Chapter Three

The Bermuda Misfits

A/N hey guys. Just a reminder that th colored text means the convo is in english. I write it down at the bottom but I realuzed I shouldve put it at the top. Well bye(: enjoy! -M  

Chapter 3


Daaayuuuummm.  A gurl could get used to this~” purred Talia as she held up a turquoise sheer blouse.

Hail yeah,” Mackenzie smirked, leaning on her doorway, watching Talia admire all of her clothing.

Jealous?~” sang Tobi as she skipped towards the her closet.

Just hurry up and change,” Kacia hollered from the bathroom.

Okay I’m done.  Kacia get outta the bathroom!” screamed Talia as she gathered her clothing and headed towards the bathroom.  Kacia came out of the bathroom wearing a black varsity jacket with two zebras on her white shirt and ripped jeans that were accompanied with her gray bag and her glasses placed right on her nose.



Talia quickly rushed into the bathroom, eager to change out of her dull school uniform.  After ten minutes she came out of the restroom dressed in a white shirt with a sky blue dress and white shoes and socks with her hair let down in slight waves.



Tobi was changing in the room while Mackenzie walked into the bathroom right after Talia.  Tobi was the first to come out.  She was dressed in a black and blue beanie with a white shirt that said ‘Madonna Breaks Free of All Boys’ with black skinny jeans and boots.




Then Mackenzie came into the living room dressed in a T-shirt with the flag of Great Britain and white shorts with blue stars with her black bag and a black beanie.



Hey good lookin’ ” Mackenzie said at the mirror, flipping her milk tea colored hair over her shoulder.

Gurl please,” Talia interrupted, pushing Mackenzie to the side, examining her reflection and twirling a couple times for dramatic effect.  Kacia rolled her eyes and checked her watch while Tobi was trying to fix her hair.


Let’s get a move on already,” said Kacia, reaching for the doorknob and switching off the light switches.  The three followed right behind her, locking the apartment door.


They all walked together down the road to Ahjumma’s, cracking jokes and making up lame raps.


By the time they got there, it was already 1 o’clock, but the good part was that there weren’t many people.  When they entered, six pairs of eyes watched their every move.




“Hyung~ Hyung~ Yonggukkie hyunggg~” sang Zelo, grabbing ahold of the leader’s arm.

“WHAT,” exclaimed Yongguk, sharply turning to face the maknae.

“More meat pleaseeeee,” whined Zelo, begging with his puppy dog eyes.

“Aish.  No more kid.  We already ate four plates of meat and two plates of ddukbokki and two plates of veggies.  Unless you pay for the meat yourself, we’re leaving,” Yongguk replied as he took out his wallet to pay.

“Hyungggg!  B-b-but I’m a growing boy!  Himchannie~  You’ll buy more right? ”  Zelo whined as he switched from Yongguk to Himchan.  Himchan shook his head furiously at the begging maknae.  Zelo pouted and crossed his arms.  He looked away from his hyungs in disappointment just to see fours girls walked in.  The high sun gave off a certain glow to each girl as they walked to the counter, waiting to be seated.

*Whoa*  Zelo thought, eyes widening.

“H-hyung!”  Zelo whispered to everyone, furiously tapping their arms to get their attention.

“What?!”  growled Daehyun who had just awoken from a nap.

“Zelo, this better be important,” warned Yongguk as he got up to pay at the counter.

“It is! Look!  Aren’t they pretty?!”  exclaimed Zelo, slightly pointing at the four girls.

“Whoa there,” Himchan replied with a smirk.

“....They’re pretty,” Jongup commented, staring at them.  Daehyun, for once, nodded in agreement, while Youngjae continued playing on his iPad.  Yongguk was speechless, jaw wide open.

“U-uhhh....  Maybe... we could stay a little longer...” said Yongguk, tucking the bills back into his wallet, his eyes never leaving the girls, especially one of them.

“Yes!” Zelo exclaimed quietly to the group in happiness.  They ordered two more plates of meat and one more plate of ddukbokki in glee, while Yongguk just sat there, contemplating whether or not he should go and talk to the girls.


Bermuda Triangle POV:


“What should we order?”  Kacia asked, flipping through the menu.

“Uh meat. Duhhh” Talia replied, her voice covered with sass.


“Welcome to Ahjumma’s!  I’ll be your waiter today.  Can I get you anything?,” exclaimed perky girl dressed in gray.

*Yeah.  A new waiter* the girls thought, still cringing from her loudness.


“Yah, Hye Soo.  Ga.  Ga.  Go help Sae Joon with the dishes or something,”  a lady said, shooing the girls’ waiter away.

“Sorry about that girls.  Hye Soo’s a very hyper girl,”  the lady replied.

“It’s alright Ahjumma,” reassured Tobi, flashing her signature smile.


*CLANG!*  They all turned their heads toward the source of the sound.  One of the boys had dropped their chopsticks, but they paid no further attention.


“So girls, what can I get for you today?”  smiled Ahjumma.

“We’ll just take the usual,” Mackenzie answered, not looking up from her menu.  Ahjumma nodded and collected the menus, then walked off to prepare the food.


No One’s POV:


The girls were talking to the owner (Ahjumma) and Tobi sent her signature smile, causing Jongup to drop his chopsticks in awe.  The girls looked at him strangely, but quickly turned their heads away, focusing back on the food.  Jongup blushed in embarrassment and asked for new chopsticks while taking quick glances at Tobi, hoping she wouldn’t notice.  Yongguk couldn’t take his eyes off of Kacia, but was eventually freed from his trance when Himchan started hitting him for not listening to what he said.  This sparked a loud commotion in which BAP began to grow louder and louder.

The Bermuda Triangle watched BAP argue in amusement while they waited for their meat.  Finally their food had arrived but BAP was still arguing, making it uncomfortable to eat.  Mackenzie made a face and pushed her portion of rice towards Tobi, who was scarfing it down like no tomorrow.


“Why aren’t you eating your rice?” questioned Talia as she skillfully dodged another piece of meat that flew from BAP’s table.

“Oh.  We have a moth problem in our apartment, and a couple nights ago I found some moths in the uncooked rice when I was in the kitchen, so I’m avoiding rice for while.  But I don’t know how Tobi can still eat the stuff,” explained Mackenzie.

“IS CUF I RUHF RICCE,” Tobi said with a mouth full of rice.

“Hmmm attractive,” Talia sarcastically replied.

“Indeed,” Kacia nodded in agreement while eating her meat.  But as she lifted her head to talk to her friends, she was instead, greeted by a piece of saucy ddukbokki to the face.  The red sauce dripping down her cheeks could not even begin to compare to how red her face was from the rage she was beginning to feel.

Kacia let out an ear piercing scream as the girls surrounded her, trying to wipe off any evidence of the ddukbokki.  Mackenzie told Tobi to get some wet towels from Ahjumma while trying to calm Kacia down.  Tobi quickly ran back Mackenzie and handed her the wet towels.  Mackenzie softly dabbed at Kacia’s eye area, making sure there wouldn’t be any sauce left over when she opened her eyes.  Tobi watched Mackenzie work diligently to clean Kacia’s face, but also paid some attention to what Talia was going to do next.  She smirked at BAP and her finger crossed her neck while mouthing ‘You’re dead.’  Lumps formed in their throats, but as much as they swallowed, it wouldn’t go down.  Never in their entire lives, had BAP been so scared of someone, especially a girl.  If someone were to tell them that Asian girls were the most submissive people on earth, boy were they in for a treat.

WHO. THE. . DID. THAT.” roared Talia as she stomped over to BAP’s table, seething with anger.  BAP backed up until their bodies met the side of the wall.  They huddled together, cowering in a corner, trying to get away from Talia as much as possible.

I. SAID. WHO. THE. . DID. THAT.” Talia repeated, teeth clenched tightly.

“U-uh-um-uh-um-he-uh-uh” Himchan stuttered in English. (more like engrish)

JUST SPIT IT OUT ALREADY,” Talia screamed at them in English, fists ready to throw a punch any minute.  At that moment, all the members of BAP pointed at their leader.  Yongguk let out a girlish shriek and hid himself in his jacket.

“I-it wus nat me,” Yongguk tried to explain in the best English possible.  His jacket muffled the sounds, but Talia could tell what he was trying to say.  She scoffed and pulled him up by the collar.

“Listen to me you son of a-” Talia said fiercely in Korean, which was soon interrupted by Kacia.

Stop Talia,” Kacia commanded in English.

But Kacia! He hi-” cried Talia, only to be cut off by Kacia again.

No.  I’ll handle this,” Kacia replied.  Taking one step after another towards the most feared gangsters in the South that cowered in the corner of the KBBQ restaurant.

*Punks.  This is what you get* thought Talia, smirking in delight.

*So much for being a man* thought Mackenzie as she rolled her eyes at the scene.  Tobi silently snickered at the grown men who were being bullied by a 5’5 high school girl.

“Just what exactly do you think you’re doing?” Kacia whispered angerly, narrowing her eyes at each of the members.

“Uhm-uh, we’re really sorry!” exclaimed Youngjae.

“We didn’t mean to do that!”  Jongup tried to explain.

“Yeah?  Well I didn’t mean to do this,” Kacia replied, stomping on Yongguk’s foot, digging her heel into his toes.  Yongguk cried out in pain, grabbing a hold of his foot.  Fear struck the faces of the members of BAP as Kacia approached even closer.  Tobi and Talia were trying to hold back their laughter as much as possible, but their stifled giggles were still heard.  Mackenzie watched BAP wriggle further in fear and pain when her leader drew closer and closer with every step she took.

Stop.  Before you do anything rash,” Mackenzie interrupted, grasping onto Kacia’s wrist.

Get your hands off of me,” Kacia replied, shooting daggers at the older one.  Mackenzie firmly stood her ground as Tobi and Talia gulped in fear.

*Uh-oh* they both thought.

Let. Go.” Kacia said through clenched teeth.

No.  You know they didn’t mean it.  Let it go Kacia,”  Mackenzie calmly replied.

You can’t tell me what to do.  I’m the leader remember?  You guys chose me,” spat Kacia.

True, but that doesn’t allow you to do this.  We chose you because you were mature and made rational decisions.  You may be the leader but I’m still older than you Kacia.  I may not know what’s best for the group, but I sure as hell do right now,”  Mackenzie shot back.  Tobi and Talia tried to interfere by pulling the two girls apart, but they knew better than to interrupt any further than they already had.  BAP tilted their heads in confusion.  

*Leader?  What did she mean by that?  Leader of what?  HEY!  I CAN UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!*  these various thoughts ran through the members heads as they continued to watch the two girls bicker.

“Fine.  Forget this,”  Kacia said sharply pulling away from Mackenzie’s grasp.  She went back to her seat and stabbed the meat furiously, tossing it onto the barbeque.  Mackenzie sighed with her eyes closed, pinching the bridge of her nose.  Tobi and Talia silently followed Kacia back to their seats where they continued to eat, but the food seemed less appetizing as it did before.  Mackenzie walked over to BAP crouched down to their level, facing them.  She flashed a weary smile before apologizing to them.

“It’s not your fault.  We should’ve been more careful,” Yongguk replied, running his fingers through his hair and closing his eyes as if he’s survived a war.  A couple members sighed in relief while others tried to process what had just occurred.




*Woah.  She’s so nice* thought Zelo, as he watched her get up from her position and return to the others.  BAP remained in their positions, contemplating on their next move.  Instead of apologizing, they all got up and retreated back to their food in despair.  Yongguk sat there watching the Bermuda Triangle eat in silence, and soon, guilt consumed him.

*If only I controlled them then this wouldn’t have occurred.  Ugh.  But they shouldn’t have gotten in the way.  What am I saying?  It’s all our fault.  Now look what my lack of maturity and leadership skills landed us.  I just ruined a perfectly good relationship between those two girls, and a possibly good relationship with me and that Kacia girl.  Dammit Yongguk!*  Yongguk groaned in misery as he placed his head in between his hands.

“Are you alright Gukkie?”  Himchan asked rubbing his back with one hand.

“Huh? Yeah no what?”  answered Yongguk, head still in his hands.

“Himchan what do I do?”  the older groaned again, regaining his posture.

“What do you mean?”  questioned the latter.

“I feel so guilty,” answered Yongguk with a sigh.

“Don’t.  It’s not our fault that other girl decided to step in,” Himchan coldly replied, returning to his food.

“How can you be so heartless?” asked Yongguk.

“I’m not.  I’m just being realistic,” answered Himchan as he picked off the fat on a piece of meat before swallowing it.

“Himchan, because of our stupidity, we ruined a perfectly good friendship!”  Yongguk exclaimed.  The rest of BAP were getting worried as the conversation between Yongguk and Himchan grew louder.

“How do you know huh?  For all we know, they could have already been fighting before,”  Himchan shot back.

“And for all we know, they could’ve been best friends Himchan!”  Yongguk replied, turning his body to face Himchan.

“Well they’re not gonna be after this,” Himchan spat back, facing Yongguk.

“You’re a heartless bastard you know that?”  Yongguk stated as he got up from his seat and made his way over to the Bermuda Triangle.  The members of BAP watched as their leader left the table then turned to Himchan and sighed in defeat.

“Don’t worry about it guys.  I know what I’m doing,” Himchan reassured with a slight smile, patting Jongup on the back.

“But hyu-”  Zelo said.

“Shush child.  I didn’t really mean what I said to Yongguk.  He just needed an extra push to go apologize to them.  I knew he was feeling guilty,” Himchan explained to the others.  The others dropped their heads in shame as Himchan let out a deep sigh before getting up.

“Come on boys.  Let’s go and save Yongguk’s ,” Himchan smirked.  The others nodded agreement then walked off towards Yongguk and the girls.


Bermuda Triangle POV:


Tobi and Talia shifted uneasily between the stark silence that surrounded them.  Mackenzie poked at her food, uninterested, while Kacia stabbed at the meat  like it was Yongguk’s face.


*die. Die.  DIE!*  Kacia chanted in her mind as her stabs grew harsher and more violent.  Tobi and Talia froze with fear at the sight of their leader’s actions.


The tension amongst them was so thick that you could’ve cut it with a butcher knife.


-step-step-step-step-  Rhythmic footsteps  grew louder and louder as it approached them.


“Hey,” a deep voice said, cutting through the silence.

The girls looked up to see the blonde haired boy they had earlier scared the wits out of.

Talia and Tobi gave a nod, acknowledging his presence and then returned to their food.  Kacia ignored him, continuing to stab at her food.  Yongguk watched her send the wooden chopsticks diving into the meat again and again, flinching at every stab.  Mackenzie saw how uncomfortable he was and decided to break the ice.

“Hey,” she meekly replied.

“Umm- about earlier,” he said.

“Look, don’t worry about it.  Just... give her some time to think,”  Mackenzie said.

“Yeah.... I just wanted to apologize for earlier.  It was stupid and rude and as a leader and the oldest, I should’ve faced the consequences.  I’m sorry I didn’t react earlier.  I think we got off on the wrong foot.  How about we start off again?  Hi I’m Yongguk,”  Yongguk replied, introducing himself to the girls.  He held out his left hand with a red bandana tied to his wrist.

*That bandana* thought Tobi as she squinted her eyes to get a better look at it.  On the corner of the bandana was a bunny with a red mask.

*That looks familiar*  Tobi thought, trying to recall earlier memories from which she saw it.

Mackenzie shook hands with Yongguk and smiled softly before nudging Kacia to shake hands.

“Hey, look, I said I was sorry.  I’m sorry,”  Yongguk said.  Kacia snorted at his words.  *Meaningless*  she thought, but she shook his hands anyways.  *For the sake of the Bermuda Triangle, and our friendship.*


No One’s POV:


“Hey!”  exclaimed Himchan and the other boys.

“Glad to see you guys made up,” smiled Youngjae.  Jongup and Zelo high-fived each other in celebration and tackled Yongguk with a bear hug.  The girls laughed.  The boys were so adorable.

Mackenzie’s eyes were fixated on Zelo, but when he turned, they locked eyes and she shyly looked away in embarrassment.  Zelo coughed and turned to pretend to talk to Jongup.

*Whew!  It’s hot in here!  It’s probably just the barbeque.  Are my cheeks red?*  thought Mackenzie as she cupped her cheeks.

Tobi, on the other hand, continued to eat rice.  Jongup smiled at the sight of how such a beautiful girl could eat so elegantly.  He was enticed by her every move.

Yongguk sat down next to Kacia, trying to strike up a conversation but failing miserably.

*She’s a tough nut to crack.  But she can’t ignore me forever!*  Yongguk said in his head.

Himchan and Youngjae were watching Rooftop Prince on Youngjae’s iPad while making random comments about how Mickey was such a good actor.

Out of the corner of Daehyun’s eye, he saw Talia laughing.  His eyes softened and his cold heart melted ever so slightly at the sight of her smile.

*She’s beautiful*  he thought to himself.  A smile danced across his lips.

“So now that we’re friends, how about we make it up to you?  We’ll pay,” Himchan bargained.  Yongguk hit his head, knowing he would have to pay, not them.

“I forgave you guys but I never said we were friends,” replied Kacia calmly.  Mackenzie, Tobi and Talia giggled, knowing where this was going.

“What?” pouted Zelo.

“You don’t have to pay for our food,” Kacia began.  Yongguk sighed in relief.

“But,”  *Uh-oh that’s not good*  The members of BAP tensed at the sound of that word.

“You have to go out into the street and dance to Oppa Gangnam Style then finish it off with aegyo,” explained Kacia with an evil smirk.

“ANDWAE!” Himchan shouted in disagreement.

“If you do this, we’ll call it even,” Talia sang.  Immediately Daehyun perked up and nodded in agreement.

“Hyung, what’s wrong with you?  You never agree to anything!”  Youngjae exclaimed.  Daehyun shrugged and waited for the other members of BAP to come to a conclusion.  In the end,  it was 2-4.  Himchan and Yongguk tried to save the little shreds of dignity that they retained from being the oldest and most girly, but even they knew that nothing they could do would ever bring any of it back.


They willingly trudged their feet to towards their doom.  Kacia snickered behind them, taking out her phone to take a video.  The other girls followed in pursuit, giggling about what’s going to happen.

They went out into the busy street where the boys lined themselves up from oldest to youngest.

Kacia pressed play and the fast beat of Oppa Gangnam Style began to play.  They all woefully began to dance, slowly but surely.  Yongguk looked away as he crossed his arms  and moved to the beat.  Himchan looked like he was jumping up and down to the beat, whereas Youngjae just swayed.  Daehyun danced regretfully, but on the other side  the maknaes were dancing happily.  Seeing as half the group wasn’t trying, Yongguk promised to buy them ice cream cake if they all danced.  At the sound of ice cream cake, all the members of BAP began dance furiously.  Finally after the four minutes of dancing, they revealed their horrible aegyo.    When they were done, the girls were on the floor, laughing and rolling around.  With the girls’ approval, the unknown friendship between the Bermuda Triangle and BAP had sparked.


“Hey, if you guys need any help, don’t hesitate to hit us up,” Yongguk said to Kacia, revealing his gummy smile while handing over six digits scrawled on a napkin in chicken scratch.

“Likewise,” Kacia replied coolly, hesitating to give them their digits as well.

“It was nice meeting you guys!” Mackenzie shouted as they walked away.



Hey guys(: So i spent the day with the co-author~ and i typed out this five/six page thing<3 we haven't been updating a lot, but thank you for reading!  hahaha too much crack.  hope you enjoy! :D -M

btw the colored text/ dialogue means that the characters are speaking english.  if not, it's in korean(: kay byeeeee

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