Date with an Angel

Fluff-Tastic, Featuring Super Junior!

     Leeteuk and you. First one. Hope you all like it! :)


     Leeteuk originally had quite a few characteristics that would be in his ideal girl. But _______ was a bit different. She wasn't quite as outgoing as he originally wanted, had short stubby limbs (not on his original list), and her hair had never been the perfect "long and curling at the ends" that he had described. It was actually rather frizzy. 

     But her laugh was just so charismatic, she understood and listened to him, and her heart and nature were as pure as you could find in this world. Again, not exactly his ideal type, and not the kind of girl you would typically see an idol dating.

     So how did he know that _______ was his one and only? It was the indicator that he had always had in his mind; he would laugh when he saw his ideal type. 

     That fateful day, he saw her across the park, taking pictures. He passed her by as any other girl he would have seen, but as he turned around, he started laughing sliently to himself. 

     Convinced that it was completely a coincidence, he went home, never expecting to see her again, but the next day, and every day after that, he went on his daily walk through the park. She was always in the same spot, photographing the gorgeous South Korean flora and fauna. And every day, that same silent laugh came to him. 

     But one day, that laugh turned into a smile, and that smile led him past her spot on the bridge the day after that. Although, what did our high-on-love man do? You guessed it; he never said "hello".  You might say he was a coward, but any one of us may have copped out when we were being led to our other half; our soul mate.

     Several weeks had gone by, and he kept passing _______ on the bridge. He didn't know that was her name yet, but he would soon enough, don't you worry. 

     On that warm evening, the sun beginning to set, and the girl on the bridge, a strong wind blew, and her frizzy, curly hair began to blow into her face. Suddenly, she tripped as she tried to move, sending her toward the rail of the bridge, and her camera flying into the water below.

     The girl suddenly felt two strong, lengthy arms surround her waist, preventing the wind from being knocked out of her. She looked up upon a smiling face, with beautiful brown eyes, and gorgeous features. She didn't recognize the face at first, seeing only what she thought was an angel, and then, coming to her senses, saw Park Jungsoo from Super Junior. 

     A look of horror that almost read "oh crap", spreard across his face. If anything could be dangerous, it was one fangirl calling all of her fellow ELFs to form a mob.

     "Please...PLEASE DON'T SCREAM," he said in a hushed, yet somewhat forced tone.

The girl, still not able to scrape up any words, mouth hanging wide open, shook her head rapidly. He breathed a sigh of relief.

     "Phew. Thank you," he said. "If people found out I took my evening walks here, my one sense of normalcy would be gone." As he looked at her again, he saw her staring at the water, where her beloved camera now sat at the bottom. 

     "Oh, I'm sorry about your camera. I can pay for it if you like," he offered.

She shook her head. "No, it's okay. Thank you for catching me," she said, smiling. 

     "It was no problem. And are you sure about the camera? Paying for it would be no problem."

She smiled again. "I'm sure. Your help today was enough."

     A thought floated into his mind. "Well, if you won't let me pay for it, then i suppose I'll have to ask you to go out for dinner with me in order to compensate," he said candidly.      

     _______ was stunned. "Are...are you sure? This could ruin your image, being seen with someone like me, and...and-"

"Don't worry about it," he grinned. "It would be no problem. I don't think one dinenr could make up for the loss of your camera, but if you won't let me buy you a new one, I'd like to cheer you up somehow."

     "Okay. Thank you, oppa. That camera was special to me. I took a lot of pictures with it and actually started my photography career with it."

"I could tell it was special from the first day I saw you," he said.

     "What?" she said, puzzled.

"Oh, nothing," he said, beginning to laugh. "So, how about tomorrow night at 7:00p.m. at the restaurant downtown?"

    "Sounds great. I will see you then. Thank you for everything today, oppa," she said, turning to go. She quickly turned back around and said "Oh, I'm _______, by the way."

     "Nice to meet you, _______. I'm Jungsoo, but I figure you knew that already," he replied.

As they both walked off, Leeteuk smiled and started skipping half of the way to his dorm. He couldn't explain the way he felt, but he had never felt that way before, and he didn't want that feeling to end.



     The next evening

Leeteuk met _______ downtown to go to the restaurant they had unanimously agreed on. As they entered, the host greeted him since he came here often. 

     "I assume it will be a table for two, Mr.Park?" the host asked.

"Yes, please," he answered.

     The host led Leeteuk and _______ to their table, which had been set aside in a private room. As the host left, leeteuk pulled out a chair for _______. She was impressed by his manners. She looked over the small, cozy table, astounded at the amount of planning that must have gone into it. A clean white tablecloth hung over the round table, a rose in a vase had been set in the corner, which was accompanied by a small white candle in a clear glass holder, and there were intricate place settings that held their water glasses along with a champagne glass for each of them.

     "Wow!" she cried. "Oppa, you didn't have to go to all this trouble just because I dropped my camera. If anything, I should be doing this for you!"

"What? So, nowadays, a gentleman can't treat a lady to dinner without opposition?" he said.

     "Huh? No, Leeteuk, that's not what I meant. I-I mean, thank you. This is very nice. I an honored to be spending this evening with you," she replied.

He chuckled. "I was only kidding. Don't be so nervous."

     After the waitress had taken their orders, _______ asked Leeteuk a question.

"So, Leeteuk oppa-"

     "Please, call me Jungsoo, if that's okay," he told her.

"Okay, um, Jungsoo? I was just wondering something," she said.

     "Ask away."

She hesitated and looked down, then met his gaze. "Oppa, you are one of the biggest male idols in Korea. You are famous, good-looking, and kind. To be blunt, you could have any girl that you want. Girls would come crawling just to touch your shoes, so, why did you ask an ordinary girl, just a photgrapher, like me, to go on a date with you?"

     He thought for a moment and replied, "I asked you to come with me tonight because since the day I first saw you in the park, I thought I'd just see another girl. But then, I did something I've never done before. I laughed right after I saw you."

     The girl looked up and began to smile. being a big fan of Leeteuk, she knew what that meant, but he explained what it meant anyway.

"I always said that when I saw 'the one', I would laugh. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but then, I also began to smile. That smile led me by you every day, but I was too afraid to say hello." He could see her face somewhat confused, but she let him finish. "Then, call it whatever you like, but the warm evening with the strong wind is what led you off your balance, and led my soulmate into my arms," he smiled.

     Her eyebrows shot up when he said 'soulmate', but, yet again, she let him continue.

"I suppose it's a bit early to use the word 'soulmate', but I saw your dedication to your passion, and I was so fascinated," he said.

   _______ sat for a moment until she was sure he had finished. She beagn to say, "That was so sweet, oppa. But, I guess I'm still confused as to what you see in me. I don't have long limbs like you wanted, my hair is frizzy, and...let's just say I'm not particularly pretty."

     "_______, I don't see frizzy hair or stubby limbs. I see beauty in you. I also see a good listener. Never once did you interrupt me a few minutes ago. You are also genuinely grateful whenever someone does something for you. And I see a pure heart and nature that would make any good man melt. I see a beautiful, amazing woman when I see you, _______. I really do."

     She was about to respond when their foos arrived. They both thanked the waitress. 

"Do you midn if I pray? It's a habit I've acquired," Leeteuk said.

     "Not at all. I actually like to do the same thing," _______ replied. 

After they prayed, they began to eat, and Leeteuk offered _______ a drink from the green bottle in the ice bucket she had missed earlier. 

     "Thank you, Jungsoo oppa, but I don't drink, " she said.

"Neither do I," he replied. "This is cider."

   "Oh. Then yes, I will have some, thank you," she replied.

After they finished their meal, they drove to the park where they met and began to walk. Leeteuk sat down on a bench and motioned for _______ to sit next to him.

     "Are you enjoying tonight?" he asked _______.

She grinned and said, "yes, very much oppa. Thank you."

     They both talked for a few minutes about themselves and their lives. A few silent minutes went by, and Leeteuk looked over and noticed _______ crying.

"Aigoo (omg), what's wrong?" he asked.

     She shook her head and began with "Oppa, the speech you gave about how you think I'm beautiful really made me happy earlier, but, can you keep a secret?"

     He nodded.

"Going through school, I was the short, frizzy-haired, ugly girl that everyone picked on. I had friends who tried to make me feel better about myself, and although I'm thankful they did that for me, the negative comments seemed to eat away at my happiness and my being. From that point on, I've never believed that I am beautiful, and I don't know if I ever will. A lot of my freinds are pretty and get a lot of attention, but I'm the 'nice girl' that only gets a nod," she said and broke down.

     Leeteuk wrapped his arms around her and said "_______-ah, don't let judgemental people get to you. They never took the time to see who you really are, and they're missing out on a lot. I want to see the real you, and from what I've seen, I want to be with the real, extremely beautiful you for as long as I can. Promise me, if a million people think you're ugly, but I tell you the exact opposite, will you listen to me? They don't know you, but I do. I haven't known you for very long, but I feel like I've spent a lifetime with you. A wonderful lifetime. Promise me you'll listen to me?"

     "I'll try. I really will."

"You have to promise me,_______."

     "I promise."

He took a tissue and wiped her tears away. He looked into her eyes, and saw the caring, amazing girl he had hoped he would meet. 

     She felt her head being pulled in, and slowly, her lips collided with his. She closed her eyes and drifted into the moment. Such a sweet man he was, that truly cared for her, and she was creeped out a bit by his sudden affection, but now, she knew that she wanted his love just as much as he wanted hers.

     And on that note, I can only assume that their lives together had the normal struggles, but were filled with the happiness and love that they exchanged on that night. All because _______ had agreed to a date with an angel.


First fluff-shot. Hope it wasn't too long or boring. If you enjoyed it, please leave a comment and subscribe. Thank you so much for reading! :)




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Chapter 3: Oh Hannie my first Suju bias my ultimate C-pop bias, and so sweet!!!! Heechul, I wonder about you my twin.
Chapter 2: Wow, a different view of our Chullie oppa~
Chapter 1: cute, leeteuk the perfect leader gets fluffed first
can't wait to read them