Chasing No One

Walking into the carnival a short stubby man walked up them. “Welcome to Korono Carnival Where we have any ride you could think of possible.” He thought nobody would notice the pegs that he standing on, expect he didn’t consider the wind to be blowing as much as it was. So everybody started laughing while the whole time they were laughing the greeter stood there on his pegs with a confused look. He looked down and noticed that his pegs were showing but as he tried to run off he tripped over the cloth that were supposed to be covering them and all the guys just decided to walk around him.

Syungyeol looked back. “Guys shouldn’t we help him up.”

“It’s ok this happens every time we come, and it never gets old.” Hoya said rubbing his stomach from the pain of laughing so much.

Hoya grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer because everybody kept walking not noticing that Syungyeol stopped.

“Isn’t that Lee Joon from the group  Mblaq” Syoungyeol pointed to.

“Yes.” Myungsoo said very bluntly, “didn’t Hoya tell you what’s going on tonight.


“Well let me explain then. Today’s all of the Idols are coming here to take break from the Idol life and just to have fun. There’s even going to be a karaoke contest at the end of the day just for us to have fun.”

Syungyeol looking around in circle with star’s in his thinking “I can’t believe all the stars are coming here to meet, and in this place.”

“Do you like to ride rollercoaster’s Syungyeol”! Sung-Jong said pointing to the rollercoaster with steepest drop.

“Sometime’s, no… Not really I’m kind of scared of heights.” Syungyeol throat made a gulp noise as he swallowed his spit.

“Hey!” Some beautiful girl came running from the entrance.

“Hey Hyorin.” Woo-Hyun waved.

“Who’s that? Is She an Idol? I’ve never seen her before “Syungyeol scratched his head.

“That’s Hyorin from the group Sistar. They just debuted just a month ago; Myungsoo has kind of a crush on her.

“Oh.” Myungsoo cut off Syungyeol to say. “Who are you to tell him my business? Huh!”

“We all knew he was going to find out anyway because when your around her your personality changes completely as if your chameleon changing its color due to its surrounding.”

“No it does not.”

Sung-Jong snickered under his breath like an evil overlord about to go on a rampage.

The whole time they talked Myungsoo never took his eyes of Hyorin as she ran. In his eye’s she was in slow motion while her hair gracefully moved in the wind like leave falling from a tree.

Even Hoya put waved his hand in front of Myungsoo’s face and there was no reaction at all.

“Hey guy’s who is your friend I’ve never seen him before… Wait I think I know! Is he the newest member of your group?

“No” Myungsoo shoved him away.

“Yes he is, he just joined today. His name is Syungyeol” Hoya pulled him back.

“Hello Syungyeol.” Hyorin bowed and stuck her hand out. Syungyeol stood confused and in astonishment that such a gorgeous girl was bowing to him and speaking formally.

“It’s ok; she was raised to be formal to new people she meets no matter what age.”

“Oh.” Syungyeol bowed to but he was kind of close to Hyorin and maid them bump heads.

“Ouch.” She said and automatically Myungsoo ran to Syungyeol and grabbed his shirt like a bully stealing a younger kid’s lunch money.

“Put him down, put him down.” Everybody yelled.

He let him down. “Hyorin slapped his face! “How could you do that that was an accident!” She walked away; Hoya and Sung-Jong took Syungyeol and walked away as well leaving Myungsoo with Woo-Hyun.


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update soon pls I miss ur story T T
Chapter 2: update soon:) finally I found a fic that myungsoo n.hyorin as pair;)