
webcam confessions.


to those who are confused, the ones under quotes and in italic and centre aligned are sehun talking to the camera in his room, hence it is in present tense. that's about it. enjoy!

chapter 1:


“So… my Monday started like how everyone’s week-day does: a kick in the shin by none other than Kim Jongin himself.”

Jongin didn’t need to know what Oh Sehun was dreaming of at the time he woke him up. It was a known fact to the older that the star of Sehun’s gay dreams was a certain school soccer team’s captain. But being Sehun’s self-proclaimed best-friend, Jongin made it his duty to barge into his house every week-day morning by 8 a.m, greeting the younger’s former part-time hippie of a father (who then leaves the house for ‘work’ if you know what I mean) and burst open his room’s door with a merry ‘GOOD MORNING SEHUN!’ before jumping on the large lump of blankets and sleepiness on the bed.


Sehun groaned and punched what felt like Jongin’s stomach from under the covers; the latter rolling of the bed onto the floor with a dull ‘thud’. But that didn’t deter Kim Jongin’s over-the-top enthusiasm when he jumped on Sehun again and began pouting.

“Wakey wakey Sehun-ah. Don’t you want to go to school?” Jongin almost squeaked and Sehun decided that his body is way too tired to smack the living daylights out of the elder.


Jongin pouted, hoping Sehun would somehow see it despite being wrapped up under his large, terra cotta sheets.

“Not even for me?”


Now, according to Oh Sehun’s previous observations, his hypothesis states that:

Kim Jongin thinks that he’s the funniest, cutest and the most relevant person on the surface of this planet irrespective of time conditions, pressure, temperature, light intensity, surface of contact, calorific value and all other bull-crap science has ever taught him in sixteen years of his life.


A half-sleepy Sehun recalled the day he had voiced this theory to none other than his highness. Jongin was stupid enough to squeal in delight, clap his hands ‘cutely’ and embrace Sehun in one of his rib-dislocating hugs before mumbling a high-pitched stream of ‘thank you, thank you, thank you thank you…’ and a ‘I knew you’d recognize my talents!’. Sehun totally forgot to mention the key word: THINKS.

Kim Jongin THINKS he’s important to everyone. He’s not, except to Sehun anyway. But Sehun won’t every say that out loud.

Coming back.



Huffing in annoyance, Jongin clung to the younger’s thin frame and began whispering in his ear; a dark smirk now more than evident on his face.

“Did you forget about the match today Sehun-ah?” Jongin innocently questioned and the younger groaned again; this time louder.


For a stupid person, Kim Jongin was quite smart.

The ‘match’ was as important to Sehun as was his birthday. Seemingly, it was an inter-school soccer match between Oakwood High and Wing-west; one which consisted of ten agile, sweaty hunks from their side…. and Luhan.

“I don’t know how I managed to fall for Luhan. It felt like it was the most natural thing ever! I mean… he was fit, cute, funny and less of a douche than majority of high school. Heck, he was popular for all of those reasons; you’d have to be either blind or insane to not like him.

The problem was… that I never knew I felt that way for the elder until my girlfriend broke up with me. She was a cheerleader for Christ’s sake! And I let her go. Why? Because of supposedly ‘ually frustrated, unending libido that only magnetized towards… my .’ " A deep dust of red coats his face enough to make Sehun look like a ripe tomato on screen.

"Th-they're not my words! I swear! Um… Jongin… told me this. It's all Jongin...” Sehun scratches the back of his head and shifts the camera a little to the left.

“I hate you so much” Sehun grumbled and ruffled the blankets over him only to face a grinning Jongin. Grunting, Sehun pushed his face away (Jongin falls on the floor again) and trudged to the washroom.

“Jongin is like… a pain in the most of the time. I still don’t know how we managed to stay friends for this long. I know him since the beginning of middle school and honestly? The kid was smarter than what he is now. He’s so freaking stubborn sometimes and he thinks he’s oh-so awesome… but really… he’s just… ugh.” Sehun makes a face and stops speaking for a good minute.

“…well, he isn’t all that bad. Surprisingly, Jongin is a strict disciplinarian when it comes to his dance classes. He words as a co-dance teacher during weekends for little children and because dancing is something Jongin seeks passion in, he’s quite serious about that. He told me he wanted to try out X-factor one day” Sehun laughs. “…and also… I mean, there has to be a reason why we are best-friends. I just don’t go looking for a bunch of overly narcissistic divas and befriend then because it’s Easter. Jongin’s protective about what he has and cherishes… and I happen to be… one of them? I don’t know, I think so though.

The thing is… I’m kind of glad that we met back in middle school… cause he’s someone I can rely on even on my death-bed. I mean, he gets dangerous if someone hurts a person he’s really fond of. He transfigures into this customized Super Saiyan mode before kicking their derrieres to Neverland. But that’s only when he’s irked… otherwise, the kid wouldn’t hurt a fly.”


“GOTCHA!” Jongin exclaimed the moment Sehun stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed his bag. Jongin happily flicked the dead mosquito from his hand and stood up, waving to his friend like an idiot.

Sehun awkwardly puffs his cheeks and clears his throat. “I said fly. FLY

“What are you-? Why would-? Ugh, let’s just go.” with that, Sehun sighed and stomped out of his room, glides down the railing of the stairs with finesse (it was a fluke), grabbed a nutri-bar and headed towards the door, out of the house.

“’Sup Pinky?”

The seniors howled in laughter and Sehun groaned, hanging his head low, with more of the pink fringes covering his forehead and eyes. Jongin too, chuckled under his breath when the younger shot him a look.

This was the third week when Sehun would walk down the hallways, with his messy pale pink hair all over the place, ignoring the girls who drowned in their giggle fit and the senior’s eve teasing. Sehun believes that it’s his father to blame.

“Three freaking weeks of pure torture-“ Sehun ruffles his hair in frustration before adjusting the camera and speaking again.

“You see… this one morning; I rouse up with a of a headache and a magenta head. School that day had to be the most embarrassing moment of my life. Heck, anyone would’ve felt that way if they wake up one day looking like ing Szayel Aporro Granz. I had to lie to every person who asked me how I managed to get the rainbow glitter all over my reputation. I told them it was a dare from Jongin from my birthday the day before when in reality…” Sehun sighs and looks around; ensuring his the door of his bedroom was closed.

Like it would matter, the kid was going to spill anyway.

“…my father… unfortunately… isn’t exactly right in the head. He owns a huge garage and since business is sky-rocketing nowadays, we’re pretty well off. The problem comes in when every day I wake up to realize that he’s a whole new category of hopeless, exotic hippies… and… sort of knows my little problem when it comes to the soccer star. He’s crazy, in short-” Sehun sighs.

“-so… on my birthday, I find him getting hammered in the basement, telling me that he’s ‘livin’ the American dream’ and while there’s a party with a few close friends upstairs, I ask him to go to bed. Then… he… removes a packet of…uh… herbs… and asks me if he wants to join him. I mean he doesn’t insist or anything… and I only turned sixteen! Gosh, I sound like such a girl…” Sehun groans and rubs his face with both of his hands.

“I mean… he just… began smoking the… uh… herb and looked up and asked me ‘wanna smoke?’ and… well… I said… yes! I mean, you just can’t decline something like that if your parent is so willing to give it to you!

“So… I’m guessing I got pretty -faced from what Jongin told me. I don’t remember , but he said that he entered the basement to find me making weird arm gestures and he saw the joint and decided to end the party while I still wasn’t exposed to the public eye because it’s ing illegal.” Sehun says all in one go; his face is now red in utter embarrassment.

“I’m so going to delete this tape before I’m thrown behind bars. But it was only a one time thing! I'm never doing it again, I swear.... , , , , UGH. Um… anyway… I’m guessing we just had dye in the house because of my dad… and we somehow managed to dye my hair and half of… my face…um… pale pink. My dad got it worse though. He had and I quote from his highness ‘the blues’ all week before he fixed himself. He wasn’t even mad! He just laughed at my misery… that man did…” Sehun mutters grudgingly.

Sehun reached his locker quietly, Jongin humming casually as he waits for his friend to grab his books.

“What do you have first?” Jongin piped up.

“Math, I think.”

“Aww… you’re gonna be stuck with Scholar-Kyungie.” Jongin half-snickered and Sehun smacked  him in the head.

Scholar-Kyungie… or less commonly known as Do Kyungsoo was just another Korean in the grand diversity that was Oakwood High.

Except that he was a genius.

“A ing genius.”

He seemed to top every class Sehun took, and it irked the latter to no return. Math, specifically was something Sehun truly believed he could achieve but noooooo… Scholar-ing-Kyungie seemed to surpass that too.

“The worst thing about him was that… you couldn’t even hate him!” Sehun was flailing his arms by now, and he put the thought of pitying any viewer of his videos aside. “He’s a ing darling to everyone and is like… the kindest piece of that ever existed! Like… not even the fake kind; he would ing pamper me to no end and share food with me… accompany me to the library and had the sweetest freaking laugh ever. I hate him because he’s a ing angel and I’m ing jealous okay?

“Oh and I suspect him to have the hots for my best-friend.”

“I know!” Sehun groaned again and he realized that he’s been doing that a lot lately. “And he said he baked me cookies! How the am I supposed to hate that?” Jongin laughed and ruffled the younger’s hair.

“Just bring me some.”

“Oh I’ll bring you some.” Sehun smirked, raising an eye-brow and barks a laugh at confused Jongin, before stalking into his classroom.

Classroom 23-B chirped with its usual enthusiasm, Sehun observed; with gushing girls and boisterous boys, corny couples, snobbish es, eccentric immigrants, know-it-all nerds and the normal, average crowd.

The room was lit with dim tube-lights, heavily depending on the spot-free transparent glass plunging a border between mother nature and the legion of textbooks and chalk-dust. A flag of the country hung loosely in the corner while the rest of the three beige walls displayed numerous soft boards. The final wall was simply more glass, diving the corridors and the room itself. An array of uniquely positioned (clearly messy, in other words) desks welcomed Sehun as he grabbed one of them from the middle and sunk himself casually, un-strapping his bag and pushing it to the floor.

“What’s up, geisha?” a loud snicker made Sehun twitch and he turned to find the sitting figure of a girl with copper-brown hair, a dazzling eye smile and a personality that Sehun could recite with his eyes closed. Her name was Alison Millicent Turner; proud member of the soccer team’s cheerleading squad.

She also happened to be Oh Sehun’s ex-girlfriend.

“-and an insufferable . I knew Alison from middle school and she, Jongin and I actually used to talk. Back then, she was Al Turner, the cool, original optimist. Not a thrown away Barbie-doll with molten plastic all over her pretty façade. I really liked her back then, she was a great girl. I remember asking her out in the final year of middle-school, just before we became freshmen, and when she said yes, I was genuinely content with everything I had.

But high school sort of turned tables. She grew interested in cheerleading, and I grew interested in men; or moreover, Luhan. By the end of last year, I had to break up with her, because… well… I can’t keep her in the dark about why I’m not all that interested in her. I just told her that she deserved better, to prevent complications and… she hates my guts ever since.” self-pity oozes out of Sehun and he casually shrugs his shoulders.

“’Sup Kardashian?” Sehun retorted. That seemed to shut her up.

For the time being at least..

Rolling his eyes, Sehun dug out his text-book. There were still about five minutes before class actually started--


'NOOOOOOOOOOOO!' Sehun cried mentally when them most melodious voice called his name.

Said teenager turned around and tried his best to fight back a frown.

The class suddenly seemed brighter and his classmates less moody. Well, why wouldn’t they? After all ‘Scholar-Kyungie’ was here; waving a nonchalant arm at Sehun with a smile that put the sun to shame. His humongous doe eyes crinkling at the sides making Sehun almost cry for how he couldn’t hate Do Kyungsoo.

"Honestly, if I wouldn't be trying to hate his guts throughout the year, I would be honoured that he even called my name and knew my existence in the first place. How can someone be this wonderful?! I mean, it doens't even make sense!"

“Hey.” Sehun replied quietly and Kyungsoo placed himself right next to the pinkette.

‘No, no, no, no, no, not next to me!’ the younger sobbed inwardly. Kyungsoo beamed.

“How was your weekend?” he inquired and the younger shrugged.

“It was alright.”

“Great. Oh! Got you the biscuits I promised.” with a graceful laugh (Sehun had to stop himself from laughing along because his mind was a cluster of meadows right then), Kyungsoo dug out a cling-filmed bunch of perfectly round chocolate covered cookies (along with chunks of chocolate fudge around the circumference) and tossed them to the younger, who caught it immediately. “Tell me how they are.” with another smile, Kyungsoo flipped open in notepad and began scanning notes.


“How’s your friend, Kai?” Sehun almost choked, but regained himself. Kai aka Kim Jongin aka Sehun’s best friend aka Kyungsoo’s eye-candy aka this conversation made Sehun uncomfortable.

“He… he’s alright.” Sehun mumbled back and just then, the final bell rung.

“I hate him. I hate hate hate hate hate him, man. For the first time in days, I couldn’t be happier when Mr. Foxtart- yeah that’s his name- ‘Foxtart’ entered class and bored the crap out of us with his twisted, salivating tongue. There’s a reason no one sits on the first few benches of the class room.”

“-so one uses integration to find the area under the curve, which, if you’re a smart-head, is easier to solve than the trapezium rule. But keep in mind to use the latter if it’s specifically asked-”

And ungraceful knock disturbed the classroom and Mr. Foxtart paused his furious chalk from breaking into two. The class, including Sehun looked up and more than happily welcomed the intruders.

“That’s the vice pres. isn’t he?” Kyungsoo mumbled in Sehun’s ear, giving the younger a start. He blinked twice before nodding.

Two figures entered slowly. One of them was a mop of deep reddish brown hair that swept into the classroom with the gentlest smiles every eye ever laid on greeted the class after bowing to the teacher. Mr. Foxtart looked bewildered.

Suho, or Kim Joonmyun was the vice president of the Student Council of Oakwood was quite the ideal boy-next door. Not to mention, he was Korean too.

“It’s like… Korea town in here or something…”

The second figure, however, made Sehun do a double-take; his body frozen, yet his heart in his mouth.

A lean, masculine figure in the school’s soccer jersey stood next to the vice president with a beam worth a million dollars. Sehun’s gaze fixed themselves on honey locks, a pointed nose, doe eyes and the most beautifully carved lips according to yours truly.

Luhan: captain of the school’s soccer team, with the best leadership and the ultimate trigger of team spirit and soaring hearts. His brilliant, charming smile almost made Sehun choke on his breath and he hoped this moment lasted till eternity.

With no one else in the classroom except him and Luhan.

Sehun could faintly make out the words ‘match’, ‘ground’ and ‘today’ spouting from Kim Joonmyun’s mouth, but he couldn’t care less when the very object of his affections was standing right in front of him, grinning broadly at everyone. And everyone seemed to smile back.

He was that wonderful.

“-and we all hope that the students of Oakwood High are there to cheer the wolves all right? Thank you!” with that, Suho made another bow and began moving out.

Before leaving, Luhan exclaimed excitedly “Be sure to come watch us kick-!” after actualling howling  loudly like a wolf (Sehun bit his lip because he found it oh-so y), the captain rushed Suho out of the classroom, but not before sending a wink somewhere near Sehun’s direction.

The pinkette’s ribs ached with excitement and a deep blush covered his face by the time the duo left (leaving a very un-amused Math teacher).

Was Luhan winking at him?

Did he finally notice Sehun and his ridiculous pink hair?

A loud stream of giggles splashed a wave of reality on the boy, concluding that no, Luhan didn’t wink at him, but at the people behind him.

Turning around only to see Alison Turner’s flushed face and unnerving coos from her friends, Sehun decided it was best to just concentrate on math. With a final grumble (Kyungsoo gave him the stink-eye), Oh Sehun sighed and waited for the day to be over already; with his heart dropping from his chest, to the bottom of his toes.

“Now, in case you’re wondering what’s so messed up about the situation apart from me falling for a dude, who is picture perfect, might I add-” Sehun shift his body weight comfortably and eyes the camera, about to spill his rant. “-is that he’s straight.

“You see, after I broke up with Turner, she went into this pit-hole of self-pity and decided that the best way to get back to me was by becoming popular so that I know what I’m missing out on. The problem is… that, until last Christmas, Luhan was single… so I had what little hope about him swinging the other way.” Sehun gestures, matter-of-factly.

“But by the time our holidays were over? BAM! He’s taken and it’s by none other than... Turner herself.” he grits his teeth, seething frustrations out before ruffling his hair. Sehun sighs.

“In simplest words, the guy I’m in love with is dating my ex.

Now you tell me that's not ed up.

Come on.

I dare you.


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Kevinlover123 #1
Chapter 2: Just wanted to say this story is really good^^ like the plot itself and characters are just so awesome and funny
bokuhebi #2
This is awesome *-*
Chapter 2: Lol Sehun getting mad at the guy who kicked luhan ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^.^ update soon
Chapter 2: Ok I'm loooooving the xiuhan.

Sehunnie just can't get Suho's name down lol
TofuTickTacks #5
Chapter 2: Aish you almost had me there, I hope you find a good co-author~
And I hope you can update soon~!
TofuTickTacks #6
Chapter 1: this is awesome~
lol please update if you will
Chapter 1: Oh damn i want to see the seho !!!! ;;
jagi-yah #8
Chapter 1: I have fallen in love this.

S.O.L. fics are the best pieces of to ever exist on the planet.

And nothing could be better than Sehun being an actual teenager in a fic. ♥
Chapter 1: i loved it and i think i love u 2 but since commenting @ mobile ill make it short and subscribe rn