It Has Started And Will Never End...

When It Started...


Today was April 24th. They all gathered to create a plan about Sunggyu’s sureprisses party. They, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Nna, Sungyeol, Hoya, Myungsoo, Lizzy, Eyoung, Sungjong, and Sunggyu’s girlfriend, Eunji. 2 years ago, they met in a Althetic Champioship in their campus. Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Sungyeol, Hoya, Myungsoo dan Sungjong were in a group called INFINITE, was one of the performer at that championship event. Actually, it’s Nana who introduced INFINITE to Lizzy and Eyoung. Nana has been knowing Woohyun and being bestfriends for years since they’re in the same age. Among INFINITE members, Myungsoo was the closest to Lizzy, they’re besfriends just like Nana-Woohyun. In the same age, they easily to hang out and share many things. No they’re just bestfriends, because Myungsoo loves Eyoung. Yes, Myungsoo and Eyoung has been in relationship since 2 months ago. In other hand, Jung Eunji was a neighbor who lived in the same building with INFINITE back then.


INFINITE members live together in a dorm, but they have just moved to a new dorm this year. Before moving to the current dorm, Lizzy, Nana, Eyoung and Eunji have been frequently visiting those boys whether it’s just drop by or even watch a movie or else.


April 24th......

Woohyun: “Ok. Let’s decide now! Listen, Nana and I will handle the decoration things, balloons, trumpet and else.

Nana nodded.

“Eunji-ya, as we planned before,” Woohyun continued, “since you’re Sunggyu hyung’s girlfriend, you have to bring him out of dorm. Just go wherever, but you two must come back at 00.00 in exact.”

Eunji: “Okaaaaaay oppa!!!!”

Hoya: “Me? Me? What about me?”

Woohyun: “Hoya and Sungjongie go shopping to buy Sunggyu hyung’s birthday present and cake. We’ve agreed it, right? So we won’t spend much money. Hahahaha. Myungsoo, Eyoung and Dongwoo, err.. you guys go to supermarket to get some meals and drink. Remember, don’t buy to many, because Sungyeol and Lizzy will cook.”

Sungyeol and Lizzy: “Huh? Cook?”

Woohyun: “Yap! You two can cook, right? Ke ke ke. Lizzy will buy the ingredients.”

Sungyeol just giggled while Lizzy was in confussion what should she cook? What food? Why should she cook for a birthday party? ‘We can just buy meals to make it simple right? Ah right, stingy Woohyun oppa!’ Lizzy thought to her self.

Lizzy: “Aye aye captain!!! But what are we going to cook? Ke ke ke.”

Woohyun: “Kimchi jigae? Chapjae? Egg rolls? Just cook the simple ones.”

Lizzy: Ah ne ne! I’ll handle it! Sungyeol oppa, you’re my assistance, eo? Ke ke ke.”

Sungyeol: “Naega? I’ll just peel the fruits while watching you cook. Ke ke ke ke ke.”

Lizzy: “Eyy oppaaaa.”



April 27th.....

Lizzy reached INFINITE’s dorm after buying all the ingredients to cook chapjae and egg rolls.

She pushed the bell as she waited for INFINITE members to open the door.

“Annyeong oppaaaa!!!”, Lizzy greeted cheerfully as always.

“Annyeong Liji-yaa, ready to fight? Ke ke ke.”

“Mwoyaaa? Oppa don’t mess up!” Lizzy soon headed to kitchen as Sungyeol closed the door.

“Arasseo, ish!”

“Ke ke ke. Where are the others, oppa?”

“Woohyun and Nana have left, they should have been here by now. It’s been more than 2 hours already. Myungsoo, Eyoung and Dongwoo hyung are probably still enjoying their journey in supermarket? Ke ke ke.”

“Hoya oppa? Sungjongie?”

“I bet they’re with Myungsoo now. They said they’ve already bought the birthday cake. Ah why you kept questioning me? I’m hungry.... ke ke ke.”

“Eyy mwoyaa. We haven’t even start cooking yet, oppa. Where’s the apron? Aigoo this oppa what are you doing there? Are you going to sleep? Help me oppaaaaa. Come here! Hiiiiiiiiih.” Lizzy nagged in Busan dialect.

“Ke ke ke. I thought you’d cook and I’d just watch, Liji-ya.”

“No way. You have to help me, oppa.”

“Arasseo arasseo. Only the two of us here but it sounds like 20 people talking in the same time.”


“Ssssssttt, stop talking. Here’s the apron.” Sungyeol helped Lizzy to wear it by tying it from the back.

“Thank youuuu Sungyeol oppaaaaa! Aing! Ke ke ke.”



“Ani.. keke”

“Ah oppa waeyoooooong?”, Lizzy was getting curious as she took out all what she’s bought to cook.

Sungyeol was going to say something but there were two persons entering the dorm.

“Oh hyung! have you bought the trumpet? Ke ke ke.”

“Trumpet? Ish, I forgot it. Nana-ya, why didn’t you remind me?”

“I forgot it too.” Nana chuckled.

“Ok then let’s buy it after finishing the decoration and stuff.”

“Ok ok!” Nana agreed.

“Ah you guys!” Sungyeol nagged.

“Nana eonniiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!” Lizzy shouted from kitchen.

“Liji-ya, don’t burn the kitchen, eo? Hihihihi.”

“Yaaaaaah! Eonniiiiiiiiii......!!!!”

They all laughed.

“Happy decorating you guys!” Sungyeol cheered.

“Happy cooking!!” Woohyun replied as he started to busy with baloons and full colored papers.


“Oppa, wash these vegetables, I need to slice it and to put into egg rolls dough.”

“Ok chef Lizzy! Kekeke.”


Long pause... in a silence.....

Everyone was busy with their own things. The sound of a chair was being dragged by Woohyun was the loudest one to be heard.

( Don't ask why Woohyun dragged the chair around, ofc to reach the higher place when he's decorating the walls =_= )

After sungyeol done washing the vegetables, Lizzy sliced it some to add it into egg rolls dough.

“Oppa you can peel the fruits, right? Wash it first then peel and slice it. Here...” Lizzy handed many kind of fruits to Sungyeol. Strawberries, grapes, apples, oranges, kiwi, mangos and else.

“I got it! Wow so many..”

“The eaters are many as well. hahaha.”

“You’re right! Keke. Ah I can’t wait to eat...” Sungyeol kept staring at the frying pan.

“This egg roll? Andwaeyo, oppa. Not finish yet.”

“Ara. Keke. But I’ll be the first to try its taste. Ne ne?”

“As you want, oppa.” Lizzy answered without turning to see Sungyeol’s face.


Another silence........

“Liji-ya..”, Sungyeol started the conversation.

“Ne, oppa?” still concetrating to her frying pan.

“Nana.. is there anyone she likes?”

Gulp...! Lizzy turned to see Sungyeol’s face this time.

“Ehem.. Oppa, you like Nana eonni, eo???”

“Yaa! Liji-ya, don’t shout out! Nana or Woohyun could hear you. I was just kidding anyway! Kekekekeke.”

“Liar.” Lizzy answered losing her interest and focused on her frying pan again.

“Jeongmal! It was just.... ah forget it. Keke.”

“Uh huh?”

“Eoh! I like you instead. Not Nana.”


“HAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah I know you’re kidding, oppa. okay that’s pretty funny. Kekekeke.”

“Yaaa! You two, don’t cook and joke around like kiddos! Nana and I will go out to buy the trumpets. We’ll be back soon.”

“Pfffffffft. Ne, Woohyun oppa, Nana eonni.. Bye!” Lizzy shouted as she’s done frying the eggs.

“Liji-ya, I mean it.”

“Uhm? Okay. Have you done washing the fruits, oppa?” Lizzy ignored Sungyeol’s words and still took it as a joke.

“Liji-ya, this time I’m not kidding at all.”

Lizzy stared at Sungyeol’s serious face.

“Pfffffffft. Oppa! your serious face is cute! Kekekekeke.”

“Eish jeongmal this girl.” Sungyeol grabbed Lizzy’s hands which were busy doing the egg rolls.

“Yaa oppa....”

Lizzy couldn’t finish her words because getting cut by Sungyeol’s sudden kiss on her lips.

“I’ve told you, I mean it. I’m not kidding. I like you, Park Sooyoung.”

Lizzy freezed. ‘What has just happened?’, she thought and touched her lips.

“Op..oppa.. isn’t it too much? Even you took my first kiss for your joyous joke.” Lizzy frowned.

“I didn’t lie and I wasn’t joking when I told you that I like you.” Sungyeol continued washing the fruits.



“Liar liar!”

“What should I do to make you believe it?”

“Kiss me, again.” Those words were just out from Lizzy’s mouth. She kept telling to her self that was just kidding and aimed to reply Sungyeol's joke. So she believed that Sungyeol won’t kiss her again.

But it happened, Sungyeol cupped Lizzy’s face and kiss Lizzy’s lips deeper than before.

Lizzy got shocked even more. Without her permission, Sungyeol still pressing his lips to Lizzy’s wanting Lizzy to kiss him back.

‘Where am I now? Sky? Why I don’t feel like standing on the earth? My legs can’t feel anything.’ Lizzy bickering on her mind as she broke the soft kiss Sungyeol gave.


“You don’t believe me still? Be mine, Lizzy.” Sungyeol pecked Lizzy’s lips once again.

“And that was for the third, right? Keke. Please, Liji-ya. Trust me. Or.. you don’t like me?” Sungyeol tilted his head.

“Aniyoooooo...., I’m  just, too afraid that oppa was just joking around.”

“Should I kiss you for the four times?” Sungyeol his lips.

“A-aniiii... you too, oppa,” Lizzy layed her back down.

“Yeah! Wohooooooo!!!! So we’re dating now? Kekeke. Liji-ya, look at me.” Sungyeol cupped Lizzy’s face and pecked her forehead.


“Ne?” Sungyeol smiled.

“We have to finish cooking chapjae really soon. Pfffttt. Hahahahaha.” Lizzy laughed as she pinched Sungyeol’s cheecks lightly.

“Aigoo this girl. I was trying to create a romantic moment but you broke it.” Sungyeol messed Lizzy’s hair.

“Kekekeke. Let’s do that later? hahah. We have to finish it first, oppa”

“Geurae chef Lizzy!”


And this has just begun.....  



Kyaaaaa! How was it? T___T

Sorry for the lack grammar and typos~ orz 

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Chapter 1: omgg they chemistry is so good. i love how clumsy sungyeol was and how cheerful liji. they are choding couple!!