Of Lust, Lies, and Love





Jongin thought of the best when he smelled Kyungsoo from the outside of the door. His hopes high, that he’ll be able to see his hyung again. He smiled his biggest with the thought of it.


But everything seemed to crash as the sight he never imagined Kyungsoo is, infuriated him.


As the clear white color of fluorescent cover the room, he then is able to see everything.


The room looked like a storage room—filled with dusty boxes and dirty things, food was scattered across the cement floor, blood spots are everywhere, and a boy—chained on both feet and arms- lying, clad only with a torn shirt that clearly showcases a long cut with dried blood, and a pair of pants that looked so damaged, you could already see his bruised thighs.


And Jongin couldn’t think of anything anymore.


He rushed to Kyungsoo and put a finger or two on his neck and wrist. He could feel a very weak heartbeat from it and whimpered as he studied Kyungsoo’s condition at a closer look.


Kyungsoo’s whiteness was so pale and his whole face—every skin Jongin could see on Kyungsoo were filled with bruises, cuts, and other evidence of abuse. He even got thinner.


Jongin felt Kyungsoo move and he immediately touched Kyungsoo’s face with extreme care.


“Kk—kkam—Jo—Jong.” Kyungsoo even smiled a little though you couldn’t even see his big adorable eyes because of the black and purple circles that surround them. Jongin cried harder as he heard his hyung call him his nickname.


“W—what—who did this to you, Kyungsoo hyung?” He asked in between sobs. But Kyungsoo haven’t even answered yet when the door opened.



“Hey, Kyungsoo, looks like we could resume our play ti—Oh! You’re still here?! Ah! What now, playing the knight-in-shining-arm—UGH!”


Jongin’s blood boiled enough with only the voice of the culprit of Kyungsoo’s unthinkable condition. And he lost his temper with the sight of that man plus his voice, informing or rather making Kyungsoo immediately be clouded with extreme fear.


He punched Mr. Do square on the face even before he could finish what he’s saying. Mr. Do lay on the floor with blood oozing from his nose.




“What are you saying, huh? Kid? Oh! It looks like someone wanted to be a part of our play time Kyungsoo. Don’t worry, I’ll let him have the introduction.”


Mr. Do consecutively punched Jongin on his face, stomach and arms. He fell on the floor and could already feel the numbing pain from the repetitive succession of punches, kicks, and smacks coming from Mr. Do.


He’s sight’s already getting clouded with the mixture of sweat and tears but he still tried to get up.


“S—Stop Ap—Appa!” Kyungsoo cried with the energy left at him. He shouted hard enough for both Jongin and Mr. Do to hear it.


Mr. Do then turned his full attention to his son and is making his way to him. Jongin, on the other hand could already see the terrible shaking of Kyungsoo’s hands and trembling lips as he tried to block his arms in front of him but to no avail because they were tied on posts.


As soon as Jongin got his balance back, he launched on Mr. Do but the latter easily threw him away and his head was smashed into a piece of metal. Jongin could feel the blood coming from his head and is really feeling dizzy now.


“C’mon Kyungsoo, watch me as I end the game for your pitiful friend!”


Jongin got a glimpse of Mr. Do holding a metal bar at mid-air and was directed to hit him, and the voice of Kyungsoo—the shrill voice of Kyungsoo trying all his might to shout ‘No’ to his father.


Then everything went black.




When Jongin’s consciousness returned to him, he felt himself moving.


He looked around him and he was carried.


Jongin’s carried.


He was carried by Kris. Then Jongin opened his eyes fully. Shocked.


“K—Kris?! What—How—Where—Ow! Kyungsoo! Where’s Kyungsoo?!”


Jongin panicked when he remembered that he was with Kyungsoo the last time he checked. But he could only see no one but Kris with him now, carrying him on what looks like a garden.


“Don’t move Jongin! You’re heavy! And will you please calm down?!” Kris scolded him, but Jongin couldn’t be so obedient with the thought of Kyungsoo.


“Are you out of your mind Kris?! How could I possibly calm down even a bit if I don’t know where Kyungsoo is?!” Jongin shouted to Kris.


The tall guy then sighed in frustration of a stubborn Jongin.


“Fine. He’s with Tao, they’re with the others now, I think.”


Jongin then felt relief immediately cover him. But then, he remembered something.


“Kris, where are you taking m—“






They both looked back and saw Mr. Do limping behind them with a gun on his hand.


“Kris. RUN!”


Just then, Kris ran faster as they tried to dodge the bullets coming from Mr. Do’s gun.



By the time they reached the back of the mansion, everyone’s there already. They’re watching intently as Lay, Suho, and Tao make an improvised stretcher for Kyungsoo, from the tied up school uniforms, and scarfs they have.


Just then, another shoot was heard not far from them.


“What was that?!” Baekhyun shrieked and hid behind Chanyeol, who protectively wrapped his arms around Baekhyun.


“Guys! We have to get out of here. Mr. Do has a gun with him and—“


“—is ready to kill you all. Is that what you’re trying to say, young man?”


They all looked behind Kris to see a smirking Mr. Do. A gun pointing to anyone of them.


“Who wants to go first huh?” He smirked malevolently as he the tip of his gun.


“S—sir, please calm down.” Jongdae tried to talk to Mr. Do.


“Ah! A volunteer, what’s you name kid?” Mr. Do playfully aimed the gun to Jongdae.


“Kim J—Jongdae, s—sir.”


“Jongdae. I see, quite a nice name. But since you’re a volunteer, I’ll put you to the last. Now, who wants to try my baby?”


He’s now all smiling wide and caressing his gun just like a crazy man.


“Aww. So sad, no one wants to try you baby. But hey, what do you think if I just shoot on that dying bastard?! Ah, it sounds excellent right?!”


He mumbled but was heard by all of them, and they all looked worriedly at Kyungsoo who’s shaking now albeit his weakness.


Jongin then scooted closer to Kyungsoo and clasped his hands into his.




Jongin hushed Kyungsoo by putting a finger on his lips.


“I won’t let him hurt you anymore.” Jongin smiled gently at Kyungsoo, but the older couldn’t remove the worry he is feeling for the boy trying to protect him against his crazy father.


“They’re here.” Kyungsoo heard Suho whisper, but didn’t understand what it meant.


“Oh! The knight-in-shining-armor on rescue again. Okay, then I think, I have to put you down, first.”


Mr. Do aimed the gun at Jongin. No one dared to move and only watched the scene unfold in front of them; they’re afraid as well that if they did anything, they will just agitate Mr. Do more and shoot everyone of them nonetheless.


Kyungsoo’s heartbeat rose as he felt dizzier and dizzier, but felt Jongin’s grip on him tighten. He heard Jongin say with a faint smile on his face, “I’ll always protect you. I promise, Do Kyungsoo… hyung.”














“MR. DO, DON’T!”







Kyungsoo’s eyes closed shut as Jongin fell on the ground, head resting on Kyungsoo’s stomach, their hands now barely touching.


And a promise accomplished before everything turned pitch black.


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Chapter 16: I'm crying.. ~~ oh my >_<
Hi, this was really well written, though truthfully, the ending was disappointing. I really did like this story and I believe you did a good job with it ^^