No hope to live...



What??,he love me,he really love me ,why did he not tell me before this .Youngmin ,i heard what had you said ,i will tried my best to keep on my journey.I will also tell my feeling for you .Just wait for me.


    You always met Youngmin in the hospital .He never forgot to visit you everyday.Your brother came to but not many time because he had to work hard for me.The hospital bill is too expensive ,so he must gain as much as he can to pay the hospital bill.Youngmin who always patient to take care of your body.He always clean your body and your face.



    Suddenly ,Dr.Hyungseong came up in your room while Youngmin clean your face.This is the first time you see this doctor .The doctor came with a file in his hand.You were curious because the doctor face is too serious.You and Youngmin heard that Dr.Hyungseong said that'i think that Iu  will never wake up,there is no hope for her to live'.' this cannot be it,i am surely that she will wake up,it must take a time for her to struggle by her self to live,doctor please do something ,i will pay as much as you want'.said Youngmin .


     You just stand still and cannot stop thinking that what will happen to you next.Doctor also said that 'It is not about money ,but it is about her condition that cannot go this far ,she will died soon to,we had tried our best on her','My last word is there is no hope ,so we must take off the machine and let her  be peace in her afterworld'.


      Youngmin deny what doctor said and refuse to the off your machine .Meanwhile,Jeongmin,Min woo and Kwangmin shown up and saw what Youngmin did .'Let her go,this is for her own good,this also hard for me to take it but we must know her condition right',said Jeongmin.'But ,my feeling is very strong that she will wake up soon,i cannot just let her go like that'.'Hyung ,i know you were upset ,and so do i ,but she is too weak to go through the critical moment'.After Youngmin heard what had everyone tell to him ,he realise that you will suffered if you keep going on critical moment.Youngmin with a heavy heart agree to take off your machine.


    You just stood up ,and cannot deny any of their decision.You also gave up and do not want to live anymore.Just wait for the time.You also hope that you will be gave a second chance to be in this world and be with Youngmin.



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Chapter 8: I really love your story
youngHanna #2
I like it ....but its too short ....
Please update soon....