make you happy
Baekhyun thinks Chanyeol is too happy for his own good. He thinks it's stupid, because Chanyeol is always so full of sunshine rays and happy viruses so he claims.
Baekhyun just wants peace and quiet.
Baekhyun just wants properly functioning ears to be able to listen to the professor's discussion with ease.
But Chanyeol forbids that.
Chanyeol's always asking questions highly involving the word common sense.
"Why are plants color green again? Is it because of chlorophyll?"
"What's my height in inches? I'm 6'2, by the way."
"What's the square root of 36, if 6 multiplied by 6 is the same number?"
It's like it's almost there written in BIG LOUD fonts for Chanyeol to see, an equation of a combination of colors, as easy as 1 2 3, bbuing bbuing and gwiyomi, but he still insists on asking. He tells Baekhyun it's just to make sure. Baekhyun thinks he ought to ask Baekhyun first, instead of risking all possible credibility of Chanyeol to diminish in the eyes of many (or in this case, their class). It's not that Baekhyun always knows the answers to Chanyeol's questions, Baekhyun just wants to shut Chanyeol up. 

Baekhyun also thinks Chanyeol's too carefree for his own good, because despite the heck loads of homework he's got he's still bothering to text Baekhyun like he's got nothing to do.
Like right now as he picks up his vibrating phone and his screen's showing Chanyeol's flood of text.
hey byunbaek!
have you eaten?
are you trying to study now? cause somehow i can't and you're running in my mind, you know?
Like what the hell! Really, Baekhyun's tempted to fling his cellphone out the window (except he doesn't because he actually replies) because he feels more frustrated with how cheesy Chanyeol could be that he finds it utterly distracting from his studying. He doesn't admit, however, that Chanyeol is running on his mind too.
Approx. 100 laps a minute.
Seriously, Chanyeol, don't you have anything to do?
Let's just say Baekhyun's just really concerned with Chanyeol's class standing in physics, a subject the taller doesn't fare in quite well despite doing exceptionally well in trigonometry and geometry. It's unfazing, really.
Mr. Shim doesn't exactly give out easy test questions, you know.
yeah, but...
Well, can you at least make me study. Maybe then I'll throw you a hint or two or maybe... forget it. Don't talk to me!
no! no! okay, i'll shut up
i love you, byuntae
sorry, it was a typo
i sort of forgot the k and replaced b with t, oops
I thought you were- going to shut up, Baekhyun doesn't even finish it because then a new message from Chanyeol pops up.
i love you most, byunbaek 
And really, as Baekhyun turns to mush, he swears Chanyeol should make him stop feeling this way. But he couldn't say that. He wouldn't even admit to Chanyeol that he feels so strongly about him. Chanyeol just knows Baekhyun's love is mutual and that it ends at that.

Physically, Baekhyun thinks Chanyeol's eyes are too wide and is that even possible like why, alright? Did the gods want him to be an ulzzang on the day of his creation? Is there even a certain position fixed to make an ulzzang? But no, Chanyeol is not an ulzzang. He's just naturally handsome, cute, adorable, derpy, dorky, all. at. the. same. time!
And Baekhyun has the misfortune fortune out of a million to like this creature human being.
Ah, Baekhyun wouldn't even forgetnot in a lifetimethe abnormal facial twitch!
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the contours of Chanyeol's face or how his dimples form. His teeth are evenly spaced out in two rows and sparkly white, if anything. Just that when he smiles, there's a flaw somewhere in there Baekhyun sees that he doesn't classify a flaw anymore. Chanyeol smiles at him often and he has since then stopped complaining.
It's what makes Chanyeol Byun Baekhyun's, after all, because there's always this distinguished smile Chanyeol makes only reserved for Baekhyun even if it involves uneven and unruly eyes.

Behavior-wise, Chanyeol also says sorry too much.
Like didn't he just say sorry on that text message?
Or anyway, Chanyeol really says sorry at the most trivial of things.
Take for example when he trips on his long limbs when it's not even anyone's fault but him. Like is he saying sorry to himself? If not, to whom then? 
Or at times when Baekhyun points out that Chanyeol's much too lame and effortless that he needs to use his common sense. He says sorry even at that.
Chanyeol's also rather forgetful. He forgets the littlest of things like where his glasses are when he just put them over the opening of his polo. He forgets to do his homework and has Baekhyun doing most of them for him. He forgets his birthday, if not for Baekhyun greeting him in the midnight first thing when the clock strikes 27th of November.
And probably now as Baekhyun arrives in class on the morning of May 6, seemingly all smiles with a lot of ideas up his sleeve to do, but then...
Chanyeol seems to have forgotten. 
He immediately assumes, because then Chanyeol isn't usually all over his face when he enters class like he does almost everyday. Instead, he's welcomed by a cloak of black aura. Baekhyun doesn't even know why. Most of his birthdays were spent with so much of Chanyeol all over his face, singing for him even if it sometimes gets embarrassing. They'd plan early in the morning what they'd do in the day. It's like the mini itinerary. But this.
Suddenly, Baekhyun misses stupid Chanyeol. 
This one's like a whole new person.
Whatever happened to his ray of sunshine? What's a frown, a creased forehead, and a bitter expression disgracing Chanyeol's face when he lifts the taller's head up to face him?
Surely this ain't the surprise? This is legit grumpy, paired with Chanyeol's curly brown locks. Just when Baekhyun's damned the hairstyle and finally convinced Chanyeol to dye it to black and straighten it a little a few weeks back. 
Later on, Baekhyun finds out it's because Chanyeol just got his wisdom tooth removed yesterday and that it hurts not to frown, but Baekhyun will, with all his might (even if it meant killing), have Chanyeol smiling at him again. Baekhyun thinks stupid Chanyeol is way better. 
Chanyeol didn't necessarily plan anything, like for example his wisdom tooth extraction. He didn't plan on forgetting Baekhyun's birthday when he's had plans for almost a month back, too. He's just glad, however, that this makes Baekhyun coo over him.

But when they meet for break after a couple of classes they don't have together, stupid Chanyeol is back...temporarily, at least. He's even more rowdy and exceptionally noisier than usual that Baekhyun has half the mind to contemplate whether it was better when Chanyeol was slowly and painfully blabbing over the excruciating distraction on his mouth and the writhing pain, suppressing crying for the man he is. Now it seems he's gotten the hang of it and so Baekhyun's mental mission to make Chanyeol smile is easily aborted. 
"Byunbaek, I got this really cool privilege!" Chanyeol exclaims, voice loud and deep and booming.
"Chanyeol, shut up okay," and Baekhyun just face palms because isn't it that Chanyeol was a sulking mess just earlier!?
"Okay, but you know Kai said he could totally teach me to dance because I at it right and with Yixing too. They're totally ow owww--" and Chanyeol just tries so hard to think of mind over matter, as if the pain on his mouth would actually go away.
Baekhyun has half the mind to control his impending laughter, deciding to say instead, "Shut up or I'll break up with you."
"Okay," and Chanyeol shuts up for real, finding it impossible to open his mouth. "I got you this, though."
And Chanyeol fishes out a flower origami from his backpack, handing it over to Baekhyun.
"It kind of got crumpled, though."
Baekhyun can't help but beam with a smile, his eyes turning to crescents and his lips thinning out in a smile.
"Okay, now I think I'd like to hear you ramble about how much you love me."
"But," Chanyeol points to his mouth and Baekhyun understands, but Chanyeol has this pained smile afterwards. It's as though Chanyeol's hinting something and he really does, because then he sort of distorts the flower origami and Baekhyun frowns, but sees a trail of words marking down the insides of the paper used for the folded art. 
Baekhyun does the distorting more eagerly now, reading about Chanyeol's little incidents in classes they didn't have together and how he had to make the flower origami during trigonometry class because he didn't have to listen because he's very good at it anyway. Chanyeol says sorry in it, never-ending ones that mark over almost until the bottom, just because he forgot Byunbaek's birthday despite planning for it a month back. On the contrary, Chanyeol also writes about how birthdays just tend to make a person older and that to him Baekhyun would always be the first time he met him when they were fifteen and tender. Chanyeol's not very good with words written on paper, so then he ends the "little" birthday letter with I love you most, Byunbaek at the right most bottom corner just like he always says (although right now written on paper).


But that night, as they have a long exam coming the next day, they decide to just study the night away at Baekhyun's. They did have a little celebration, with Baekhyun's mother cooking her specialities Baekhyun most loved, but that was that. Now they're studying at adjacent study tables, with Chanyeol almost sprawled all over Baekhyun because I don't know why he just is and whispers, "Hey Byunbaek."
"Yeah?" Baekhyun asks curiously, shifting his attention from the book he's reading to Chanyeol.
"I love you most!" Chanyeol exclaims so exuberantly, that Baekhyun just has a little urge to smack him on the head because he's too loud.
Except he doesn't, because then he says, "I love you back. I've been trying to figure out why, though."
But even if it's a retort meant to irritate, Chanyeol still can't help but beam.
You just do, is what Chanyeol thinks.
"Did I say that out loud?"
"No, you just have this expression," and then Baekhyun laughs, which makes Chanyeol's heart flutter and the butterflies in his stomach die.


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Chapter 1: So cute!~ loved it!
Chapter 1: Kiss him Chanyeol~ doooo iiiiit!!~ lol this was sweetness!!
Chapter 1: LOL.. sweet~~~ i love you the most too byunbaek~ xD
Chapter 1: This is cute