Just a Spirit...???


  You opened your eyes ....

   You can see the machine beside you.You get off from your bed and saw yourself laying in the bed.'Is that me,or i'm just dreaming'.Beside your bed you saw a guy still hold your hand while he slept.You tryto look who is it ,it was Youngmin.The door opened and Youngmin woke up.Nurse came up to check your condition.'How is her condition now',ask Youngmin.The nurse just silence ,without any word.Then, the nurse get out from your room immediently.Youngmin hold your hand again and said 'Please wake up ,i want to tell you something'.You just watching what Youngmin told you.



   I'm right over here.Can't you see me ,i'm standing here.What happen to me,why i can see people ,but people cannot see me.I wish that i could see Youngmin smile ,everytime he came to see me with a sad face.My hurt broke down,why Youngmin cannot smile just once.I will try my best to live again and regain Youngmin smile again.I can see in his face that he feel sad for my condition ,is he love me or just a friend.Youngmin !!! I wish i could hug you ,but i'm just a spirit that can see other.


  Youngmin had to leave because of the nurse order.He cannot deny because that is hospital rules, only family can take care of their family.You don't want Youngmin to leave ,but you cannot stopped because he cannot hear you.Your room become silence ,there is only you and your body still laying on the bed with oxygen mask on your face.Early morning,Kwangmin came with a bucket of flower .He put the flower on the table beside your bed.He sat on the chair and hold your hand.While holding your hand he said'Sarange,i will always be with you'.When you watcing that scene suddenly the door opened and Youngmin came ,Kwangmin did'n notice only you that notice.Youngmin saw what Kwangmin tell you and something fall from his hand.You saw that is your favorite story book that you always read in the library,SMILE CHINGU(friend).



 Where is Yoona ,how i miss her so much.Maybe she came but i did'n notice.Please came just once to see me,i want to hug you.





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Chapter 8: I really love your story
youngHanna #2
I like it ....but its too short ....
Please update soon....