Best Friend, Crush and Love

Best Friend, Crush and Love


“Hi Jay!” said Chaerin brightly when she saw her best friend went out from his music class. Chaerin had been waiting for an hour after she finishing her design class. She have something to told to her bestie.

“Hi Chae!” Jay waving his full-tattoo-hand and gave his smile.

“What’s up?” said Jay with swag tone when Chaerin stand in front of him.

“Eww, don’t use your so swag tone when talk with me.” Chaerin rolled her eyes.

“I thought you like me…”

“Of course I like you! Just don’t do your silly swag act in front of me. Duh, I’m not like other girls who will fell when saw your silly swag act. I just like the way you are, okay.”

“Oooow, so sweet and touchy!” Jay used aegyo tone this time and give some wink.

Oh God… Did you guys saw that? Jay Park, the cool and swag boy with half-tattooed body in this college just done doing his aegyo! For Rilakkuma’s sake, he look so poor when act like that. Jay never used his aegyo act in front of anyone except his best friend, Lee Chaerin. Chaerin felt want to vomit right now after watching Jay’s unexpected aegyo thing.

“Jay, stop please…”

Jay straighten his body up, as usual –looks cool. He folded his arms. “So, what’s up?”

“Umm… You know what tomorrow is?” asked Chaerin worriedly.

“Tomorrow is Saturday. So what?” Jay looked so serious.

“Well, Jeremy Scott’s week fashion show is held tomorrow night. Can you accompany me to go there? Can you?” asked Chaerin, with her cute puppy eyes expression. Jay’s face looks so pale right now. What? Fashion show?

Who didn’t know Jay Park? The king of rapper and greatest b-boy in this college –in this big Seoul I mean. Jay love music, rap, singing, tattoo  and dancing all the time. He likes to do and learn about something new too, about anything. But not with F-A-S-H-I-O-N. Hell no, never.

Why? Yeah, back to ten years ago when he’s on his 11th, he attend some family fashion show with his Mom and unfortunately, some gay designer fell for his cuteness and thought he was a cute little girl. Soon, that gay designer dragged him to his own make up room and put some so girly dress and of course with some so girly make up. Jay crying badly after the fashion show ended and after that he promises to himself for hate any kind of fashion world.

He always sturdy with his establishment. Always. He never cross the line for this one word –fashion. He’ll definitely choose to sacrifice his self as voodoo dolls rather than attend any of fashion show. But there’s one thing that he can’t definitely  refuse from anything in this world. Chaerin’s puppy eyes. Yap!

“Pleaseeeeee~” She start begging right now –still with her puppy eyes. And this is the second thing in this world that he can’t refuse, Chaerin’s begging. Great.

“Dear my best dongsaeng friend Chae, I know you know me so well. For this past twenty years.” Yes, Jay is one year older than Chaerin.

“Yes, of course I know you so well!” Chaerin nodded quickly.

“So why you still asked this thing?” Jay sighed.

“Well, I know you can’t refuse my puppy eyes. That’s why I asked you. Come on! It’s just fashion show Jay, just fashion show! Not like I’m asked you to kill yourself.”

But I’d like to kill myself, Chae. Jay’s eyes looks droopy. Chaerin start to hold Jay’s arm with her brightly smile. “Come on~”

Okay, I’m really dead! First, puppy eyes. Second, cutely begging. And now, hold my hand with her brightly smile. I’m really dead, Chae. It’s not like Jay loved Chaerin and can’t stand for the cute things that Chaerin gave. He just can’t stand because he always felt Chaerin looks so strange and scary if she do something cute like that. Chaerin is cute girl actually. But when she do cute thing in force way, Jay just can’t stand it –even it looks really cute. He closed his eyes and took deep breath before said something that would shocked everyone.

“Okay, I’ll accompany you tomorrow to your favorite designer, Jeremy Scott’s week fashion show.”

“OMG JAY! ARE YOU SERIOUS??? GOSH!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” Chaerin busy screaming and jumping happily at the same time while Jay look pale more and more.

This girl…


Chaerin checking her appearance for the twenty time –or more maybe- in front of her big mirror at corner of her room. She looks so excited today. Okay, who’ll not looks so excited for meet up with someone you adored a lot for the first time?

“Knock, knock” Someone knocked Chaerin’s door room.

“Get in,” she said while fixing her not-so-smooky cute cat tails eyeliner. Two knocks, that’s absolutely Jay.

“Wow, let’s look what my bestie doing right now…” Jay said with teasing tone.

“Please don’t speak, Jay.” Jay shrugged while checking some stuffs in Chaerin’s room.

“Okay, I’m ready!” said Chaerin with full of pride when checking her appearance for the last time. Not too short black y skirt with Chanel belt around her waist and white elegant Prada blouse, also bold black Ambush heels fit in her feet completed his style. Chaerin felt satisfied for his looks tonight.

“Let’s go then.” Jay gave his hand and Chaerin naturally put her hands on Jay’s hand.


“Gosh!” Chaerin keep saying that word when they arrived at Seoul Epicentrum Center, the big building with many people inside waiting for Jeremy Scott’s newest creation for this spring. Jay just look uncomfortable whenever every look-like-gay-designer man passing around him. For tonight, Jay just wear some black simple “Seattle to Seoul” t-shirt and baggy jeans pants with “DOPE” cap in his head. Also his favorite sneakers, the green one that Chaerin gave to him 5 years ago.

“Chae, when the show start?” asked Jay, look uneasy.

“It supposed start now. Just wait and sit, okay.” Chaerin and Jay entered the building hall and took a seat in the front row. Certainly, Chaerin have VIP ticket for this show. But it’s made Jay looks more uneasy. Jay scared if he’ll meet again with that damn-gay-designer tonight if he take a seat in this first row.

“Jay, are you okay?” Seems like Chaerin realized Jay’s uneasy face. Of course everyone can saw it, so obviously. Poor Jay. Jay just gave his small smile and nodded. But unexpected for him, Chaerin hold his hand tightly and gave her beauty smile to calming his uneasy feeling. Usually, Chaerin just asked and do not care with Jay’s answer if he looked pale or uneasy when something about fashion world show up.

“It’s okay. You have me beside you,” whisper Chaerin, still smiling.

God, is she truly fall for me? It can’t be… Jay remembering that most shocking moment 3 months ago.


“Jay, do you love me?” asked Chaerin one day in afternoon when Jay just finished his solo dance routine schedule. Jay approached and sit next to Chaerin who had been waiting for him at the corner of practice room. Jay have his own full-mirror practice room in his house, indeed.

“Yes, of course I love you. You’re my best friend, isn’t?” Jay drank some isotonic drink.

“No, I mean not love as brother-sister or best friend. You know, like people who falling in love,” Chaerin said with curiosity in his face.

“Falling in love?”

Chaerin nodded quickly.

“How can I love you at that way Chae? You are my best friend for almost twenty years!” Jay laughed so hard while Chaerin looked little annoyed.

“Yah, how could you give me that laugh!” Chaerin hit Jay’s shoulder softly.

“Oh my God Chae, I didn’t believe you asked that thing to me. Damn, my stomach hurt!” Jay keep laugh.

“Jay stop it!”

“Okay, okay I’m stop now. Gosh… Ah, why you asked that thing? Are you falling in love with someone?” asked Jay. Chaerin nodded.

“Finally, my bestie have someone to be loving!” exclaimed Jay.

“Who is he?” Jay asked with all his curiosity. Of course, he have to find out who the man who loved by his best friend.

“You. I love you Jay,” Chaerin said it clearly. Jay’s face turn to serious.

“What? You love me? You love me as a man? Not as best friend?” Jay asked with totally shocked expression at his face. She love me? As a man? It can’t be.

“Yes Jay. Are you deaf or what? I’ve said that before. I love you.” Chaerin fold her arms, looks little sulky.

“I know you, you didn’t love me that way. You must be kidding me Chae, …”

“No I’m not! I love you!”

Jay felt his whole body freeze after Chaerin screamed that words.

-End Flashback-

And after that day, Jay still behave as usual as if they never talk about the ‘love conversation’ that afternoon. His bestie, Chaerin still behave as usual too. So until today Jay absolutely sure that Chaerin just have crush on him for little while, not really liking him like other couple do. But that thought broke when just for few minutes Jay saw Chaerin smiling so beautifully –like she always does- while try to calming his nervous whenever confronted about fashion thingy. It’s absolutely not Chaerin’s habit.

“Ehem,” Jay clearing his throat, try to look not to shocked.

“Gosh! The show just started!” Chaerin muttered and clapping her hands happily when the show start. Her face looks so happy whenever every model pass through her with Jeremy’s spring collection in every inch on his body. Chaerin very impressed tonight with all those her adored-designer spring collection. Of course, she must have those thingy. Beside Chanel, Ambush, YSL and others branded thingy, Chaerin adored Jeremy Scott’s the most. Well, she like to wear casual thing or not so girly clothes like Jeremy Scott’s Adidas collection.


“You look so happy tonight,” said Jay when they start to leaving the hall.

“Of course I’m happy!” She still have excited-look even the show was ended.

“Umm, between Jeremy Scott thingy and me, who you like the most?” ask Jay carefully.

“Jay, that’s in different case.” Chaerin rolled her eyes.

“What’s the different?”

“I like you as a man who always being with me for all the time…”

“You like Jeremy Scott thingy for all the time too…”

“Duh, Jay. Like feeling toward people and stuffs are different.”

Jay shrugged.

“So you still like me as a man?” Jay asked.

“Of course!”

“Meh, I doubt about that,” he grumbled.

“You just not yet find your truly love, dear Chae.” He continued.

“Whatever… Let’s eat, Jay!” Chaerin dragged Jay to they favorite Italian restaurant near the Seoul Epicentrum Center.


Sunday, Incheon Airport, 08.00 AM.

Today, Jay’s best friend for almost five years back again to the town, this lovely Seoul. They met up when Jay study abroad to US for two years, five years ago. They have so many similarities. Both of them love to sing, rap, dancing, make some music and absolutely tattoo. After two years in US, Jay still contacted his best friend until this time. Last night his best friend called and told that he will catch up late night flight so he can arrived in the morning at Korea. Jay absolutely glad to heard that.

Well, talking about this Jay’s best friend, Chaerin didn’t know who he is. Chaerin knew Jay have another best friend beside herself when he stayed for two years in US. But Chaerin didn’t know how looks like Jay’s another best friend, she just know the name. Clearly, Jay have two best friend, Chaerin and that one guy. But Chaerin and that one guy didn’t know each other.

Jay looked up his wristwatch for three times. 08.15. Is his flight delayed?

Jay drank up his coffee and choked when saw the man he knew a lot for this past five years waving his hand freely to him from gate arrival.

 “Yo! Waddup!” Jay said with swaggy tone while waving back his hand to his best friend.

“Yeah, man!” Kwon Jiyong, Jay’s best friend gave some hi-five.

“Finally, you back after that ing long time.” Jay hugged his best friend.

“Yeah, so ing long time. How you’ve been?” Jiyong pat Jay’s shoulder.

“No one can take my okay, so I’m okay. Haha. How about you? Tell me about you and US for this past three years.”

They both walked to the nearest fast food restaurant, to fill they stomach and sharing their stories over this last three years.

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Chapter 1: Aw Jay and Chaerin are cute, but I do want it to end SkyDragon lol. XD
heartbreakergirl #2
Chapter 1: OMO! Jay Park♥
Tbh, I want SkyDragon, but also some sweet JayChae momments too xD
I don't want that Jay quits so easy, and also I don't want that Ji got the things so easy. xD

Fighting Authornim!
EilneraSD #3
Chapter 1: Next please,,XD
mimi_qitchi #4
Chapter 1: Ji comeeeeeer
I hope will ended with skydragon....