12 MCS

My Crazy Sunbaenim(s)

Eunhyuk and Sulli were sitting next to each other on the back of the bus. It was Friday; they were heading back home for the weekends. Eunhyuk insisted that they took the bus together because he had to tell Sulli his plan for the double date.

“Spill it, quickly. I feel irritated sitting next to you.”

“Thank you for your honesty, agasshi. I thought I was the only one.” Eunhyuk poked her shoulder. Sulli brushed the invisible dust on her shoulder. “We’ll meet at the amusement park at 10. Make sure you bring Jieun.”

“Arasoe. I’ll bring her.”

“Great. I never thought you are an obedient slave. But I have another thing for you to do.”

“What else?”

“Help me get some time alone with Jieun during the date.”

“Can’t you do it yourself?” Sulli asked irritated.

“If I can get rid of Donghae easily by myself, I won’t asked you. He’s clingy. I mean it, like super glue. It’s an order, you have to do it.”

“So you are giving the second order, does Kyuhyun and Yesung knows?”

“Just obey your master. I’ll handle them on my own. I’ll give you a bonus; this Sunday you can play with Choco.”

“Okay you have a deal. You are so easy.” Sulli chuckled.

“What do you mean?” Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow.

“Want to hear an idiom? ‘Knocking a monkey head twice with one stone,’ get it?”

“Hey!” Sulli burst out laughing when she saw Eunhyuk reaction.

Eunhyuk and Sulli got off at the next stop. Unfortunately, it started to rain heavily. Sulli got worried because she didn’t bring an umbrella with her. She took out her phone and called her mom. But at the most important moment her mom didn’t pick up.

Eunhyuk who wasn’t aware of it took out a folded umbrella from his backpack. He opened it and walked away. But, Sulli called out for him and he turned. She quickly got under his umbrella.

“Yahh! Get your own umbrella and what was that? Eunhyuk? Did you call me by my name?”

“At least I’m not calling you ‘jerk’ anymore. Beside I don’t want to waste my allowance buying another umbrella.”

Eunhyuk moved away from Sulli but she quickly grabbed his arm. Eunhyuk was startled.

“What are you trying to do to me?”

“Stop being a jerk and start being a gentleman. Let’s just walk together for now.” Sulli dragged Eunhyuk along with her. Eunhyuk had no choice but to share his umbrella.

As they walked together Eunhyuk had a hard time walking along with Sulli. Sometimes she walked too slowly that he would walked two or three steps faster. So, Sulli got a little bit wet. When Eunhyuk moved closer she would move a few centimeters away. Eunhyuk then wrapped his arm around Sulli’s shoulder so that she wouldn’t get more wet. Sulli tried to refuse but Eunhyuk got a firm hold on her.

The two of them had a peaceful moment sharing an umbrella together on a rainy evening. It’s the first time that Eunhyuk and Sulli didn’t scratch each other faces, considering the tiny distance between them. Then Sulli realized a couple walking in front of them. The boy wrapped his hand around the girl shoulder. The girl realized what her boyfriend was doing; she gave him a sweet smile. Then, the boy looked at his girlfriend lovingly. They smile at each other.

At that moment something popped into her mind. Sulli turned her head to take a look at Eunhyuk, but his pair of eyes was already on her. He probably saw the couple in front of them too. Both of them jumped in surprise of their closeness. Eunhyuk almost drop the umbrella but, Sulli caught it.

“I’m wet.” Eunhyuk complained. Sulli grabbed his hand and handed the umbrella to him.

“My house is that way, your house is the other way right? You can have the umbrella. It’s yours anyway.” Sulli said as she covered her head with her two hands. Before Eunhyuk could say another word, she was out of sight.


Sulli arrived at her house drenched. She opened the door to be greeted with two travelling bags.

“Mom! Why didn’t you answer your phone? I’m wet!”

“Sulli-ah your home. I was busy packing San-e’s clothes. Your boyfriend though did message me a few minutes ago; saying I should bring you an umbrella.”

“Thanks mom, are you even worried about me? He’s not my boyfriend anyway. Mom, where are you going?” Sulli said as she dried her hair with a towel. Her mom was in San-e room, packing his clothes.

“Where are ‘we’ going, dear?” Sulli straighten herself. “Jeju-do, your cousin’s wedding is on Sunday. We’ll go on a four day trip. I can call your school if you feel bad about skipping classes.”

“Mom, does that would make any difference over the fact that I’ll be missing school for two days. Mom I can’t. I already had things planned for this weekend.”

“Are you sure? I thought teenagers love skipping school.”


“Nuna…! We are going to Jeju-do! We’ll go swimming and collect seashells. We can also enjoy the pink cherry blossoms!”

“San-e, nuna not going. I thought of bringing Choco over on this Sunday.”

“Really? Then, nuna can you tell Choco to come over some other day?” Sulli giggled at her little brother question.

“Arasoe. I’ll tell Choco.”

“Yeah, bring ‘Choco’ next time. Mom wants to meet him too.”

“Mom, Choco is she.” San-e corrected her.


Sulli and Jieun arrived early at the amusement park. Jieun was excited about it and asked to go earlier. Jieun was already having some fun by herself. She was taking pictures with Mickey Mouse. Sulli was sitting on a bench minding her own business watching a twin sitting next to her bickering with each other.

After feeling satisfied with her pictures, Jieun dragged Sulli with her to the nearby washroom.

“Sul, can you lend me your lips gloss?”

“What?! Lips what?” Sulli looked at Jieun with her widened eyes.

“Your lips gloss.” Jieun grabbed the lips gloss Sulli was holding. “Since when are you a scrooge?”

“Stop calling me a scrooge. Why does it feels so hot in hear?”

“Yeah, your cheeks are as red as tomatoes. Sul, Donghae coming too right?” Sulli nodded her head. “About him and our deal, you still remember right?”

Sulli nodded her head again. “I think I really like Donghae.”

Sulli was in a pause for a few seconds. Jieun just confessed that she actually really like Donghae.

“Really like…him?” Sulli managed to utter a few words.

This time, Jieun nodded her head.




cute-rabbit-emoticon-013.gif to be continued...

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Chapter 1: Hahahaa, I love it :)
airapaulene #2
Chapter 24: great story author-nim i really, really love your story <3
airapaulene #3
Chapter 18: i love your story
Passion_fruit #4
Hi, I just wanted to ask who made ur poster, I am looking for onw for my stoey!
shinjeah #5
Chapter 23: unnie so sweet of you to put my name in this chapter
shinjeah #6
Chapter 21: really?! but he look so innocent and nice oz he's always smilin'
shinjeah #7
Chapter 18: well i was about to give you ideas but you've finished the story
shinjeah #8
Chapter 18: unnie i'm just asking but how can you know me before we're even fwends? coz you finished this story a long time ago right?well not like a really long time
shinjeah #9
Chapter 17: you are very welcome unnie ^^ wish your dongsaeng good luck the exam is in 2 days!!and..i'm stil online..but i'm studying though
shinjeah #10