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About Me

About me, huh?

Well, first of all, I shiver with disgust every time I read the word "cavern" in a fic. Mouth, it's a MOUTH, not an underground chamber or a large cave. The chances are that if I see something like "hot cavern" (*gags*) in the text, I will not comment, no matter how good the rest of the story is. I just can't do it. It's like a switch is turned in my brain and I suddenly have nothing nice to say. And because I try my best to always be a... uhm, a not-complete-bish in my comments, you may see the problem here. Sorry, not sorry.

I'm also very stubborn with my opinions and will most likely not change them, no matter what. It can get pretty annoying, so I try to keep silent about it as much as I can, but sometimes I just can't control myself. I will apologize in advance; my intention is most likely not to offend you. Probably. Most of the time... Sorry? The fact that English is not my first language might also effect in this, so please, try to be understanding.

For some reason, I always see my biases bottoming, no exeptions. I can't read fics where they top, my brain goes into lock-up mode and I'll run away screaming. It gets a little awkward when I'd like to ship two of my biases together *sad-face* or when the majority of the fandom sees it otherwise *sob*

I mean, Xing Xing is clearly a bottom, right? Right? But D.O and Baekkie so rarely get to top him TT^TT Ohhh dear... *fades away*