Chapter 29

Can't Hold Us
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Chapter 29



        As the rain started to pour in the breezy night, Baekhyun took charge and led us to a small beach house near the boardwalk we went to in the morning. He quickly took off his cardigan and held it over our heads. 



​       "Let's go," he said as he winked at me when we made eye contact. Even though I was cold on the outside, I felt warm in the inside. That cheeky side of Baekhyun that I haven't seen for a while was back. I missed it so much, I unknowingly pinched Baekhyun's left cheek and gave him a small smile. He pinched my cheek in return and brushed a small kiss on my other cheek. I covered my cheeks with the palm of my hands shyly. 



​       I couldn't help it as I smiled and blushed on our way there. I guess my thoughts of Baekhyun feeling sick of being with me was just me feeling paranoid. That snuggly feeling I haven't felt in a while, didn't disappear forever between us. In fact, it proved to me that he loved me more than the love between Romeo and Juliet. Whenever I was with Baekhyun, I felt like I was a part of a movie because our bond was that strong. Our relationship wasn't like any other relationship. It was more than that. 



​        "Is this yours?" My mouth opened with shock when we arrived. The two-story beach house was stunning. The wooden stairs formed a slight spiral staircase. The large windows had an incredible view of the blue, wavy ocean. Everything was perfect. It became my ideal home. 



​        "It took some time to get the house like this, but yes I guess you can say I'm the owner of this house," Baekhyun said as he shut the door behind him. "I hope you don't mind the little mess around here."



​        "No, it's perfect. It's exactly how I imagine my ideal home to look like," I said as I continued to scan the house with my eyes. In my surprise, I jumped a little as I felt Baekhyun wrap his arms around my chest. Even though we have been like this for quite some time, I still get the jittery feeling whenever he's around. Not from fear, but the feeling of someone so perfect like him can be with someone like me. He's my Mr. Perfect. 



​        "I'm glad you like it," he softly whispered in my ear. He placed his beautiful hand in mine as he took me to the kitchen. I sat on the tall bar chair quietly as he started cooking dinner. I watched him sliced the ingredients diligently and placing them in the frying pan. My eyes dilated in amazement. I gulped only thinking about how hungry I was. 



​        When he was done, he placed my plate in front of me. I already knew that it was going to be delicious. In front of me was a plate full of colorful stir fry vegetables and spaghetti with tomato sauce. He poured apple cider on both of our cups, knowing how much I hated to drink alcohol. 



​        As he handed me my chopsticks, I already took a big spoonful and stuffed the noodles in my mouth. That savory taste... mhmm..



​       "How is it?" Baekhyun asked as he started eating too.



​       "It's very good... but I have a question lingering in my mind..." I began to say. I could see Baekhyun turning red from anxiousness.



​       "Why didn't you return any of my calls the whole day?" This made Baekhyun choke a little before he could swallow. 



​       "I was busy and my phone was on silent..." he mumbled. Then he changed the subject. "Is there something wrong though?"



​       I was about to tell him my discoveries about Kai, but I decided to keep it to myself. The way I see it is if I told Baekhyun that Kai was still pretending that he lost his memories, he would get angry and probably cause some trouble. Instead I said, "I just really miss you." Baekhyun smiled warmly.



​       Over the past couple of weeks, me and Baekhyun spent a lot of time together even though we were also busy at our companies. I tried my best to avoid Kai since we were working at the same building. It kind of worked, since he was always a workaholic. When we did meet, we would only talk about work st

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Chapter 35: Woahh~ author-nim, this story is so great! I love it
LyanTalib #2
Chapter 35: Yo be honest I thought that Jiyeon will end up with Kai because he never gave up on her but after Kai said he will give up on her I was like oh! But happy for Baekhyun the important thing is that Jiyeon is happy
Baek Jiyeon so cute ♥♥♥(fictional couple)
nanaqu #4
hello can i take youre novel and sharit in ma page
Chapter 35: it's finally end :)
a little sad when kaiyeon didn't become a couple but because beakyeon is so cute so it's great :))
looking forward to your new story
fighting ^^
fluxsehun #6
Chapter 35: Finally, BaekYeon!! Please Next seguel BaekYeon again
Chapter 34: I feel so sad cause this story is gonna end soon..and i feeel sorry for kai i wished it was kaiyeon story but i guss its not..anyway please update soon
Chapter 34: poor kai :((
asha137 #9
Chapter 33: idk why but i like kaiyeon hehehe:)
Chapter 34: Finally you updated!!!!