The Flower Blossoms

Only For You


"Kris! Where are you? I found your bow tie!"

Chanyeol raced around the dressing room as he past by the ready grooms, placing a hand on a man in front of him.

"Hey best man, have you seen Kris?"

Zitao turned around to face the man with glaring eyes.

"You lost him? He's getting married in a few hours!"

The shorter man cringed his eyebrows as he tried to wipe the look of disappointment off his face.

"Let's go find the bastard..."


The sunshine brightened in what use to be his old room, just now a bed and a dresser.

But on the window frame, rested a small golden lily, growing beautifully in a small black pot.

Kris was very fond of the flower, ever since he was a small child.

One day he was fishing with his father when he saw a faded flower wilting under the hot sun.

In all honesty, Kris doesn't know what came over him at the time to run across a rushing river for a dying flower.

It didn't matter anymore and never once regretted his decision to rescue it.

Since that day,It has grown almost an inch every year and it's color would become brighter as each season passed.

It now had the color of a stone called Amber, it was beautiful.

"Wow...I'm getting married..."

Kris fell back on a near by chair, his head leaning back as he let out a large sigh.

"This just doesn't feel real right now..."

The taller man couldn't believe he would actually be  getting married, and to his high school sweetheart Victoria.

He then looked at his watch, "I have time to rest."

Kris didn't feel like dealing with his friends and locked himself in his old room.

His eyelids gently closed into a deep sleep as the sun made him feel comfortable.

The flower in the window soaked up the sun, its petals began to grow and form into a mysterious shape but Kris continued to sleep unaware of its transformation


There a strong scent of a sweet smell that engulfed the room waking up Kris.

He rubbed is eyes and yawned like he had been asleep for days.

The sky was already turning to night and he looked at his watch, only an hour left before we was to wed.

But something felt different in the room, something was missing.

The lily was gone.

But before he could react, his eyes caught a figure on the balcony outside.

Kris didn't know who they were but decided to approach them carefully.

"Hey! How did you get out here?"

As he made his way toward them, something under his foot cracked.

It was the black flower pot that held the lily.

"Why did you destroy my flower?"

He didn't know why he was getting angry over something as smal as a flower but it meant so much to him.

The figure laughed after the remark.

Kris was confused why it sounded like a woman.

The figure turned around to reveal themselves.

"I'm not destroyed Kris, I could never do that to you."

Kris was dumbfounded that the short-haired person was actually a young woman.

"What do you mean 'you're not destroyed'...Are you trying to tell me that you are-"

But his words stopped as he then examined the woman from head to toe.

She was short but her feet were bare and covered in dirt.

Her clothing was white and resembled the petals of his presious flower, only wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

Kris tried to say something but the woman walked up to him a pressed her finger on his lips.

"I am Amber, the flower you took in 12 years ago."


Author's Note: I started another one way!!! I thought I should make it up to you guys and right something not as sad but idk if it will be a sad or happy ending.But no one will die I promise!!! He he!!! I will be moving this story later on to my fluff krisber one-shot but for now it stays here. 

Update: I change Sulli to Victoria okay?? :D

until next time ~ Dioona

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Chapter 3: This story is so beautiful~ Loving it...♡
Chapter 3: its awesome authornim c:
well done !
EXOtics97 #3
Chapter 3: loved it loved it loved it <3 =)))
Chapter 3: whew daebak :bd
Chapter 3: Amber is a flower before.. Cool..
Dioona jjang !
Chapter 3: Loooooved iiiit !!!!!!! :D so poetic
krisber_1806 #7
Chapter 3: Make another oneshoot.
Chapter 3: it's romantic actually
spygenl #9
Chapter 3: its so hard to imagine... but its beautiful <3