


Seunghyun was keeping only half a ear on the heavy bass in the background, his hand moving steadily over the lyric sheet in front of him as he sketched out some random items which caught his attention. At the moment it was Jiyong's ring, a pair to one of his, except that he wasn't wearing his matching set that day.

He wasn't sure when the music stopped but the feeling of Jiyong's fingers sliding underneath his wrist protector to rub finger tips over Seunghyun's timer was familiar and soothing. He smiled but didn't look up from the paper, engrossed in getting the shading on his drawing right.

By the time he realised it, Jiyong had squeezed his right hand underneath Seunghyun's somewhat elastic wrist protector and laced their fingers together. Only their closest friends knew about this, but Jiyong had tattooed the mirror image of Seunghyun's stopped timer on the inside of his right wrist, so that they would always match up when they held hands. It was such a sappy and romantic move, but it was also something which only Jiyong would think of doing. He had taken to wearing a wrist protector on both wrists ever since, and that had sparked off a new fashion trend as well as a whole chain of debate if people were manifesting timers on their right wrists now, too.

Seunghyun lifted his left hand and pressed a quick kiss to the back of Jiyong's hand, returning it to his lap and turning back to his drawing. It took him a while to recall that Jiyong was right-handed, which meant he had actually stopped working from the moment he decided to touch Seunghyun.

The other was smiling at him fondly when Seunghyun finally looked up, and he lifted an eyebrow in return. Seunghyun stuck out his tongue, wiggling it at Jiyong in a somewhat lewd manner and the other was laughing, reaching up to cover his mouth with the back of his free hand. He jerked Jiyong closer by their joined hands, pushing the hand covering his mouth away before leaning forward to kiss him, a slow slide of lips and tongues in a dance as old as time.

They pulled apart but only by a fraction, still leaning into each other's personal space, close enough that it felt like they were sharing one breath. Jiyong's eyes were closed but he was smiling, and Seunghyun gave him another quick peck on the lips before brushing noses with him and pressing their foreheads together.

"I love you," he murmured against Jiyong's lips, feeling rather than seeing them twitch into a wider smile. "Love you, hmmn yeah, I love you, so, so much."

"You're being disgusting." Jiyong was giggling now, eyes twinkling with a hot flush rising on his cheeks, and Seunghyun couldn't resist sticking his tongue out to the tip of other's nose. Jiyong recoiled almost immediately with a horrified look. "Oh my god, that's just gross, Seunghyun! I haven't washed my face since this morning and my nose is all shiny and-"

He was about to kiss Jiyong again to silence him when the sound of the studio door opening had the two of them springing apart, and Jiyong was struggling to remove his hand from Seunghyun's wrist protector but he held on to the other's hand tight.

"Morning hyung-nim! The weather is great today isn't it?" Daesung's quick and loud greeting distracted them, but only for the briefest of moments, from the madly blushing Youngbae shuffling in behind him.

He recalled then why they were in the studio to begin with that day, to finish recording their last song before sending it in to Hyunsuk for his approval. The maknae was mysteriously absent even though Daesung had messaged him saying that the three of them were leaving their dorm together. The youngest of their group was probably off whining to someone else about their two rappers being disgusting again, he was sure.

He noticed then that Jiyong was trying to get his attention, shoving him on the arm repeatedly with an increasingly exasperated look. Seunghyun smirked and held on tighter to the other's hand, squeezing it briefly to incite a yelp from Jiyong. He leaned forward to kiss the other again, his grin widening when Jiyong tried unsuccessfully to duck his oncoming face, and chuckled against the other's lips lowly. Jiyong shivered against him with a soft moan and when he realised what had just happened, jerked away with a scandalised look.



"You!" Jiyong looked annoyed and amused, trying not to laugh at his aggressively innocent look and failing. He could hear Daesung's deep laughter in the background and Youngbae's dry voice telling them to go ahead and ignore the others in the room since they were part of the scenery anyway.

Seunghyun thought that his life was complete, or as complete as it could ever get. This might not have been what fate had chosen for him, but it was most definitely what they had chosen for themselves, and from here onwards, things could only get better.

He glanced at Jiyong, who was blushing and grinning and looking all giddy with happiness, and thought that yes, they would make it better together from here onwards.


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Chapter 5: ahhh this is absolutely lovely!!!! <3
Danees #2
Chapter 5: Thank you for these (:
revolutionary #3
Chapter 5: ahhh this is absolutely lovely
Chapter 5: I absolutely LOVED THIS BB!!! Thank you for the amazing plot!!!
But, i still want to kill you too, for the sad ending ;;~~;; *cries a river*
I've read this on lj and haven't had the chance to comment and to thank you cz i don't have lj account and i don't know how to play with it, now that you're here, i would like to thank you for making such a great story! X3
Chapter 5: Oh wait! So Tabi destined was gone. But he was Ji's destined? Is this it??
Chapter 5: Wait. can someone explain to me? Why did tabi number stop?
yourlotustattoo #9
Read this first on LiveJournal and I loved it. Thank you for posting it here!^^ will read it again^^
Really glad I noticed this one! Very enjoyable read. Don't use LJ so I guess it's a plus for me that you moved it here as I'd never have been able to bask in it (I really enjoyed Timer as well). Welcome and I hope to read more of your writing!