! Two new positions are out! I hope the quotes reflect the chosen characters' personalities well... I tried, haha. Agreed with Di! We are willing to help you if you want to tweak parts of your app or just start over again completely :)

Btw, we'll probably fill in the trivia tomorrow since we both need to sleep for school and work. So check back again then! :D


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《 Sensoria ⋮ Deadline is today, everyone. If you want an extension, PM me. Otherwise, you'll know the full cast soon. :) 》


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Chapter 6: Are you still going to update in the future or did you possibly close down this story? Just asking because I'm curious. ;;;;;
Chapter 6: Guess I'll change Youngae's love interest (I just chose 'male applicant'). :)
Chapter 10: Update soon when you have the time! :D
Chapter 10: Thanks for choosing Haeseok! Cant wait to read more of the updates
Chapter 6: Congrats! Cameos, cameos! Lol~ This would be fun. Hwaiting^^
Chapter 6: Good Job to everyone! Woohoo! the story can finally start!
Chapter 6: Wooh, I'm so excited!
Congrats to Mieun and Haesok. :)

Now the story can finally start! ; w;
Congrats to all the newest chosen applicants! Now the story can officially start! /so excited! :D
mushiromigal #9
Chapter 6: Oh my gosh oh my gosh! I didn't expect this to happen! Thank you thank you! :3