17 MCS

My Crazy Sunbaenim(s)


Sulli’s POVs

During lunch I completely gave up on life. There’s no way I can make Eunhyuk happy considering our situations. It’s a disaster, a catastrophe! But, the weirdoes kept pressuring me. If I managed to turn grumpy Eunhyuk into the happy Eunhyuk again, I can save myself from being their eternal slave. It was an order from Kyuhyun aka their third and last order.

I was holding my tray with my favorite macaroni cheese pizza on it. I scanned the cafeteria to find empty seat. The table that Suzy and Baro were sitting at was full. Then from behind, someone grabbed my tray. I turned and greeted by a four-eyed gentleman.

“Come with me. I save a seat for you.”  

So, I followed Cnu. He brought me to the science club garden. I’ll always end up there.


“Here?” Cnu nodded his head enthusiastically. I rubbed my cheeks with my two hands. “I guess it’s alright to eat here.”

Cnu jumped up and down happily. He quickly sat me down then himself.

“Here, have some strawberry milk.”

Cnu gave me a pink colored bottle. It quickly reminded me of Eunhyuk. He’s a strawberry milk lover maniac. I took a deep breath and gobbled up a slice of pizza. I drank the milk until half and wiped my mouth. I sighed.

“What’s up with the sighing? It’s not good to do that while you are eating. Tell me if there any problem bothering you.” Cnu is always so considerate.

“It’s complicated.” I replied.

“Well I hate seeing you lifeless like this. I want the cheery Sulli I know. Come on tell me your problems, I’m a good listener. Plus you can lessen your burden.”

“Okay, it won’t hurt to tell you half of the story. Guess what, my best friend and the person that I had a crush on for a long time was arranged by their families to get marry. Few days ago, I was rejected. It’s turned out they like each other. Cnu, I’m a loner!” I whined.

“Wow, that’s some complicated story you’ve got there and it’s only half of the story. Want some egg rolls? Egg rolls taste the best when you’re heart broken.”

“Says who?”

“Nayo!” Cnu made a V-shaped with his hand and place his face on the center. He’s trying to act cute to cheer me up. “Well, I have to say that person is a loser. How could he reject a girl like you? If I’m not engaged to Suzy I’ve would have been your boyfriend by now.”

“Liar! Big fat liar. Cnu is the boy who cried wolf.”

“I mean it!”

“I don’t believe you. Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!” I was fooling around with Cnu.

“Stop it! Okay, I’ll prove it.” A pair of lips slightly touched my forehead. Cnu kissed my forehead. I couldn’t stop blinking my eyes in disbelief. He smiled as if he had kissed me in the forehead countless of times. I wondered if he ever did it to Suzy.

“If you ever want me to be your boyfriend, tell me. I mean it.” I looked at him with my tilted head. “I have to go, now. See you later!”

I continued eating my last slice of pizza. Cnu was getting weird. Did he catch something bad from Suzy? I shouldn’t let him hang out too much with Suzy.


After school…

Kyuhyun and Yesung were decorating the student council room. Sulli was there too, blowing balloons until she run out of breath. Sulli didn’t know what the two boys were up to, but Eunhyuk wasn’t there. He’s probably still sulking. Then, Donghae came.

“Need any help?”

“Hae, you came. Why don’t you help Sulli with the balloons?” Yesung pointed at Sulli. “We need more balloons.” Sulli looked at Yesung in disbelief. There were more than enough balloons and he said he wants more.

“Shall I help you Sulli? But why are you suddenly with these guys?” Donghae asked feeling curious.

“She got busted, trying to sneak out of school.” A short and straightforward from the typical Mr President. Sulli shot him her infamous death glares but, Kyuhyun wasn’t affected. “Since Donghae is here, I’ll leave everything to you guys. I have a stupid report to be done!”

The three nodded their head in sync. They eyed Kyuhyun as he walked out of the room. After Kyuhyun was completely out of sight, Sulli got up and stretched herself.

“Why are we doing these anyway?” Sulli asked.

“It’s for our secretary, Seohyun. She’s going abroad. Kyu wants to do a farewell party. You know how much he loves to party.”

“So her application got accepted?” Yesung nodded at Donghae’s question. Donghae was suddenly in deep thinking mode. Sulli noticed that when she secretly glanced at him.

Sulli cleared gaining attention from the two seniors. “So she’s the secretary. I didn’t know, to think again I never bumped into her here.”

“That’s because you only started coming here today. She’s probably busy with her preparations.” Yesung finally said something that’s understandable.

“I see. But aren’t Kyuhyun the genius one in the school? He’s not going? I think if he’s the one going, the whole school would throw a big party for him.”

“I really want that spoiled brat to go too, but he declined the offer and that’s how Seohyun got it.” Yesung replied in despair.

Donghae was quiet through the conversation. Sulli took glances at Donghae again. “So who want some drinks? It’s on me today.” Sulli asked.

“I want!” Yesung shouted, raising his hand.

“Donghae do you want a drink? Tell me what do you want?” Sulli asked Donghae ignoring Yesung.

“I want banana milk!” Yesung answered instead.

“Okay I got that Yesung.” Yesung grinned. “Donghae?” Sulli asked again not giving up.

“Strawberry… I want strawberry milk.” Donghae mumbled.

“Why are you always having what Eunhyuk likes?” Yesung questioned Donghae. “You better take him out of our room soon. And Miss Hermione Granger, you better do what Kyuhyun ordered.” Sulli looked at Yesung pouting.

Sulli went to the school store with lazy steps. She only suggested buying drinks because she needed to get out of the student council. Coincidentally, she met Eunhyuk there buying some stuffs for the farewell party. But, he quickly left when he saw Sulli was there. Sulli quickly grabbed some drinks and paid for it.

“Here…your strawberry milk.” Sulli placed the strawberry milk in Eunhyuk’s hand. “I was in a hurry and grabbed an extra milk. You can have it; it’s your favorite anyway.”

Eunhyuk didn’t say a word. “Aren’t you going to say anything? A thank you, at least.”

Eunhyuk grasped Sulli’s hand and handed the milk. He then dashed off. Sulli was relieved that Eunhyuk didn’t yelled at her. Maybe there’s hope.




Thanks for reading this fic till this chap...

It's not the final chap though XD



cute-rabbit-emoticon-013.gif to be continued...

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Chapter 1: Hahahaa, I love it :)
airapaulene #2
Chapter 24: great story author-nim i really, really love your story <3
airapaulene #3
Chapter 18: i love your story
Passion_fruit #4
Hi, I just wanted to ask who made ur poster, I am looking for onw for my stoey!
shinjeah #5
Chapter 23: unnie so sweet of you to put my name in this chapter
shinjeah #6
Chapter 21: really?! but he look so innocent and nice oz he's always smilin'
shinjeah #7
Chapter 18: well i was about to give you ideas but you've finished the story
shinjeah #8
Chapter 18: unnie i'm just asking but how can you know me before we're even fwends? coz you finished this story a long time ago right?well not like a really long time
shinjeah #9
Chapter 17: you are very welcome unnie ^^ wish your dongsaeng good luck the exam is in 2 days!!and..i'm stil online..but i'm studying though
shinjeah #10