brother power(???)

Best Friend and Boyfriend -HIATUS-

*EDITED - nothing major, just a change in font and some corrections on places that made no sense . _. nothing like mechanics though← bcihateenglishandiactuallywanttowriteinjapanesebutheyatleastimtrying

wth like seriously my brother just goes on my laptop while i was taking a shower, and then deletes a handful of the stories i actually kept on here! i was on aff bc i actually felt like updating today, but.../sighs

i'm still updating though dont worry

you wanna know what moved me into updating???????? THE MAGIC OF SNOW GUISE IT FINALLY SNOWED HERE IN TOKYO CAN I GET A BOOYA WOOO(←????????)


I woke up to the sunlight seeping through the curtains and birds chirping outside.

"Changjo!  Changjo!  Changjo!  Changjo!  Changjo!  Changjo!  Pabo!  Pabo baby!  Pabo baby Changjo!  ChangjoooO!"

Yeah.  Birds.

"Changjo, Changjo, Changjo, Changjooo!"



No, that's not a bird.


"Breakfast's ready~!"

With a sigh, I throw my comforter off of me and then roll out of bed, landing on the ground with a thud (it was sort of my way of actually waking up).  And, of course, a second later, my brother comes running in with a spatula in hand, his eyes wide and screaming whether I was okay as he kicked my door open.  As soon as he spots me on the floor, his already enlarged eyes turn even wider.  He storms over to me, throwing the spatula on the ground as he pulled me into a hug with his thin arms and my hair.  The he began checking me for injuries.

"Oh, my baby!  Did you fall!?  Does it hurt?  You shouldn't go to school today, you should rest!"

Yeah, this is what you would call a "ブラコン" in Japanese.  (a/n: ブラコン = bro-com = brother complex, I think, and it's when you love your brother a lot and get overprotective and stuff)

"I'm okay, Chunji," I reply with a sigh.  I look into his big, worry-filled eyes and knock our foreheads together.  "See?  All good."  Then I his head, and I suddenly realize that I can be considered as a ブラコン as well.  Oh.  Well.

"Really?  Are you sure?" Chunji asks me, and I nod, laughing.  "Don't laugh!  I'm your big brother, so I have to take care of you!"

"Yeah, yeah.  I'm hungry, hyung.  I might faint if I don't get my breakfast," I say, in a successful attempt to get my brother off of me.  As if on cue, my stomach grumbles, and Chunji scrambles off of me and takes my hand, and then picks up the spatula on the way out of my room.  He drags me into the kitchen, begins to gather plates while pushing me towards the table.

"Sit, and eat well," he states, and then places a bowl of rice, a plate filled with veggies and a sunny-side up, and another plate with kimchi in front of me.  A very mismatched breakfast, if you ask me.

Still, I eat it because, in all honesty, it tastes good.  Also, because it keeps me going throughout the day.  I gobble down the bowl of rice, and then finish the kimchi, before pouring some soysauce over my sunny-side up and finishing that as well.  Then I stuff the veggies into my mouth and then told Chunji that I was finished.

"You always eat so well," he says, and I smile at him.

"Yes, I do, because your food tastes good," I reply.

I'm pretty sure that it's needless to say that I was tackled by him a second after, ending up with a sore back (which I somehow managed to hide from my brother.)

a/n: oh. this ended up being changji uhoh (´・ω・`;;;;;) i was trying to put changjoe or chuniel in it but i have to practice piano now so T-T

ehm. I'll try to update more guys. i'll try.

but until then, bye ; A;

ps. now it's snowing like ACTUALLY SNOWING the flakes are bonding together into these huge pieces and it's actually really scary




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Marionetti #1
This sounds so amazing, but I don't dare to read it, because I'll be all sad when it ends in the middle. But I know the feeling of getting an amazing idea, writing some of it and then losing all sight of where the story it going. Or knowing the ending result, but not having any idea of how to get it there. What I'm trying to say is; I feel your pain. I hope you find your inspiration to write this story :) And now I'll go and get acquainted with your other stories! Lots of love and positive brain-vibes to you!
changjoe15 #2
Chapter 3: Aigoo update >< ! I hate L.Joe being jelly of Niel and Chunji ! Go to Changjo's arm pabo shorty ><
Chapter 3: OMG awww yay you updated! I feel bad for Ljoe but I am excited. Update soon as well as it other stories!
Chapter 3: Aw I'm sad about the hiatus :( But at least isn't not abandoned yet, right?

Anyway, L.Joe looks jealous of Chuniel and it's fun :P Niel and Chunji are really good actors! They even fooled Ricky. I wonder if they will fall in love with each other for real or not..
Chapter 2: finally you updated!! XD
and lmao changji are so cutee
Chapter 1: I really like where this story is going! I hope you haven't abandoned it ><
cap's description lmao
cant wait to read the next chapter, i'll wait it;;
kk i will wait... like i am with ur others!
Mllapin10 #9
The description is just excellent ! Perfect !! Love it ! It really makes me want to read the fanfic ! Good job, seriously, it's just so fun ! <3
And the funiest is that... The only part you didn't revealed is just written in capital letters just after "CHUNIEL" XD
Anyway, fighting !!! I can't wait to read this... Thought I'll wait since it's better this way Hahaha