
Let’s Learn the ABC

Aftertaste n

-          the taste that remains after eating or drinking.


Examination Week is coming and everytime Woohyun wakes up, night or day,  he can smell the aroma of coffee lingering in the air and it annoys him. Because Nam Woohyun hates coffee. Totally hates it.

But, his roommate, favorite hyung and a senior, is the total opposite. Well, Sunggyu doesn’t really like coffee that much too but these days, it’s his only way of not dozing off while studying. Duh, he wants to pass the exams obviously but Woohyun knows the elder will pass it with flying colors. Heck, he should even be the one reviewing non-stop, he’s not a genius like his Sunggyu hyung.

The smell of the coffee is still there and it sickens him so he got up and walked of the room. Outside, the smell of coffee is much more stronger that the dark-haired guy just wants to puke.


“Hyung! You’re drinking that… bitter thing again?” Woohyun said while entering the kitchen.

“Woohyun, don’t fuss again. And it’s called coffee.” A guy with glasses rolled his eyes at the other while still burying his head on his textbooks.

“I know hyung. And coffee tastes bitter, it smells awful to the maximum level and it’s not healthy.” The dark-haired man said.

“First, not all coffee tastes bitter. Second, coffee smells wonderful! Third, where did you even get that information, stupid?” Sunggyu retorted and again, rolled his eyes while sipping on his coffee. Woohyun cringed.

“Tss… Smart-. Anyways, let’s go out of this cave hyung! You’re too much dedicated in your study. Let’s have some fun just today!”

“No. Can’t you see I’m busy Hyun? Exams are coming and…”

“And I still need to maintain my grades and rank and blah blah blah. You’re always telling me that. A one-day rest is not gonna’ affect you hyung. Come on.”

“Woohyun, you’re pissing me off. And yes, it can affect me. What if I still needed a day to read a chapter? And that day is wasted because I went out with you?” Still, Sunggyu said without looking at him. Woohyun sighed.

“Well, can you even look at me while talking? I feel stupid.” Woohyun pouted.

“Well you are so get out and let me study.” Just by that words, Woohyun felt a little hurt.

“You’re already a genius so why study?” It looks like Woohyun won’t back down yet.

“Woohyun, I am not. I just study well so I get high grades. Why don’t you try it?” Sunggyu mocked the younger.

“Hyung, you didn’t study in that last surprise tests given by one of the dangerous professor but you still passed… and you even got a perfect score.” Woohyun was now the one who rolled his eyes.

“Are you a stalker?” Sunggyu now looked at Woohyun and squinted his adorable eyes.

“Even heard of the name Dongwoo hyung and his big mouth?”

“Oh. It’s just one time Woohyun. I just remembered and knew…”

“What about that time when the teacher called you in the front to solved a problem you didn’t even knew was your lesson already. You slept the whole day before that session by the way. Then that Quiz Bee where all the courses joined? One person left and the professor informed you at the last minute? You won that for your information. Then…”

“Okay okay.” The caramel-colored haired boy again sipped on his coffee.

“And hyung, would you stop drinking coffee. It’s disgusting.”

“I don’t even know what’s your problem with coffee but just get out and don’t bother me.” Sunggyu again burried his head on the books.

“Hyung hyung hyung~” Woohyun called Sunggyu non-stop and it’s already annoying the caramel-haired boy.

“Hyung~ Hyung! Hy-“

“Will you shut up?” Sunggyu suddenly stood up and glared at the younger that shocked him.

“You’re not helping me. I want to pass these exams and I do not want you or anyone to mess with me. There’s a lot of time after the exams Nam Woohyun so stop bugging me.” The older said one last time and walked off the kitchen. The last thing Woohyun heard is the door to Sunggyu’s bedroom being slammed.


Sunggyu wasn’t bothered by Woohyun the whole week and instead of feeling okay, it’s like something is not right. He decided to shake away those thoughts and continued reviewing but the thought of Woohyun is still not leaving his mind.


“Argh. Woohyun already stopped in reality but in my mind, he’s still annoying me.” Sunggyu ruffled his hair.


He got out of the room and headed to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. He’s been avoiding the kitchen for the past few days so that he can avoid Woohyun’s childishness. Then he heard the door bell ringing and someone opening the door.


“Hey Woohyun!” A boy shouted.

“You look like… bro.” Another guy with deep voice said.

“Hi Sungyeol. And thank you Myungsoo.” Oh. It’s Myungsoo and Sungyeol. A junior like Woohyun and are his close friends.


“Is that coffee?!” Sungyeol ran towards the kitchen.

“Oh. Hi Gyu hyung!” The kid really likes to shout.

“Hello Sungyeol. Do you want coffee?” Sunggyu asked the younger.

“Yes hyung! I would really love to~”  Sungyeol skipped towards him.

“Hi hyung.” Myungsoo passed the kitchen and waved at him.


Sunggyu thought Woohyun was going to greet him but the latter just looked away and entered his room. It broke the older's heart a little.


“Hyung? Is something wrong with you and Woohyun?”

“He’s just irritating and a moody greaseball. Tch.”

“He called us here saying his life is already miserable. His favorite hyung, which Myungsoo and I know is you, already hates him. He’s really weird. You? Hating him? Impossible! And he wanted a group review too.” Sunggyu was really shocked that Woohyun was affected by his words.

“I do not hate him. It’s just that the stressing reviews is getting on my nerves already and maybe, I got it out on him and I kind of shouted on him. Aish, his fault for being too annoying.” Sunggyu squinted his eyes because of annoyance.

“I understand hyung. Being a senior is really hard. OH! Coffee’s done! Coffee’s done!” The coffee maniac Sungyeol chanted.

“Yes, yes Sungyeol. The coffee’s done. Well stay and finish it here in the kitchen, Woohyun hates the scent of coffee.” The caramel-haired boy laughed while Sungyeol just raised his eyebrows in confusion.


“You know you’re being childish right?” The guy with an expressionless face said.

“Myungsoo! I’m your friend. You could at least comfort me.” Woohyun pouted.

“Ew. Don’t pout and I’m just stating the truth.” The guy called Myungsoo said.

“Coffee! Coffee~” Sungyeol skipped happily into the room.

“He’s more childish Myung.”

"At least it suits him." Woohyun looked at Myungsoo incredulously.

“Wait. Why are you not complaining?” Sungyeol looked at him skeptically.

“Why should he Yeol?” Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol, confused.

“Well, Sunggyu hyung told me that before you both avoided each other, you kept on hating on my lovely coffee! You dork. How could you talk about coffee like that? It’s delicious.” Sungyeol hugged the cup of coffee he was holding.

“You hate coffee? Well, Nam Woohyun, as far as I know, you do not hate coffee. I know you do not love it like Sungyeol do but you certainly do not hate it.” Myungsoo knows his friend all too well.

“It’s just that… coffee is always with hyung! He should be with me but because of his studies, he already forgot about me and he kept on drinking coffee.” Sungyeol and Myungsoo both laughed hard because of Woohyun’s confession.

“Seriously Nam Woohyun. You are too childish! You want to dominate and take control of, if ever there will be, your intimate relationship with Sunggyu hyung but with that attitude of yours, well I don’t know!” Myungsoo, who is shockingly laughing so hard, said.

“What now? Laughing at your best friend?” Woohyun glared at the two.

“Well Myungsoo, maybe what Woohyun wants is his tongue to be inside hyung’s mouth, not the coffee.” Sungyeol wiggled his eyebrows.

“Y-Yah! Lee Sungyeol. Shut it. I seriously do not.” The dark-haired boy blushed slightly.

“But really, you shouldn’t avoid hyung. Even if you don’t see it, he’s hurt too. Just a simple ‘fighting’ for his exams would help him a lot you know.”

“Let’s just review.” Woohyun muttered.


Examination Day finally came and you can easily see the fatigue in Sunggyu’s eyes. Sunggyu came out of the room not expecting Woohyun to be in the dining room.


“Hyung! You’re finally awake.” Woohyun, who is wearing an apron and setting the table, cheerfully said.

“Oh. Hey. Good Morning?” The older of the two was confused.

“Good Morning! Here hyung, I made your favorite breakfast and coffee.” The younger greasily smiled at his hyung and sat down across from him.

“Uh. Wh- Seriously, you’re confusing me Hyun.” Sunggyu, again, squinted his eyes. Now because of confusion.

“I just want to say sorry hyung and fighting for your exams. I know that this is important for you so… there.” Woohyun scratch his not-so-itchy hair.

“Aww. Woohyun’s so sweet and I want to say sorry too. For shouting at you and avoiding you... Whatever. Come and join me, then I’ll decide if I’ll forgive you or not.” Sunggyu stucked his tongue out.

“Fine hyung.” Woohyun pouted, bowing a little to conceal the faint blush on his face.

“Hmm, you’re a really great cook Woohyun! Your future wife will be really lucky to have you~” Sunggyu continued munching on his foods happily.

“Well then, you’ll be lucky hyung.” Woohyun whispered.

“Whaart? Iree diduun’t catcheuu whatchuu sheed Wooorhyuwn.” The caramel-haired guy talked with his mouth full.

“Nothing hyung and eww, swallow your food properly.” Woohyun grinned.

“Thishh ish jush delishuus!” Woohyun can only laugh and shake his head at that.


“Thanks for the breakfast Woohyun~!” Sunggyu looked at Woohyun.

“No problem hyung.”

“Wait. You made my coffee right?” The older one looked at the other.


“And you hate coffee.”

“No I don’t.” Realization dawned on Woohyun. Why did he denied it?

“Then what’s with the dramas when I was reviewing?” Sunggyu again, squinted his eyes adorably.

“That was nothing hyung~” Woohyun used his aegyos so that the older can just forget the topic.

“Seriously? You were really annoying.”

“I know.”

“Oh you have dirt on your face.” Sunggyu walked closely towards Woohyun and removed whatever what was on his face.

“Rice!” Sunggyu grinned and showed Woohyun his hands.

“You’re really a kid.” Woohyun realized how close his face was to Sunggyu and it seems like Sunggyu noticed it too so he decided to walked off but Woohyun used the chance and gripped the caramel-haired boy’s wrist.

“Hyun, it hurts.” Woohyun’s hands were gripping his wrist tightly.


Woohyun decided to push Sunggyu on the nearest kitchen wall and trap him. Sunggyu winced because of the collision. He tried to escape but Woohyun is way stronger than him. He just can glare at the younger. But he started to get nervous when Woohyun’s face got dangerously close to his.


“Wha-What are you doing Nam?!” Sunggyu failed on making his voice more commanding.

“Hyung, you’re more beautiful up close.” And now Sunggyu was the one who blush because of the compliment.

“No I am not. Let me go, you’re getting annoying again.”

“I want to kiss you hyung.” Sunggyu’s eyes, if possible, got really wide because of shock.

“Stop playing Woohyun! It’s not funny.”

“I’m not joking hyung. Your lips look… inviting.” The dark-haired boy his lips. Sunggyu decided to think of whatever, any thing that can get him out of this occurrence when…

“I just drank coffee! It tastes bitter so no kissing!” Sunggyu mentally face-palmed himself.

“Hyung, if you remembered, I just confessed to you a while ago that I do not hate coffee.” And with that, Woohyun kissed Sunggyu.


Sunggyu really tried to push Woohyun away but the latter wont just budge so he just gave in and kiss the other with passion. Woohyun smiled when he felt the other responding and he bit the other’s lip, asking for entrance. Sunggyu moans, opened his mouth and allowed Woohyun to enter his tongue. The younger explored the senior’s cavern. , , biting his lips. Sunggyu’s moans are melodies for Woohyun’s ears. This is getting addicting, not only for Woohyun but for the both of them.

The aftertaste of the coffee he made for Sunggyu lingers on the older’s mouth and he’s enjoying this. The older started to gripped on his shirt, signalling him to stop. They both parted, inhaled and exhaled loudly, obviously in need of air.


“Hyung.” Woohyun called for the older who’s looking down.

“Hm?” Woohyun held the other’s chin and lift his head up.

“Coffee’s now my favorite drink hyung…”

“Especially when I taste the aftertaste from your mouth.” He smirked and the older blushed hard.

“Stop it you grease. We’ll already be late, come on.” Sunggyu tried to push the younger again.

“Aww wait hyung, admit it first, you love me and my greasiness right?” Sunggyu smiled.

“Yes Woohyunnie, yes.” Woohyun hugged the caramel haired boy because of happiness.

“I have a favorite kind of Coffee now. Sunggyu Coffee. Especially when I taste, and it from your mouth.” The grease is overflowing.


“Does it taste good hyung? Can I have a taste?” A voice from the entrance of the kitchen said.

“I knew this would happen, sooner or later.” Another one said.

“Yah Sungyeol! What did you just said?” Woohyun’s eyes darkened.

“Sunggyu hyung! Let me taste it! Let meee~” Sungyeol’s eyes twinkled because of discovering a new kind of coffee.


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Hope your happy with the latest. I'm so sorry for the late update :((


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Chapter 4: Hahah so cute XD and dongwoo is so annoying at thr end XD
Chapter 4: Awww this is so hot
exoticshawol125 #3
oh my gosh this was a great story!
Chapter 4: hey i just found this ^^
all the stories are great, me likey...

the abc's not enough for woogyu love tho xD we need morreee
Chapter 3: I love this. You should update more!! ^^
Woogyu jjang!
Chapter 3: OMG,, i really love your oneshots. please update soon ^^
ananano #7
I just read 3 chapters in one night and I feel so good!!! these stories are good.... woogyu is just so cute!!!
straybangfinite877 #8
Chapter 2: I love this please update soon!!