Review - 'Dream Girl'


SONG TITLE: Dream Girl





SHINee's back and they do it right interluding their first full studio album by introducing us all to 'Dream Girl'. The song title itself is not hard to figure out, even if you are not fluent in Korean. It's about being mesmerized about a girl. The kind of girl who is perfect in their eyes until they realize it's all a dream. That moment they realize their 'Dream Girl' isn't real, but really want her to be and as soon as the night strikes, she will come and find them. The song easily get's stuck in your head and before you know it you are humming along with the lyrics because it is so catchy.

The video is not typically what you would expect when you hear the title and it might confuse you on what the idea is behind the concept of the video. I have to say when I finally figured it out, I just found it brilliant and very creative. The model's face in the video is covered up. There are different ways to look at it. The way I see it is that the girl's vision is clear, but her face is a blur which I think make perfect sense when you think of the song. What really stands out in the music video is their choreography. Not only is it very original and fits well with the sound of the music, I have never seen anything like it and it definitely takes SHINee to a whole different level and it shows how talented SHINee are. All credit to the choreographer who came up with this dance routine to begin with. Another choreography SHINee will be remembered for for a long time.

The outfits in the video are a little bit too much and make you think their stylist stole grandma's old curtain's from the 70's and turned it into fashion, although I have to say, the outfits they wear in the beginning of the music video is a lot better and makes up for the bad wardrobe in the rest of the video.


The first time I hit that play button as soon as the video came out and the first thing that came out of my mouth "What dafudge are they wearing?" before I realized how good they looked in it. Even if they look good as always, I am wondering what their stylist was thinking putting on these pieces of curtain on our SHINee boys. Scold me as much as you like, but I really think their rainbow, flowery outfits are horrible! The only person's outfit who isn't horrible during the entire video is Key!
Then when Onew is twirling that microphone standard, I was like 'WOW, he looks so ninja doing that' and then I wondered, he probably hit someone with it or himself for that matter, no matter what he will always be clumsy. (I think I should ask this one day if I will ever get the chance, huhu). For the first time I looked at Minho entirely differently and thought 'You're a handsome young man' and no it definitely wasn't the clothes he was wearing, his charisma is growing on me. Don't hate me for noticing so late, I think I had been missing out? Our little banana Teamin-ah grew up so fast and looks so mature in this video, anyone else agrees? He has come a long way and it's good to see him grow into a handsome young man while he is breaking all our hearts, boohooo 
! Eventhough I don't like the outfits, I must admit that Jonghyun looks really good in it O.o, like holy damned, are you trying to kill me?? This man is y and he knows it. He is werking his handsomeness (don't even know if that is an official word, :')) damn you dino, I will have a real heart attack one day whenever you appear on my screen and let's be honest, when he drops on that bed, my female hormones are overthinking some serious iness, not something to share with little kids, huhu :') *whistles* ....noona has left the building!

'Dream Girl' is a dreamy, catchy pop song and don't we all secretly wish to be their "Dream Girl"? I know I do (in my dreams, lol) Nothing to hate about this music video except the aweful wardrobe, but their amazing choreography is definitely making up for it. *starts humming* DREAM GURRLLLLL......
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Chapter 7: Hmm that's because Baby Don't Cry is based by the story of "The Mermaid Girl." ^^ that's why there is a word like bubble and such
Chapter 8: Dream Girl,
kamsahamnida ^^
Chapter 8: Sorry I did a mistake :D

Dream Girl ,
Thank you!
Chapter 8: Dream Girl ! ^^
Chapter 8: Dream Girl! Thank you! :D
--Naekkeoya-- #6
Applied as a reviewer. By the way, the link to your forms is broken since you put it as the editing not the actual form. But, I still found a way to get in.
Chapter 11: Lol, I got shocked by the prison as well.
Chapter 7: Dream Girl
Chapter 7: Dream Girl :D
Chapter 7: Dream Girl?

Is that really it?