Of Lust, Lies, and Love





It took two weeks for Jongin to at least let his depression due to guilt subside, a little. He still partly blames himself for Kyungsoo’s sudden departure though it is written on the letter that he’s not the culprit of it.


It also took him two long weeks to do his daily tasks right. Those daily tasks, more like routine, includes waking up one and a half hour before school, go to school, sleep on class, sleep on his secret place at lunch time, sleep again on class, go home. Though, after the part where he’s gone home, he’ll still see if his hyung’s back; and unfortunately for Jongin, he isn’t.


Not only Jongin, but of course, his mom also needed time to let the reality sink on her. It took a little less of time though.


She’s still missing her squishy, cutie, named Kyungie. But not so often now with the help of Jongin’s friend she named individually.


So this is how it goes, Luhan is Manilyn Monroe; Sehun is Thehun; Baekhyun is Bacon; Chanyeol  is Smiley; Kris is Handsome; Tao is Panda; Suho is Prince Charming; Lay is Dimples; Minseok is Bun; and Chen is Lover (He stated, not so long ago that he’s interested more on his noonas).


In that way, she’s able to cope up with the sadness caused by Kyungsoo and she’s living normally now with of course, her son’s knowledge of her profession as a Real Estate Agent. By which it is needed to do some advancements on the dealing process for a faster agreement, and Jongin accepted that nonchalantly.



Now is the twentieth day of Kyungsoo’s leave and Jongin’s just getting ready for school.


“Mom, what will you cook later?” He asked with his mouth filled with bacon, hotdog, and egg.


“I don’t really know… but would you like… ahm, how about sweet and spicy pork with kimchi?” She asked cheerfully but regretted it quickly as she saw the sudden change on Jongin’s demeanor.


It’s the kimchi that reminded Jongin of Kyungsoo.


“I—I’m sorry Jongin. I don’t mean to—“ She tried to explain but words failed to escape .


“No mom. It’s okay. I don’t blame you for that. Of course, we’re Koreans. Kimchi’s an inevitable food for us. It’s just that, I remember him, again.” He said, stating the last sounding like a whisper.


His mom’s been aware of the two weeks of agony on Jongin’s part. And she’s partly blaming Kyungsoo for that.


She reached Jongin’s hand and squeezed it. He looked up to see his mother smiling gently at him.


“Stop Jongin, please. It’s not your fault he has to leave. Don’t you understand? He’s in good hands now. He told you, that it’s almost like heaven there. So please Jongin, just let it slip.” She said, hatred for Kyungsoo glistened on her eyes though she didn’t say anything bad at him. But Jongin’s too experienced to see that.


“I’ll go now Mom. See you later.” He stood up and kissed his mother’s forehead. He then left the house clad in school uniform.


He sighed as he walked down the street. He can finally breathe.


He always feels forced to forget Kyungsoo when he’s at home. From the distinct smell of Kyungsoo that still lingers on his senses, to the bedroom they once shared, to the bed that once nursed Kyungsoo, to the letter, to his mom, to his whole. For him, that kind of lifestyle’s too suffocating.


And he could only find one place where there’s peace—the park.


At lunch time, he often sneaks out of school through the old building’s broken windows to go at the park. There, he can think about anything without anyone bothering him; well, no one bothers him.


He will either kill time there while sitting or lying at the same bench while replaying over and over again the soothing voice he once heard. The voice that left just when he’s about to get used to it—just like Kyungsoo.


And he’s so frustratingly agitated with his stubbornness not to not forget Kyungsoo.


Just like now, he’s once again thinking if Kyungsoo’s okay on that place he wrote. But Jongin’s too busy thinking that he bumped into something—rather, someone.


“What the hell?!” The drunk man shouted as he almost lost his balance bumping into Jongin. But who gets drunk early this morning? Jongin asked himself.


“I’m sorry sir. I didn’t mean to bump on you. I was just preoccupied that I didn’t noticed you’re comi—“


“Shut up boy! Wait up, you stand straight will you?!” Jongin abruptly stood straight from his previous bowing position; a perfect 90-degree bow he learned from Kyungsoo.


The man eyed him for a couple of seconds, intently looking or inspecting his uniform; he even smelled it and Jongin cringed in disgust as he accidentally inhaled the strong odor of alcohol present on the man.


Once contented, the man smirked.


“That cloth of you looked like that one the worthless, son of a has. Haha, but he’s no longer wearing it. Not like he could even lift his arms! Hahaha” And soon, the drunk man continued to walk opposite of Jongin laughing loudly as he mumble more of that ‘worthless son of a ’.


Suddenly, Jongin felt his heart jump a bit after the drunk man the second corner, ten blocks away from their home, gone from his sight.


He clutched his chest as he wanted to feel it again but there went nothing after. He then shrugged it off as he dusted off his uniform and continue to walk to school.


He looked back on the route the drunk man took and unconsciously, the statement of the man reappeared.


“That cloth of you looked like that one the worthless, son of a has. Haha, but he’s no longer wearing it. Not like he could even lift his arms! Hahaha”


And looking more like a reflex, Kyungsoo passed his mind instantly.


“You’re being paranoid Jongin.” He said as he furiously shook his head trying to remove that feeling from him which he unsuccessfully did. He just can’t ignore it, but might as well let it slip away once he’s in school.




Jongin’s welcomed by the same faces that he used to see once he stepped inside the school. The ten of them to be exact.


It’s a beautiful sight to him to see his friends happily chatting with each other. It’s an envying sight to see them cling on their respective partners leaving him all alone by himself. Well, he used to have one, until that someone was caught doing the deed, by him.


He just exhaled loudly before walking faster than them, leaving them to trail after him but to no avail; they’re too busy to even notice he left.


Jongin slowed his pace once he’s not too far nor too near to them. Sehun caught him.


“Jongin, you walk fast, you know that.” He joked but immediately threw the joke away as he saw Jongin’s serious expression.


“You’re just slow, plus you even got slower because you’re too busy flirting with your boyfriends this early.” Jongin stated with a bit of envy evident on his voice but still not looking on Sehun.


The latter smiled triumphantly on the ones behind him.


“I won! Hey! Jongdae, I so ing won!” Jongin turned around to see why Sehun’s all screaming that he won. Won on what?


“Jongin’s envious with us. SO.I.WON.” He smirked as he put an arm around Chen’s shoulder while the latter sighed in defeat before handing him money.


“What actually are you talking about me being envious of, Sehun?” He innocently asked. His feeling earlier completely forgotten.


“Ah! That was about you being envious of us. That we have someone to accompany us while you don’t.” Sehun being childish and all that he stuck out a tongue at Jongin which the latter laughed off before saying that they’re doing nonsense.


He’s about to leave when Suho suddenly remembered something.


“Ah! Wait Jongin. Yesterday, our homeroom adviser told us that it will be the last warning for Kyungsoo’s unexplained absences. He told us that the admin will drop him out if he’ll not be able to attend school until this Friday which, I think is two days from now. Have you heard anything about him? He’s a role model scholar and it will be really a loss to drop him. Please let the admin be aware of you know anything okay?” Suho then jogged to follow their friends a few feet away from them, going to the cafeteria to buy snacks for later’s recess.


But as for Jongin, he has something more important to attend than the first subject which will start ten minutes from now.




He rushed back at their house and found her mother sleeping on the couch so he quietly went to his bedroom and pulled Kyungsoo’s letter hidden at the back of his drawer.


That’s the only ‘something’ he has that would hopefully help Kyungsoo with his school problems.


He then went back to school though he’s already thirty-five minutes late for the first period. He walked straight to the office of the principal.


“Hello, Mr. Kim Jongin. Well, have a seat.” He sat on one of the cushioned wooden chairs infront of the principal.


“What brought you here, Mr. Kim? And may I just remind you that you’re already half an hour late for the first period, so might as well that’s important enough that it brought you here or else, you’ll be inside the detention room after class. Am I clear, Mr. Kim?”


Jongin gulped nervously as he bowed timidly to the principal before putting the letter above the polished table.


“What is this, Mr. Kim Jongin? A love letter? You’ve got to be kiddin—“


“I’m sorry Ma’am, but with all due respect, I would like you open it and read it fully before saying anything. Please, Ma’am. It is... about Kyungsoo hyung.” He almost choked on the last words as a tear escaped his eyes and fall directly on his lap.


The principal then looked aback to see Jongin tear up in front of her just because of a letter, but other than that, she read the letter fully.


“So, he told you on this letter that he’ll leave? But how come that you’re the one who knows about this when none of us were even aware of it?”


The principal raised her voice as well as her glasses as he interrogate Jongin.


“He’s living with me—No! He used to live with me. He once.” He lowered his head once again with the memory of Kyungsoo, with the little memory Kyungsoo left him.


“He’s LIVING with you?! OHMYGO—“


“NO! That—That’s not what I meant! I swear! Please, just hear me out.” Jongin defensively put his hands on his front, trying to block anything the accusing principal has to say.


“Okay… explain with what you really meant with that ‘you once lived with him’.” She reclined on her chair as she raised a brow, signaling the fidgeting Jongin to start.


“Okay… So, it goes like this. What I really meant is that…” He then explained the whole story, starting from the time they met near the convenience store, until the night they last shared together.




The story-telling of Jongin killed a lot of time that it’s almost lunchtime when he finished, albeit the frequent stuttering of him and the quick wiping of hard-headed tears.


The principal looked and felt moved by the story as well that she can’t help but rose from her seat and envelop the emotionally damaged Jongin into a tight yet calming hug. She’s crying too.


By the time Jongin stopped crying, the principal pulled herself away from him but still kept Jongin an arm away from her.


“I’m sorry Mr. Kim if you have to narrate everything and relive them again. But I’m sure this information—you, will help Kyungsoo. I’ll assure you that. Now, what I want you to do is to take your lunch, and later, you’ll be paged for us to talk to the guidance counselor. And could you do us a favor of letting this letter on our custody first? I promise, it’ll be with you before this day end. So, can we?”


Jongin just feebly nodded on her and stood up before bowing.


He already twisted the doorknob and is just about to pull the door open when the principal stopped him. She once again hugged him before saying those words, that he once heard on Kyungsoo.


“Please, smile Jongin. You’re a good guy, I believe.”


And before anything else happen to him, he quickly ran to the nearest comfort room as he broke on endless streak of tears.


He cried and cried and cried, with occasional shouting and punching of the wall, he’s devastated. He’s broken; and for once, he has the courage to blame Kyungsoo for being one, which he quickly took back as he remembered, he’s the one who brought him home and let him live with them.


And, he’s once again at the phase where he blames himself.




“Jongin! What the hell happened to you?!” It’s Chanyeol who saw Jongin at the comfort room—curled into a ball at the corner, crying and hands red with a few bruises and cuts on the knuckles. That’s the Jongin he found.


He piggybacked Jongin to the clinic albeit the repeated protest coming from the boy and the heated stares they’re receiving from the crowd they pass by.


“Stop hitting my back Jongin or I swear, I’ll leave you right here, right now!” Chanyeol said because he could already feel his back hurting from the punches Jongin throw at it.


But Jongin stopped and that was what Chanyeol’s thankful for. But what came next was rather unexpected that he stopped on his tracks.


“Then leave me. That’s where you’re all good at, right?” Jongin said, and Chanyeol could already feel how deep that sounded that it’s full of something he can’t explain, but he stopped then.


“Jongin, I—I was just—“


“No, I’m really okay. Just put me down.” He hesitantly put Jongin down but still kept a firm grip on the smaller boy’s arm in case he couldn’t keep his balance, which the latter removed.


“Thanks for your concern Chanyeol. And, you could leave me now. I’m okay. And oh, another thing, please stop calling me Jongin. Kai will do.” Jongin walked out, leaving a stupefied Chanyeol behind.




Nobody bothered him for the rest of the lunch time, even the occasional greetings from his fans were diminished. Even Sehun didn’t.


Well, he’s actually about to pass by the cafeteria earlier when he saw a cheerful Sehun pulling Luhan to the cafeteria, so he went to the opposite direction and hid from anyone from his group of friends. He’s not yet ready for them.


Rather was he afraid of what will happen to him if he face them.


He’s once again at the restroom with his stomach full of a packed spaghetti sure was his mother’s so he ate it but still felt a little missing on the discreet taste of Kyungsoo’s.


Then the school siren rang, marking the end of the lunch period; to be followed by a sound of an announcement.


“Calling Mr. Kim Jongin of Junior Year. Please proceed at the Guidance office as soon as possible. Thank you.”


Jongin glanced once more on his reflection and contented himself with his look. He’ll sure lose some of his fans with this look of him now, but does he care? No.


He proceeded quickly to the Guidance office, avoiding the group of people he knows will be on the hunt for explanation from him.


Unluckily for Jongin, they’re already at the door of the Guidance office waiting for him. So he sighed and walked towards the entrance.


He’s about to be launched by his friends at the sight of him, when he told them he’ll tell it to them later. Then he entered the room, believing himself that he’ll not break at the middle of their ‘talk’.


Or was he believing wrong.




“So, Let’s get straight to the topic. We are only giving Mr. Do until Friday to give us an agreeable explanation about his unanticipated leave which will be in a span of three weeks tomorrow and to inform both of you here, we already stretched our limits just for him because he’s one of the most promising scholars, earning an almost perfect score at the admission test. I expected a lot from him, and this thing, honestly is not one of them. So, any comments so far, Ma’am, Mr. Kim?”


The Guidance Counselor who’s beard reaches his necktie informed the Principal and Jongin. They could only listen to him as he speaks because honestly, he looks more stern than the Principal herself.


Then the Principal handed him the letter. He quickly read it and removed his glasses afterwards.


“So, you were implying that Mr. Do’s living from that time until now in his relatives’ place? But isn’t it a little suspicious considering, it’s only his first or second day at school that he chose to ditch education for a promise of ‘better life’?” He gave emphasis on the last word as he put imaginary quotation marks on it.


Jongin then thought that he must be right. He even haven’t reached at least the first half of the school year to transfer—wait! Did he even transfer to another school?


“And Mr. Kim, would you mind explaining how he ended up living with you? And what does ‘living with you’ really mean. I would love to hear your part on it.” The Guidance Counselor leaned more on his table as Jongin took enough courage not to break—as he promised- while narrating everything, verbatim on what he told the Principal.


The Guidance Counselor listened intently on Jongin. After the boy explained what he knew, the Guidance Counselor thought hard about the story he heard.


“Mr. Guidance Counselor, do you have any idea about his pre and post departure? It’s really doubtful and I’ve been thinking about it since this boy told that to me. And the only thing that came to my mind; the heavier option that weighed ,on me; and please, forgive me if I thought of it. It’s maybe because he’s—“


The Principal was cut off, as the Guidance Counselor slammed his fists hard on the table that both Jongin and the Principal got shocked. He immediately apologized for his rudeness and look at them before taking a deep calming breath.


“Ma’am, I would like to know, if—if… Ma’am, are you also thinking that maybe, this kid, Mr. Do Kyungsoo’s being abused at home?—Please, that—that’s the—“


It was the turn for the Principal to cut him off. She looked Jongin sadly before speaking back to the Guidance Counselor.


“Yes. Sadly, I couldn’t think of anything anymore. I’m sorry Mr. Kim if you have to know this.”


But Jongin’s too engrossed on denying the fact that Kyungsoo’s maybe, most probably battered and not mobbed on the night he saved him.


“Mr. Kim?” The Principal tried to reach out to him, but as she’s about to touch Jongin’s shoulder for support, the latter shoved her hand and abruptly stand glaring on both of them.


“No! How dare you two think that he’s abused?! He didn’t tell, did he?! So how dare you come up with that—that ridiculous thing huh?! Speak! Anyone of you! How—How—How d—did you know, he lied to me?! H—ho” Jongin wasn’t able to finish his last sentence as he weakly melted on the carpeted floor, kneeling on his knees and crying.


He’s too sure that he’ll not break on this talk to notice that he didn’t promise he won’t.


He was immediately nursed by the Principal, as the Counselor lowered his head and put both of his hands on his forehead.


“We’re still unsure about this Mr. Kim. But that’s the most possible reason we could think off after we heard your part of the story. And please forgive us if we’re wrong and your friend really did live now on his relative’s care and he transferred to another sch—wait a sec—Ma’am, may I ask you if he did passed any recommendation or request, or any letter saying that he’ll transfer to another school before he left?”


The Principal shook her head as the Guidance Counselor scanned his student files’ record, finding a certain boy named Do Kyungsoo. When he got it, he opened it and scanned through its contents.


“Ma’am, his file’s also a suspicious one. It is written that his address is Seoul, South Korea and clearly not indicating his specific location. His parents’ names are written as Mr. and Mrs. Do, only. And aside from that, there are no contact numbers stated. Why and how did this happened Ma’am?!”


Both of them fell out of words as they tried to think harder on the case. The Principal and Jongin then sat on the couch again as he ceased on his emotional breakdown.


He’s also thinking of the same reason the people around him thought as the only option.


Was Kyungsoo hyung really abused? Was he pained by his parents that he ran out of their home that night I met him? Was he lying to me all that time? Why didn’t he told us?!


Those are the questions that popped out of his head as he thought rigidly about it, and all he could do is close his eyes shut and form fists until his knuckles turn white, to block those uncomforting ideas he speculated.


But all of his thoughts were halted as the Guidance Counselor spoke his name.


“Yes?” He asked weakly, not looking at him.


“I would like to ask if there’s anything more you could add on this to help us solve this faster. So, do you have any? Even just a tidbit would help big, I—We assure you.”


He thought hard on it. Fortunately, he could think of only two things he isn’t even sure if were acceptable, but he told them anyway.


“Yes.” The Guidance Counselor focused his attention to Jongin with so much enthusiasm.


“But, I don’t know, if these things really would help.” He glanced at the two to know what they’ll say, but instead, he saw two pairs of eyes looking at him with both encouragement and sympathy, and two pairs of ears willing to listen anything he’ll say; he proceed on telling them no matter what.


He took a deep breath and straightened his seat as he prepared on what reaction he would get.


“This happened, one time—this was when I was walking home after the first day of class ended. I saw him walking down the same route as I do. He was on the other side though, but I saw him pass the same side as I, just ten blocks away from home. He walked straight ahead until I lost sight of him.”


He released a long exhale as he finished on the first one. The two though seemed to know mentally that there’s more he’s about to say, but he’s really doubting about this one. It’s his instincts that work on it tho.


“The second thing I quite, ahm, know is that… well, this was what actually occurred. Just this morning, as I was walking to school; not long away from home, I bumped into a drunken man. I thought that it was weird to drink as early as past seven in the morning, but it actually came weirder as he inspected me. He took a couple of minutes, I guess, on my uniform. Then he said that it looked like what his son’s wearing when he’s going to school. Then I thought, cool, I could actually meet him and befriend him. But he continued, and his last statement struck me. He laughed hard as he said that his son couldn’t go to school anymore or even wear this uniform for he couldn’t even lift his arms. I—I don’t know, but I suddenly thought of Kyungsoo hyung as he told me that. And—oh! I also saw him walked the same path as what Kyungsoo hyung took! Yes! They both the second corner, ten blocks away from ours!”


He explained and he was immediately filled with hope as he thought that maybe the drunken man and Kyungsoo are related to each other.


But this hope was strucked harshly with a gush of concern as he thought of the worst case scenario he could imagine Kyungsoo is on.


“Oh my God! Ma’am, if this kid is right, then I think we should immediately find him! We couldn’t waste our time! I—I know that this may look a little stupid to trust such instinct coming from a teenager filled with a wide array of imaginable things, but Ma’am we must act. Act quick to be exact, because it will be so much stupider not to give this instinct a damn try!” The Guidance Counselor immediately phoned someone and stood up to gather what Jongin believe are Kyungsoo’s files on school.


“Mr. Kim Jongin, can you wait until the end of classes and meet us up as soon as possible at my office to help us locate the exact location. Don’t worry, it’s only an hour before it ends. We still have to make some letter concerning Do Kyungsoo for us to be able to interview the drunk man you think is the boy’s father. You may go now, and thank you very much for cooperating with us. You are a big help Mr. Kim Jongin.” The Principal smiled fondly at him as she ushered him out of the room, not missing to give a hug and saying that same compliment he heard once on Kyungsoo.





The bell rang a long time signaling the end of the day for students.


Jongin hurriedly packed his things as he’s eagerness to get to the office rush to him. But Sehun and Lay stopped him by the exit of the room.


“Hey, Kai, what happened on your talk with the Guidance Counselor and the Principal? Did you get any lead on what really happened on Kyung—Hey! Where are you taking us?! Luhan!” He pulled Sehun and Lay to the Principal’s office as he saw that behind them trails the remaining eight of his friends. They all stopped as they reached the Principal’s office.


He’s about to knock when he felt a touch on his shoulder. It was Suho.


“Jongin, if what ever happened, or happens, we’ll all be—“


“—here for you.” Lay continued.


“We’re brothers!” Tao and Luhan said in unison.


“Please don’t forget that.”


“Ever.” Minseok and Chen told him.


“And being brothers, we’re here to support you, be there for you, and love you.” Kris said, looking anywhere but Jongin. He smiled a bit on Kris’ shyness and faked a gag when he saw Tao kiss his boyfriend on his cheeks that the latter responded with a bright blush of red.


“So, even though I think what Kris said is a way too cheesy, I think he’s right. Because the sense of being brothers, is—“


Baekhyun rolled his eyes as Chanyeol covered his mouth.


“—is, being one! Remember Jongin, We. Are. One!” Chanyeol shouted.


“I really—I, don’t know what to say to you guys, but I thank you for all of this—this, these things! And I’ll always remember I have brothers who love me. Thank you guy—“


The door suddenly opened and revealed a quite shocked looking Principal. They immediately bowed at her.


“I thought, I heard someone shout? Anyways, since you’re here already, I think we have to go now. The Guidance Counselor’s already at the school entrance gate waiting for us, so we must go. And are they also coming? Who are they?”


Jongin thought of it for a second and took a quick glance on the ten of them. He smiled on his answer.


“Yes, they’re coming. They’re my brothers.”


They smiled in return and they all made their way to the place Jongin thought’s the place where they could find Kyungsoo.


Full of hopes, they trailed the direction to Jongin’s house but pass it as they stopped on the second corner, ten blocks away from Kim’s residence. They walked a few blocks from there until they reached a grandiose yet untidy looking mansion-like house with a proud ‘Do Mansion’ written in gold lining at the very top of it.


They are now sure this is where Kyungsoo lives.


But another thing bothers Jongin more, that is, if they’ll be successful finding Kyungsoo in a mansion that seemed like forgotten for a long time.


He, they just hoped for the best as Jongin pushed the speak button on the intercom. It blinked, it’s working.


“Who are you? And what do you need?!”


And before he could even speak, he swore, he just heard the same drunk guy speak through the intercom.


And the thought of it struck him. It struck him hard knowing that the same guy’s the one talking about Kyungsoo. The one who’s laughing on the ‘worthless, son of a , who can’t even lift his arms now’ that he thought as Kyungsoo.


He clenched his fists hard and shoved everyone blocking the intercom before he sternly speak on it, obvious he’s trying to hold back his anger at the man talking to him.


“This is Kim Jongin, and I would like to know if you’re Mr. Do, the father of Do Kyungsoo.”


And he swore, he could see his blood rise even more than the boiling point with the answer he got.


The drunk guy laughed loudly against it before he answered, a humorous, loud, and what seems like an overly proud and disgusted: “Yes.”


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Chapter 16: I'm crying.. ~~ oh my >_<
Hi, this was really well written, though truthfully, the ending was disappointing. I really did like this story and I believe you did a good job with it ^^