Review - 'Miss Right'


A/N: Hi there, inSHININGspirit here. I saw MissInsanity27's review. My reviewing style is going to be rather different, so hope you'd like it.


Miss Right

Artist: Teen Top
Song: Miss Right
Record Label: LOE Entertainment











Woah, another Teen Top song.

Yeah, anyways, I found the MV for this song quite... amusing yet cute.

To be honest first, I cannot really recognise who is who in Teen Top, because I'm not really into them, but my bias, if you have to know, is CAP. So, anyways, I will go like "the guy at 0:31" for example. Oh yeah, one more thing. The MV that I watched was the english sub version done by Kpopfanzone.

Okay, the first scene and I was already going like WTH? There were 6 people in what looked like a prison cell, when there were obviously only 2 beds. Uhmm... the set is weird, prisons don't give you such luxurious beds. But they were really very hot in those clothes so *fangirl moment* OMG CAN I JUST SAY HOW HOT THEY LOOKED OMG CAP WAS JUST ASDFGHJKL <3

Okay, anyways, when the scene changed to a classroom I was like "OMG I would willingly teach them for free!" Yeah, and when the girl walked in, I had no idea why, but the style of her clothes made me think of Lee Hi. The camera angle simply reminded me of Tom & Jerry. You know, they only show the legs and body of Tom's mother but never the face. Yeah, and immediately all the boys perked up.

Oh! And then just as they were singing about her 'long straight hair', she flipped her hair. And better still, she did it twice. And the whole of Teen Top was fawning over her. You know, they say that if you keep flipping/playing with your hair, they would often say you're bimbotic and very 'fake'. No? Maybe that's just my experience. Anyway, the way Teen Top drooled over her epic hair flip was quite funny too. Their eyeballs were almost going to drop out of their sockets.

And the moment they changed the camera angle you could see her side profile. The first person that I thought of? SNSD's Jessica. You have to admit, they look similar if you just compare their side profiles, hair colour included. Does anybody mind telling me who that girl is? :3

And then, the teacher suddenly threw them red overalls (is that what they're called?) and next you find them punching and singing between two rows of light turquoise lockers. So I'm guessing that those overalls are 'detention clothing'? And there you have CAP rapping <3

The rest of the scenes were just the interactions between 'the girl with long straight hair' and each individual member. Can I just say how much I liked the scene where Chunji (is it him?) was wearing shades and the girl was like stripping in front of him because she thought he was blind. (is my interpretation right?) And his expression when he put his shades down to look at her. PEDO CHUNJI XD OMG but he was still so cute <3

The ending scene. Pillow feathers flying all over the prison cell. One word for it: cool.

Yeah, anyways, enough about the MV, I shall go on to the song.

I really love the catchy tune of the 'lalalalalalala' part. So cool~ Yeah, it really matches the mood of a guy when he finds 'The Right One'.

And my favourite line? "Love has come to me, lonely me~", sung by Chunji. The lyrics are just daebak, and the tune better still. The best, his voice <3

But I do have a few things to say other than just that.

Thinking that her hair would smell like flowers. I'm so sorry to all fans, but that really made them sound like es. I'm not meaning to bash them, but I have to say the lyricist is sure one love sick guy.

'The girl with long straight hair'. Hmm... don't you find that a bit too superficial? Don't tell me if every girl had long straight hair they would fall for her.

Next, going on to the dance.

I have always hated and loved doing dance covers of Teen Top songs. Why? Their dances are challenging to learn, yet I love the challenge. Teen Top's dance moves, are challenging because of the footwork. If you compare their footwork with that of other groups, you would realise theirs are of much higher difficulty. Also, their dances always manage to incorporate a few body waves. OMG their iness I can't take it X.X

Did I mention, I really love the choreography for the 'lalalalala' part too? No reason, I just love it.


Author: inSHININGspirit


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Chapter 7: Hmm that's because Baby Don't Cry is based by the story of "The Mermaid Girl." ^^ that's why there is a word like bubble and such
Chapter 8: Dream Girl,
kamsahamnida ^^
Chapter 8: Sorry I did a mistake :D

Dream Girl ,
Thank you!
Chapter 8: Dream Girl ! ^^
Chapter 8: Dream Girl! Thank you! :D
--Naekkeoya-- #6
Applied as a reviewer. By the way, the link to your forms is broken since you put it as the editing not the actual form. But, I still found a way to get in.
Chapter 11: Lol, I got shocked by the prison as well.
Chapter 7: Dream Girl
Chapter 7: Dream Girl :D
Chapter 7: Dream Girl?

Is that really it?