I’m obviously dreaming again, cause one I’m walking on water and two I’m not sinking. So yeah, I practically am dreaming.


So yeah… I’m walking on some beach… a familiar beach. I got it! I’m at Micro Beach in Saipan! Yeah! What the heck am I doing here?


I walk towards the sand. I look under my feet to see fishes swimming under my feet. COOL! Hehe.


I finally reached the sand and felt the warm feeling in between my toes. So relaxing. I take in the fresh air and look around. Such a beautiful place to be in.


“YA!” I heard a faint yell.

I look around for the voice. To my surprise I see this girl running towards the water.

“DORAWA!” I heard a low voice chuckle and soon I see this guy running after her with a big smile on his face.


The girl giggled as the guy wrapped his arms around his waist and lifter her up. How sweet. He twirled her around before throwing her into the waters. HAHA! Mean.


“YA!” The girl swam up for some air, “YOU’LL PAY YONG JUN HYUNG!”


WHAT?! Did she just? HUH!? YONG JUN HYUNG?!


I look at the guy and then I saw his face clearly! HE IS ME! . I run to him to get a better look. As I got closer my feet slowed into a stop in shock. The guy who threw the girl into the water was me. And now. Now he’s laughing.


“Mian, jagiya.” He said as he smiled at her.


Jagiya? Jagiya? I have a jagiya?! WHO??!


The girl runs to him and pushes him to the sand. They both fell back and laughter filled the air.

“Ya! I’m all wet!” He said as he wrapped his arms around the girl.

“It’s all your fault, Junnie.” She said as she rests her forehead on his.


I take a step closer only to realize who the girl was… the girl was Alice. My eyes rounded in shock as I fell back. Alice? Alice? She’s my jagiya? Seriously? I mean yeah she’s pretty…but I never knew I’d end up liking her this much… and I know she doesn’t like me. Wait. I don’t know if she does like me. I never asked. But why would I? Argh!


“W-what the?” Suddenly I was being pulled by some strong force again.


My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. I’m still at the hospital. Sigh. I look around to see the girl again. Aish. Why do I feel so comfortable around you even though I don’t know you!?


I sit up and look at her. Her bangs slightly covering her pretty face. Seriously, who is she?


My hand reaches for her face. My fingers brush her soft hair away from her almond shaped face. My fingers trace her facial features and slowly a warm feeling softens my heart.


Whoever you are… did we have a past before? Like were we in a relationship? Cause I always want you here by my side, no one touching you and no one with you but me… did I already like you before I lost my memories?


Suddenly, I felt her move and I quickly hide my hand under the sheets. I close my eyes and pretend to fall asleep.


“He’s still asleep.” I heard her say.

I felt her hand squeeze mine and my heart jumped.

“What the?” I heard her say. AH freak! The machine! Aish…stupid machine. I heard it bu BEEP when my heart jumped at her touch. Aish…




My eyes slowly flutter open as one of my hand runs through my hair.

“Jun Hyung!” She squeezes my free hand, making me look at her.

“Gwaenchana?” Her beautiful almond shaped eyes blinked at me.

I blinked back at her, “Ne. What time is it?”

She checked her watch, “4 in the afternoon.”


4? Aigoo…I don’t feel so sleepy anymore I don’t know what to do. I let out a sigh.


“Are you bored?” She asked.

I looked at her, it’s like she just read my mind, “Yup. Is there something we can do here?”

She smiled, sending shivers down my spine, “Molla. Wanna find out?”

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MissPandaRawr #1
Update soon :) pls xD
b2utyjalene #2
Yay a date
love the update!
uhhh a date XD
b2utyjalene #4
yay he finally remembers :D
yuxuan #6
update soon
@aj_javarice512: Nah the updates cleared it up ^^; keke
woah Alice have such a SAD past TT^TT poor Alice!
uhhh :D looking forward to know more of what happens and why they are at that place ^^
yuxuan #10
update soon