Letters from Yixing


For the record, this is not a melo-dramatic fic that I used to write. Pure fluffiness and romance it is. 




Back when phones and internet were not that popular.

Back when it was more affectionate to tell how much you feel for that certain person.

Back when everyone was crazy over love letters.

Back then... I was the bridge for their communication.



Title: Letters from Yixing

Author: dhuizangpanda


Story Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fluff

Status: Finished

Started: May 4, 2013

Ended: May 6, 2013






There really comes a time in a girl's life wherein you have that feeling or urge of wanting to fulfill that desire of having a boyfriend who is capable of giving flowers, lots of flowers enough to supply for your funeral, chocolates, who would've never wanted to receive dark sweet chocolates which could transform you into a whale out of water in your wedding dress, and of course the last but not the least... love letters.

Those scented papers wrapped inside a white envelope, written with the blood that flows through your artery, trying to fill up the blank piece of paper with words which could satisfy the love-o-meter of the receiver and finally sealed with love and care.

And now my eyes couldn't believe that I am receiving one. That rectangular envelope which was wrapped in his delicate finger, moving towards the direction of my hands which were caught up in frisson for this once in a life time moment. 


Please do check out my other fanfics!


Copyright © 2013 by dhuizanpanda Poster made by dhuizangpanda.

All rights reserved. The characters and events portrayed in this fiction are purely fictitious. Any similarity is coincidental and not intended by the author. No part of this fiction may be reproduced or distributed without permission.Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


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drunks #1
Chapter 2: asgshshsh so cuuute!
Chapter 2: OMGG <3333
YIXING~~ omg i can'ttttt hahahhaha it's too cute!
so this story is like in early centuries? since they still correspondensing through letters..
but if I'm Meiying i would be in heart attack because basically there was never any sign of him liking her, then suddenly BAM! He actually likes her! lol
this is just like a dream comes true~ and it's very cheesy XDD

Anyway, great job!
Chapter 2: AWWWWW. :">
Although, I already had an idea why Lay was sending those letters to Jihua. :3
Chapter 2: Keep on writing fluffy stories, authornim
Chapter 2: Keep on writing fluffy stories, authornim
Kimi91 #6
Chapter 2: Waaaahh...this is just so sweet! Im dying here! <3 and that Baozi..hahaha..cute!!
Chapter 2: this is so cute! aack. <333 feel overloaaaaad!! O/

btw, xiumin is blocker. ; ; baby, why? /sOBS

yixing, i love you too. marry me. LMAO.

nice story!!! i love it~
Chapter 2: Aw that's so cute but sorry to say, that ending was really expected… nice use of language, way of writing and expressing though. ^^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 2: This is too sweet ! Fluff overload !