
When West meets East


Junhyung’s POV


“Junhyung!Pick up your damn phone!” I heard the others groaned and shouted at me as I stirred up from my sleep. I felt all over my bed when I finally got my phone.


“Hello?” I answered the phone without looking at the caller ID.


No response.


“Do you have any idea what time is it?” I looked at the phone before putting the phone back to my ear when I realized whom the caller was. I glanced over the phone again to confirm it was her.


“Bella?” I said out loud as the others woke up almost immediately as I mentioned that name.


“Can you come to the park near your place? I’ll be waiting,” She said at the other side of the line before she hung up.


There was something wrong with the tone of her voice. I know it for sure. I then got out of bed, took a coat and rushed out of the house towards the park as Bella had instructed me too. My eyes scanned around the park as soon as I reach the place before finally fixing my gaze on the silhouette that was at the beach near the playground. I ran over and found Bella in tears.


I knelt on my knees as I covered her face with her hands. It felt cold beneath my warm hands.


“How long have you been here? “ I asked her as she mumbled.  “4 hours.”


I looked at the time on my phone. It was 3 am.


“Why didn’t you call me earlier?” I asked her as my voice got louder, making her jerk in surprise.


“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you. I’m just gonna leave,” She said as she got up taking a bag of luggage with her.


“No,Bella. I’m sorry. Oppa’s sorry. I’m just worried and you’re so cold. Here take my coat,” I told her as I hastily took my coat off me and put it on her. She looked at me straight in the eyes before suddenly pulling me into a hug and astarted breaking down. Crying as she muttered a muffled mess that I don’t quite understand.


“Oppa, I’m sorry. I didn’t forget you and I didn’t mean the words I said before and I was so scared that you’d hate me and Lee Joon, he….” Her voice trailed off as she started to tear up even more.


“I’ll bring you to the dorm okay? Let’s go. We can talk there,” I told her as I reached out my hand but instead of taking my hand, she made her way back to the bench and sat down.


“So you don’t want to go back to the dorm?” I asked her as she gave me an affirmative look.


“Okay, let’s do this. We go to the dorm, I get changed and then we go to your home okay? And besides you need to change. That is not appropriate to wear in this cold night,” I told her as I pointed to her short pants and tight fitted shirt that barely covered her stomach. She nodded as an agreement and we finally made our way back to the dorm but the moment that we did, she told me that she didn’t want to walk into the dorm until I assured her that the others were asleep.


“Here, change into this,” I told her as I handed her a shirt of mine as I walked to the dressing room to change to some other clothes. When I walked out of the room, I saw her taking off her shirt in the dark, I had wanted to stop her but it was just too fascinating, how the lights hits her on each and everyone of her curves. She looked amazingly beautiful and magical.


“Uhh.. Bella?” I heard Doo Joon’s voice bellowed in the empty silent hall as Bella turned around to face him, just in her bra. I walked over to her as I pulled the shirt over her, covering the overexposed skin as quickly as I probably could.


“Bella’s here?” I heard the others asked as one by one the group gathered in the living room while Bella stood behind me, holding on to a corner of my shirt like a scared little kid.


“We’re going off now. You guys can go back to sleep,” I told them as I grabbed Bella’s hand and pulled her towards the doorway.


“It’s okay, she can stay,” Doo Joon said as he walked towards us, more accurately towards Bella but upon his touch, Bella flinched and pulled me in front of her as a shield.


That was weird.


I gave a shocked look, so did the others.


“Why Bella? Do you not recognize me?” Doo Joon asked her as she looked back at me and took a step forward to look at Doo Joon. It took her a while before she finally hugged him and apologized.


After taking out some futon, everyone went back to sleep as I waited beside Bella to wait for her to fall asleep but she was staring at me all the while making it hard to feel comfortable.


“Don’t you want to know what happened?” She asked me softly.


“Of course I do but I don’t want to force you to say anything. Just tell me when you’re ready,” I told her as I found myself kissing her on the forehead like I did the first time I saw her cried because of Lee Joon.



Bella’s POV


I didn’t know why I flinched upon Doo Joon’s touch but I knew I had to apologized. It was wrong to do that, especially after I saw the immense hurt in his eyes when I did.


I stared at Junhyung all the way through, thinking of what to say to him, contemplating whether I should tell him anything.


“Don’t you want to know what happened?” I asked him softly, knowing how loud a whisper could sound in this silence.


He turned his head to me with a clueless expression before kissing me on my forehead, just like before.


“Of course I do but I don’t want to force you to say anything. Just tell me when you’re ready,” he said.


Then the silence took over again until I finally decided to say it.


“Lee Joon’s family is the cause for my broken family and it wasn’t my mom’s fault. It was my dad’s,” I said as the disappointment looms over me again. The fact that my dad had indeed sold us over to the Lees due to a failed business made me feel betrayed. The man I had believed in all these time was the true liar, was the biggest liar of them all.


“My dad sold us over to Joon’s family. Both me and my mom but Lee Joon protected me and left me out of the deal,” I told Junhyung as I too see the reality of it all. As much as I hoped that Lee Joon was all bad, he was the very reason why I was still here and not dead like my mom.


“Am I wrong for hating my dad? Am I wrong for hating Lee Joon?” I asked Junhyung as I turned my body to face him entirely. He opened his mouth to answer before closing it again. He then pulled me close to him and whispered.


“You don’t have to make up your mind as to whether you hate them or not now. Take your time. Maybe you’ll be able to think clearly soon,” He said as he rubbed my back gently, calming me from all the havoc that’s going inside my head.


He felt so warm.



And safe.


How have you guys been? I hope you guys have been great. It’s 3 am right now and I’m still on the comp. hohoho and I have tutoring later. Ughhh.. I’m so unprepared. Oh well.


@soulsistah: you’d have to wait for that, love. IT’s be explained later. I promise.


@max_woo_lin: Hohoho. I told you I update everyday. LOL. EVERYONE LOVES JUNHYUNGGIIIEEEE~~~ Hahaha. SO I bet you like this chapter since there’s their moment. Hohoh. Can’t think of a pairing name for them,


@MissNerdyLion:  YAY!! NEW SUB!! AHHHH!!Imma celebrate with my monkey dance, shake shake shake. Throw confetti and crazy dancing. Okay~ Now that that’s done. Thank you loving me and my story. I love CHU~ too.. love love!





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EternallyTVXQ #1
awesome story haha
yada0413 #2
What an ending. :)))))
There it is ! YEEYYYYY !! I found the sequel ! :) <3333
SEQUEL ! SEQUEL ! SEQUEL ! :P :D ;) kekeke :P Sequel Please ! :) <333 I REALLY LOVE THE STORY <33 I'm so sorry for being a silent reader :P but please.. make a sequel :) please? :) kekeke :) FIGHTING !!! :) <333
hmm..maybe i know who the mystery guy is~XD<br />
............ i hate cliffhangers. blehh :P
soulsistah #7
what the heck... mystery guy outta the blue...<br />
just as well theres a sequel else i'd be glaring daggers at you... chuckles lol<br />
<br />
looking forward to the sequel <333
kristyrae #8
i'm a new subbie & i'm so glad there's a sequel :D<br />
don't keep us waiting for tooo long! i wonder who L is :O
soulsistah #10
nnoooooooooooooooooooo already.... cries this was so good ^.^