
My home is wherever you are

Now that is a longer chapter >-< and I liked the second part better.

Second Song: Avril Lavigne "Innocence" (

Enjoy the last part of his journey :3

Second: Innocence


Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling


Myungsoo woke up, when someone shook him. The controller had found him and wanted to see his ticket. Of course he got kicked out of the train and most of his money was seized by the older man. He got about three stations far, more than he expected. Myungsoo just shrugged as he got thrown out. He shouldered his things and watched the train leave. He even dare to wave at the controller with a carefree smile on his face. Then he turned around and searched for the name of this station. It looked small and old, like a forgotten place from ancient times. The air was different from the bigger city. He could feel no time in this place. It was simply quiet and peaceful. Myungsoo found the name of the city on an old board, but he had never heard of it. Maybe it wasn’t even on the map of South Korea. All the better, he thought. They won’t find him here. He didn’t leave any traces behind, bought no ticket, took a random train and stranded in an isolated town – a perfect plan.


As he left the old station, Myungsoo could finally see the town. It looked more like a village. Small and full of houses that seemed at least 50 or 60 years old. As he watched the landscape, an irritating thought crossed his mind. Would he be welcomed here? All the residents probably knew each other and were surely distant to strangers. Myungsoo sighed and looked at his watch or at least he wanted to, but it wasn’t there. He must have left it at home. Ah, Kim Myungsoo, what are you doing! You said time has no control over you any longer. Your resolve didn’t even last half a day, congrats. What will you do tomorrow? Run back home?

He shook his head and started walking towards the houses. The boy was looking for a small café or a bakery when something big and hairy jumped at him. Startled Myungsoo stumbled backwards, but the additional weight made him lose his balance. He fell to the ground and let out a gasp of pain. Something wet touched his cheek and the boy opened his eyes in panic. A black Labrador stood on his chest and his face happily. Myungsoo pushed the dog away, though it took some time since he didn’t want to use force against a stray. The Labrador showed no signs of hostility and simply wagged his tail.


The boy stood up and tried to clean his cheek. “Eeww, what was that for? Do I look like something to eat?”


The dog barked at his question and Myungsoo stared him down.


“I think the answer is yes.” A voice interrupted the scene and the boy looked up.


This innocence is brilliant,
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect,
please don't go away,
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it,
don't you let it pass you by


The stranger smiled, which made his eyes disappear and Myungsoo found himself returning the gesture. The other boy seemed close to him in age, but was a little taller. His hair was burning red, a strong contrast to his pale skin. The red hair patted the dog on the head.


“You don’t have to be scared of him, you know? Even I get along with Lucky and that actually means a lot.” The other boy smiled again.


Myungsoo shifted his eyes to the dog. So your name is Lucky? Is that a good sign? “I-I wasn’t scared. He just surprised me. I was looking for a coffee shop, when he jumped onto me.”


“A coffee shop? Here?” The redhead chuckled. “You won’t find something like that in this town. Are you lost? Because I don’t think anyone would voluntary come to this place. The name is Sunggyu by the way, you should call me Hyung. Nice to meet you, lost lamb.”


“I’m not lost! Don’t act all high and mighty just because I don’t look like a country pumpkin! I’m here because I want to be.” Myungsoo stomped on the ground to make his point clear. He didn’t lie, he wasn’t lost, though he had no idea if this was still South Korea.


The other nodded. “Yeah, sure you do. Well I’m not going to pry.”


“Well, thank you. I’ll leave now. Keep your stupid dog on a leash from now on.” The black-haired boy turned his back to him and started walking.


A moment later Lucky was next to him, wagging his tail and watching Myungsoo intently. Sunggyu caught up too. “Can you play guitar?”

The younger turned his head to him and smiled. “I can. This guitar is the most important thing in my life. Do you play an instrument or are you going to tell me this town has never seen a guitar?”


Sunggyu’s eyes disappeared again. “Come, I’ll show you something, stranger.”


The redhead took Myungsoo’s hand into his own and started dragging him into another direction. He couldn’t help but notice how cold the other’s hand was, but simply shrugged it off. Lucky followed them of course and the boy started to wonder where they were going. They left the houses behind and started walking down a path towards some fields. Myungsoo was in awe because the landscape looked so beautiful. He could see no sign of human intervention. It was just endless green ahead of them. He wondered where Sunggyu was going with him, but didn’t ask. The older didn’t look like a criminal and apparently dogs were the best at judging the character of someone. Myungsoo read somewhere that they know when someone is scared of them or intends to do them harm.


After a while the boy spotted a building in the distance. It was big and kind of looked like those schools from older movies. But why would someone place a building in the middle of nowhere? Sunggyu smiled at him and pointed towards it.


“That’s my  grandmother’s old school. Her classmates and she had to walk this distance every time back then. They closed it long ago, it’s Lucky and my secret hideout.”


Myungsoo smirked at that comment. “It doesn’t look like a secret place. You can see it miles away.”


“Yeah, but who comes here anyway? Only the villagers know of the school, stranger.”


“Why are you showing this to me? Stop calling me stranger, my name is Myungsoo.”


“Well, Myungsoo, the reason is inside. You don’t have anything better to do anyways, right?” Sunggyu walked a little faster as they got closer to the building.


Suddenly the black-haired boy felt a little scared. “This place is safe, right? It must be very old.”


The redhead turned his head in Myungsoo’s direction. “Is the city boy frightened now?”

“No, I’m just not planning on dying young.”


“And neither am I. Just enjoy it and have fun. It’s only us here at the end of the world, don’t you think that’s great? It feels like the rest of humanity doesn’t exist. This place is under a spell, you know? Time stopped here two years ago. Most people think it’s creepy, but I think it’s wonderful.”


Myungsoo gave him a strange look. “Are you trying to scare me with an old folklore? What do you mean time has stopped?”


Sunggyu shook his head. They had reached the school and he let go of the younger’s hand. Now that they were closer Myungsoo could notice the small details. Although the school looked old, it seemed to in perfect shape. None of the windows were destroyed or even dirty. If the design wasn’t so old, Myungsoo would have believed it was build yesterday. Something pulled him closer to the school and he entered first. Even the inside seemed totally new. He saw no sign of dust. The redhead walked past him with Lucky by his side and took the lead again.


“You said it was closed long ago?”

“I think it’s been about 60 years. You can’t tell, right?” Sunggyu’s voice trembled of excitement.


Myungsoo found himself smiling again. He had thought the city was good a hiding place, but the school was just perfect. Instead of scared he felt calm and joyful. He didn’t know places like this existed.


“I ran away from home.” The sentence stayed in the air for a moment. Myungsoo thought he had spoken too softly so he repeated the words.


Sunggyu didn’t look back. “I know.” That was all he said.


The older entered one of the classrooms and Myungsoo followed him inside. An old piano stood in the corner of the room. Sunggyu sat down at it and the younger noticed that Lucky wasn’t there anymore. He shrugged. Who knew where the dog had gone to.

“So you play piano?” The black-haired boy asked as he took a seat at one of the tables and put his bag on the ground.


“I’m not very good, but I like listening to it. Why don’t you play a song with your guitar?”


Since Myungsoo liked playing the guitar for other he simply nodded. “Okay, I guess you deserve a thank you gift. Give me a moment.”


Sunggyu just smiled and waited for him to start. The redhead seemed a distant the moment Myungsoo started playing. The song was already older and Avril Lavigne wasn’t exactly something most boys listened to, but he liked the lyrics of the song and it fit his feelings perfectly. Although his voice was quiet nice too, the younger didn’t dare to sing in front of Sunggyu. The older made him nervous enough with his stares.
In the middle of the song Sunggyu joined in with the piano and Myungsoo was surprised how good the other was. He played the wrong string when the redhead started singing. Myungsoo had no words to describe his voice. Maybe it wasn’t the best voice in the world, but the way Sunggyu sang touched his heart.


I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling


This innocence is brilliant,
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect,
please don't go away,
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it,
don't you let it pass you by


Myungsoo started smiling and closed his eyes in concentration as he began singing with the other, their voices melting into each other. It was the first time he felt like this, Sunggyu completed him. This moment was perfect and he didn’t want it to end.


It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry


It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry


-It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry-


This innocence is brilliant,
it makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliant,
please don't go away
Cause I need you now
And I'll hold on to it,
don't you let it pass you by


The younger stopped playing and looked at Sunggyu. Their eyes met and the older boy smiled. “You’re a genius. We should do a concert together.”

Myungsoo chuckled. “And our audience is Lucky?”

“Our audience is time itself.” He made a short pause and walked over to the black-haired boy to grab his hands. “Would you stay here, Myungsoo?”


The redhead seemed serious with his question. He was not smiling anymore. There was a certain sadness in his eyes that Myungsoo couldn’t put his finger on. He didn’t know where ‘here’ was, the village or the school, it didn’t matter. Never in his life had he felt so calm and complete. It was funny that fate led him here to this perfect place with the one person that felt the same as him.

“My home is wherever you are.”


Sunggyu smiled and hugged the younger. Myungsoo was surprised how cold the other felt. He had noticed his cold hands despite the summer heat before, but the younger shivered for a moment.


“What’s wrong, Myung?”


“Nothing, hyung. Nothing at all.” Myungsoo closed his eyes and decided to ignore it. He felt warm enough for two anyways. Lucky barked somewhere in the distance, but then he suddenly stopped after a small whine and a dead silence filled the building.


The younger shuddered and Sunggyu strengthened his hold. “Don’t worry, you are safe here. Our time is endless in this place, there’s nothing to fear. Close your eyes and count to three, everything is alright.”

And Myungsoo believed him. He closed his eyes.




It didn’t matter why the building was standing in the middle of nowhere or why it was in perfect shape.




He stopped wondering why Sunggyu was cold or what happened to Lucky.




Maybe he would open his eyes and notice it was all just a dream.


This innocence is brilliant,
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect,
please don't go away,
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it,
don't you let it pass you by

- The End -

Don't kill me ö_ö I feel bad for ending it like this, but actually the ending I wrote before was even meaner.

Finished with my first songfic °-° I liked it, but it could be my delusional author mindset talking.

I hope you guys liked it too! Leave some comments, because comments are love!

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Chapter 2: Sunggyu is a ghost. The end. ^^
ayreou #2
Chapter 1: Still one of the more well written fanfics I read, you've really nailed the atmosphere really well even without the songs. And Myunggyu is always a plus <3 I can't help but feel like it has a very eerie and tragic undertone to it though that's what makes it really good.
Drhr13 #3
Chapter 2: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Chapter 2: Wow,this is such a brilliant story,and the songs fit perfectly.Thank you for your beautiful writing!And for writing this with Myunggyu.Myunggyu is definitely my top OTP.
I don't know why but at the ending,I suddenly cried unconsciously.This story is so beautiful and meaningful.It's also kind of sad,I wonder if anyone else can see the two of them now they're both stuck in time.It's like an isolated dimension in the school,tragic and beautiful.Wow,I've used beautiful so much to describe this story,but I don't have any other ways to say it.I guess it's just so stunning since I've never read such a wonderful story before.
Chapter 2: well ~ this gives me a bit of options
1. Gyu is actually from the past and got stuck in time so he's still roaming the school
2. the place is an alternate universe

but hey this is quite nice and I just love how they complete each other. it's destiny that brought them together.. well at least in my own understanding
Chapter 2: I don't know how to put this properly, but I'd rather believe that myungsoo wasn't dreaming (well, short of)..I imagine that myungsoo somehow fell into an alternate universe, not in a supernatural sense anyway, but maybe something like 'Inception' realm.. I think it's better for him, thus he did not need to questions Sunggyu, or Lucky, or anything and anyone anymore. Thanks for the myunggyu moment, author =)
Chapter 2: somehow i want to read the 'meaner' ending, but the plot is really nice xD
great to see some myunggyu <3
Chapter 2: this is nice. but i'm a little bit confuse's all a dream or not??
kkk. anyway the story line is nice