Life without Bella.

When West meets East


Bella’s POV



“Tell me. Tell me now! What’s your goddamn explanation for everything?” I said as I glared at him from across the seat that he was at.


That man in front of me was the only one I thought I could trust, but I was wrong.


He had caused all of this.


He was the one who made it all happened.


“Tell me what was it that made you sell you family off like that? Money? Was it that?” I asked him again seeing that he made no attempt to respond at all. “I should have told the police about what you did three years ago Will. I protected you, going against my own principles of honesty because I believed in you. I believed that you were the only one who was looking out for me,” I said, as I finally got up from my seat, restless as the tension builds up inside of me.


“You know what? Never mind. I don’t want to hear anything from you but if you do care, just get out of my life and never appear before me again. I’ll change my name and I ‘ll do whatever it takes to grow out of everything everyone used to know me as. From this moment on, you are no father of mine! And here’s the money that you want! Take it and take this whole house. I don’t need any of it!” I said as I walked out of the house, walking into the light that will take me away from this life.


Away from everything I had and everything I’ve known.


I am going to be a new person now.


Moments later, I found myself in front of a hair salon. I took a breath in as I walked in and sat on the seat.


“Make me into a new person,” I told the hairstylist as she nodded and bit by bit, I saw my hair being snipped away and fell onto the ground.


That’s it, take it all away.


All that pain and suffering from before.


Before long I was done.


I looked at myself in the mirror as I hardly recognize myself.


This is the first step and many more to go.


I took out my phone as I saw our picture together as the wallpaper.


“Wait for me. I’ll be back in Korea soon enough,” I said out loud, as though he could hear what I was saying.



Junhyung’s POV


“A new sensation had taken over the America and she is ready to take her act international. She will be arriving on the coast of South Korea where many of her fans are anticipating her debut there. We will be in for a great show as her concert promises……”


The sound of the TV was blasted out loud as I saw Yoseob and Doo Joon concentrating hard on the screen before them.


“What are you guys watching?” I asked them as I reached out for a coke in the fridge and walked towards them.


“Oh it’s about that new singer in America. She’s so talented and pretty just like Bella used to be,” Yoseob said before Doo Joon smacked him on the head.


The mere mention of her name seemed to hit me hard.


How long ago has it been since I saw her?


A year or was it two?

I don’t know.

I didn’t want to keep track.

I didn’t want to count the numbers of days that she had left me behind.

I have naively believed her when she said she was going to be back and totally overlooked that last part of the statement.

I wanted to believe that she will be back, so I waited and I kept on waiting until I gave up.

She was not going to spear suddenly and ever since she left, there was no news about her.

It was as if she didn’t even exist in the first place.

It was hard to move on at first but I moved on and so did Lee Joon.

He’s a friend now and we cleared everything there was to cleared, and I understood how he felt for weird reason.

The members said that it was because I loved her.

But I disagree.

Because loving someone wasn’t supposed to be this hard.


“Junhyung we need to get ready now. If not we’ll be late!” I heard Doo Joon shout out to me as I dragged myself to change into some proper clothes. We were supposed to be heading to the hair salon now to get our hair and make up ready for the event that night.


“Listen, I’m sorry for bringing her up okay. Don’t go emotional and quiet again. It’s kind of scary,” Yoseob said to me when we on our way to the hair salon.

“It’s okay. I’m over that,” I lied to him as I heard Doo Joon scoffed in response.


Soon after we got to the hair salon. I heaved a sigh of relief when we did. I was just glad of getting of that van, away from all those analyzing eyes. As I walked into the salon, I realized that hey were a few foreign faces around.


(a/n : the highlighted conversation are in English okay ^__^ )


“Are you ready, Emma?” I heard them say as the stay surrounded around a person.


“I’m always ready,” I heard a voice reply. The group then dispersed as they revealed a girl, or rather a woman sitting on the seat.


She had flawless white skin. Her platinum hair was long, almost to her waist and they were curled, making them look shorter that it actually is. She turned around as soon as a pathway was made for her when I heard Yoseob gasped!


“Emma! It’s Emma!” He said, almost going into that fanboy mode that he always sinks into whenever he sees IU.


The woman in front of us simply smiled and bowed as she greeted us in perfect Korean.


“Annyonghaseyo. My name is Emma. Pleased to be of acquaintance,” She said as she shook my hand before doing the same to others. She then stood in front of Doo Joon and shook his hand when I saw his face filled with surprise.



Doo Joon’s POV


I looked at her blankly as the girl that we had seen in the TV earlier came to shook our hands one by one. As she extended her hands towards me, she had a smirk on her face and that glint of mischief in her eyes as she whispered in a volume that only the two of us could hear.


“Remember me?”


I was surprise by her statement but as soon as it sank in, I saw her place her fingers across her lips.


Secrecy huh?


I looked over to Junhyung who was now giving me a weird look as I turned back to the woman in front of me, nodding in agreement to the secrecy.


She then waved goodbye to us as the mob of paparazzi swarmed around her as she made her way through them, flashing a familiar smile as she went along.


“Emma, are you dating anyone?”


“Emma, in the previous interview you said you were back for someone important. Who is this person? Is he your boyfriend?”


I heard the many questions that the paparazzi bombarded her with as she simply smiled to them before finally letting out a response.


“Wait for my concert. Maybe he’ll be there too,” She said as she slipped into her van and drove off, causing a media frenzy all of the sudden. I looked at the other members around me as I smirked to myself.


Things are about to get interesting in here.




Anyways, I'm firstly gonna apologized to @soulsistah cause I changed my mind about the explaining thing. It'll be tedious and you might actually get more confused if I add the part about how her mom died and her dad making them into a deal and stuff like that. SO instead, she is gonna throw away herself, sort off.
And I know this chapter comes off as a bit confusing but next chapter will clear it up okay!



p.s this ff will be ending soon by the way. I'm so sad now~~

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EternallyTVXQ #1
awesome story haha
yada0413 #2
What an ending. :)))))
There it is ! YEEYYYYY !! I found the sequel ! :) <3333
SEQUEL ! SEQUEL ! SEQUEL ! :P :D ;) kekeke :P Sequel Please ! :) <333 I REALLY LOVE THE STORY <33 I'm so sorry for being a silent reader :P but please.. make a sequel :) please? :) kekeke :) FIGHTING !!! :) <333
hmm..maybe i know who the mystery guy is~XD<br />
............ i hate cliffhangers. blehh :P
soulsistah #7
what the heck... mystery guy outta the blue...<br />
just as well theres a sequel else i'd be glaring daggers at you... chuckles lol<br />
<br />
looking forward to the sequel <333
kristyrae #8
i'm a new subbie & i'm so glad there's a sequel :D<br />
don't keep us waiting for tooo long! i wonder who L is :O
soulsistah #10
nnoooooooooooooooooooo already.... cries this was so good ^.^