The Love-able, Innocent One

Fluff-Tastic, Featuring Super Junior!

     Tan Hankyung. Oh, where do I begin? Well, I suppose his name is a good start. Also known as Hangeng, this man is a bit different from the rest of our Super Junior members. First of all, he isn't Korean. Hangeng is Chinese. But that isn't important here...

     When it came to girls, any woman would be blessed to have him. You'd look at guys wanting the "skinny" or "curvy" or "pretty" girls, and then you'd see what our Hankyung wanted. Get this, ladies. If you're not already in love with him, this will make you melt.

     Hangeng said that he wanted "A girl who would love him for who he is, have a pure heart, and be kind to his parents." Okay, he also said "beautiful legs", but this is relatively doable for the average female.

     Swooning yet? No? Well then, I guess I'll have to go on.

Alas, as he faced struggles when he first joined SME, the last thing he was thinking about was girls. Not as if he'd lost interest, but he was focused on more important things.

     "It's just that work is so busy, hyung. And when the right time comes, I'll find a girl," he told his best friend, Kim Heechul.

Heechul rolled his eyes. "Aish! If you wait any longer, you'll be old and gray."

     "Hey. I have to provide for my parents, too."

"I was kidding, Geng."

     Hangeng gave his hyung a hug. "Do you think she's out there, though? I-I mean, my girl?"

His friend laughed. "Let me put it this way. As long as you keep looking at women with those eyes, you're bound to find your girl out of the fifteen thousand that will appear on your doorstep after just smiling at them."

     Hankyung frowned. "But I don't want a girl who wants a pretty boy. I want a girl who's going to love me, flaws and all. Beside, the girls who chase after the pretty boys are the ones you date," he teased.

     "I'm not like that!" Heechul protested.

"Sure you're not," he replied, rolling his eyes and grinning.

     The topic of females came up again relatively soon on Super Junior's next guest appearance on a talk show (those talk shows; they're always more fun in Korea, but anyway...).

     "I'm about to ask the question I know every fan is dying to hear the answer to," the host said. "Do any of the Super Junior members, other than Shindong with his fiance, have a significant other?"

     The guys all replied with a "no".

"Who do you think is most likely to get a girlfriend next?" she asked.

     "Well, I'd have to say that Hangeng hyung would be most likely," Henry said. 

"And why's that?" the host asked.

     "Well, he's genuine, and really kind to girls. He'd be a great boyfriend." Hankyung smiled at Henry.

"That was very sweet. Who do the rest of you think will be the first to date?"

     The rest of the guys agreed that it would be Hankyung.

"So, who wants to get married first?" the host asked again.

     All the eyes shifted to Hankyung, wh blushed and reluctantly raised his hand.

"Well, Hangeng, it seems like the ladies love you," she said.

     "I don't know about that."

"Why wouldn't they?"

     He shrugged.

     "What was that about?" Heechul asked Hankyung after the interview.


     " 'I don't know about that' ?"

"Well, I just don't."

     "Why not? You're a great, genuine guy who would treat a girl right."

Hankyung shrugged. "I guess I've always been afraid that girls are going to want me to be perfect, but I can't be."

     "A real girl isn't going to want perfection. She'll know she's not perfect either, and if she's the right one, she'll love you for who you are."

"Thanks, hyung."

     "Excuse me," someone asked Hankyung. "Are you Hankyung?"

"Yes I-" he was cut off when he was staring into the eyes of a petite, dark-haired girl with a gorgeous smile."Um, hi. That's... that's me."

     "It looks like you dropped something," she handed him a green notebook.

"Thank you."

     "No problem."

After she walked away, Heechul poked Hangeng.

     "Dongsaeng's got a crush!" he teased.


     "Don't deny it."

Hankyung was silent. "I...she was pretty."

     "Get her number."

Hankyung's eyes got big. "WHAT?"

     "You know, that thing you type into your phone-"

"I know what a number is. do I get it?"

     "Flirt if you must."

"But I can't flirt."

     Heechul came up to him, pointing two fingers to Hangeng's eyes. "Use the China man- charm. Use the eyes." he cackled and walked away. Hankyung sighed.

     "Um, hello," Hankyung said to the stranger.

"Hello, sir," she smiled.

     "Please, Hankyung is fine."


   "I...just wanted to thank you for returning my notebook."

She smiled. "It was no problem."

     "That notebook was very special to me, and if I had lost it, I don't know what I would have done."

"It was the right thing to do. Nothing special, really."

     "I guess I just wanted to say how much I appreciated what you did."

The notebook Hangeng dropped ended up being the journal he had kept since he came to Korea. It was filled with the events that had shaped him, both good and bad, since he joined Super Junior. Losing it would have been a little bit like losing a part of himself.

     "I'm glad I could be of help."

He was silent for a moment. "I can't really thank you properly if I don't know your name," he said, trying not to blush.

     "Oh, well, my name is ________."

"________? That's a beautiful name. I'm Tan Hankyung, if I didn't specify before."

     "Thank you."

"Um, here's my number, if you ever need anything. I could, you know, repay the favor. Could I possibly have yours?"

     ________ grinned. "Sure." She scrawled down her number on a piece of paper and handed it to him. A woman called her from the corner.

"That's my boss. It apperas I'm needed for makeup," she said.

     "It was nice meeting you, ________," Hankyung said.

"It was nice meeting you, too," she said, bowing and walking away.

     Hangeng heard cackling behind him. 

"Way to not beat around the bush," Heechul teased. 

     "I...couldn't think of anything else to say."

"Well, I'm proud of you. We need to go to makeup now." 

     Hankyung nodded and followed Heechul to hair and makeup. As Hankyung sat down to be styled, his eyes grew wide at the person standing before him.

"Hello Mr.-" the woman stopped. "Funny seeing you here," she smiled.

     He still sat there, swallowed, and nodded. "Uh, yeah," he nervously laughed.

________ finished his makeup, and he asked her a question. "Are you natively from Korea, ________? It sounds like you have a slight accent, no offense."

     She shook her head. "I'm from Beijing. I came here for cultural enrichment, I guess."

"Well, meeting you twice, I think it'd only be appropriate to see Busan together, since we both haven't been here before. Are you busy tomorrow night?"

    She looked surprised. "No," she grinned. "How about seven?"


The next day

     Hankyung knocked on ________'s door, anxiously waiting for her to open the door.

"Good evening," she said. 

     He smiled. "Good evening. You look beautiful, ________."

She blushed. "Thank you. You look great, too." 

     "You ready to go?"

She nodded. They walked around Busan for about an hour, talking. 

     "Are you hungry, _______?" he asked.

"Maybe a little bit."

     "I know of a good place we could go to. It's on this street, if that's okay with you."

She nodded. "It's fine with me." 

     They shared a meal, and continued to tour the area. It began to get late.

"I should probably take you home," Hankyung said to ________.

     She nodded, yawning. "I've had a lot of fun, though. Thank you for taking me out." They walked in the direction of her hotel, and she grabbed his hand. They had just met, but stayed hand-in-hand as they walked on. 

    "Oh..." ________ said.

"Is everything okay?" Hankyung asked.

     She shook her head. "I forgot where my hotel is."

"Well, would you like to wait at the hotel where Super Junior is staying until someone can pick you up?"

    She nodded, embarrassed. "I'm sorry. Thank you."

"It's no problem."

     Hankyung and _______ walked to the hotel. He called to be let in. 

"Hello, sir. We'll unlock the door right away," the front desk said.

     "Thank you," he replied.

After the door buzzed so they could go in, he yanked the handle, but it wouldn't budge.

     "Um, it won't open," he said. He called up again.

"I'm sorry, sir. We'll get someone to fix that right away."

     "Sorry about this," Hankyung said to ________.

"It's okay. It's not your fault."

     They stood outside for about half an hour, before they sat by the door. ________ yawned again. Hankyung pulled her head to his shoulder.

"You could always rest until the door gets fixed," he said.

     "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "Go ahead and relax."

     ________ sat quietly, and drifted off. Hanykung looked at her, admiring the beauty of her face, and thinking of what a wonderful person she was. She was kind, patient, and sacrificing from what he had seen. It was a bit early to see what this would turn into, but he wanted to be with ________ for however long they could be together.

     He felt something wet drip on his nose, followed by another drop. A torrential downpour of rain fell, waking ________ up.  He looked for an overhang of roof, but could find none. He yanked at the door once more, but nothing happened.

     "________, I'm so sorry," he said.

She shook her head. "It's not your fault."

     He took his jacket off to place it over her to keep her dry. 

"You're so sweet. Thank you," she smiled.

     He nodded his reply. They looked at each other, soaked to the bone. Slwoly, they moved their faces closer together, closing their eyes. The coldness of the rain was dulled by the warm sensation that spread through their bodies as their lips collided. Hankyung wrapped her in his arms, and she did the same to him.

     A flash of light hit them, and the door opened, revealing a grinning Heechul. _______ and Hankyung looked up, startled.

"Sorry," Heechul said, still grinning.

     "It's no problem. Thanks for letting us in," Hankyung said, altough he had a "What the heck was that for, dude?" look on his face. ________ was just staring, but then began laughing and kissed Hankyung again, causing his face to get red.

     "You're so cute when you blush," she teased Hankyung.

And through the years, ________ and Hankyung shared more sweet kisses like they shared on their first date, with some even being in the rain. Although, I can safely say the other kisses they shared in the rain weren't due to being locked out, and they weren't cut off by a smirking Kim Heechul.

Thank goodness.

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Chapter 3: Oh Hannie my first Suju bias my ultimate C-pop bias, and so sweet!!!! Heechul, I wonder about you my twin.
Chapter 2: Wow, a different view of our Chullie oppa~
Chapter 1: cute, leeteuk the perfect leader gets fluffed first
can't wait to read them