Ending It After Some Time




A story of how two little kids continued on in life bringing an unsure feeling along their way on growing.

It was odd for them to remember, but they did.

Would their story end up in the way they wanted to?

Or the years after waiting will just be wasted?


Please, ChanMin… be fine.


“Umma told me that wedding or engagement rings are put there and so I’ll be putting it there not because we are engaged but to simply say that you’ll be mine someday”


“Miss, have you seen this girl?” he showed the staff his phone only to flash ChanMin’s smiling face, the girl shook her head, stunned at the sight “C-can I have a picture with you?” she excitedly asked. “Sorry… maybe next time” then he scampered off his way to the next floor…


“Don’t you dare, or else I would hate you for the rest of our life.”


“I wouldn’t break my promises, ChanMin” he bit his lip as he stumbled on his own feet and landed on the hard floor, “Curse this clumsiness!” he stood up and began running again. “ChanMin… where are you…” he went into the elevator and made his way to the rooftop. A gush of wind hit him as he reached the open area, he searched through the area but found nothing.


“Hold onto our promise, ok? Trust me, Min-ah… I’ll come to be with you again”


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