Before I Go

A brother's sacrifice


I watched as Gongchan & Byunghun were lying in the surgery room. I approached Byunghun as a tear trickled down my cheek. As I stood at his side, he took my hand & said, "Hea Jung-ah.. In case I don't make it.." I didn't let him finish his sentence. "Oppa, you will." He nodded but I could see he had doubt in his eyes. 

"Miss Hea Jung, I need to you to leave the surgery room now." I nodded at the doctor & as I left the room, I took one last glance at the both of them. *Both of you will make it. I know you will.*



I watched her come out of the surgery room. She had so much hope in her eyes that it was hurting me. *Should I tell her?* I shook my head, answering my own question. *No, she doesn't need to know any more bad news.*

She sat down next to me & said, "Oppa, are you okay? Lately, you seem really troubled." "Ah, ani. Im fine, really." She tilted her head & stared at me without uttering a single word. To convince her, I put on a fake smile & said with a happier tone, "Yah, I told you Im fine". 



*He's lying. I know he is. He's hiding something from me.* I probed him again, hoping he would tell me the truth. "Aish, I told you Im fine." 

I wanted to ask him again but before I could, the members of Teen Top sat next to me, every one of them sobbing. I turned to them. "Guys, don't worry he will make it. I know he will." 

Niel turned to me, his eyes red from crying. "But even if he does make it, he won't have long to live" 

Hearing that, I didn't say anything. I couldn't. Because I knew that what Niel said was true. Even if he does make it, he won't have long to live. It was hard but I had to accept the fact. He would only have a few days to live. *Im sorry, Byunghun oppa.*



After waiting for so long, the surgeon came out of the surgery room. I quickly ran to him & asked how the surgery had went. 

"I have good news & I have bad. The good news is, the surgery had gone well & both of them had made it" My mouth curled into a smile. "But the bad news is... L.Joe only has a few days to live..." My heart sank. The smile on my face disappeared. I knew he would say that but somehow my heart still hurt.

Entering the surgery room, I had to put up a brave front. There was no way I am letting Byunghun see me cry. As I approached them, I could see smiles on their faces but Byunghun's was a forced one. My heart ached again. 



For the next few days, you, Gongchan & the members of Teen Top spent your time with L.Joe. As each day passed by, your heart ached more. Each night, you would pray that he would not leave you but you knew that it was useless. You would shed tears whenever thoughts of him leaving came across your mind. Even though he wasn't your boyfriend, you had always regarded him as one of your closest friends as well as your idol. You dreaded the passing of each minute knowing the day he breathes his last breath is coming nearer. 



Tomorrow. That's the day he'll live. Tomorrow. That's the day he will breathe his last breath. Tomorrow. That's the day I will lose another one of my loved one. 

I didn't want to leave the hospital. If I could, I would sleep by his side, knowing that at anytime, he could breathe his last breath. But I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to stay. I had to go home.

"Hea Jung-ah, I don't know if I'm able to see you tomorrow but before Im too late, I would like you to have this bouquet of flowers & these couple rings as my last gift to you. Let this be my blessing to you & Gongchan."

Tears started falling from my eyes as he handed me the flowers & the rings.

"Im not sure whether I'll get the chance to say goodbye to Gongchan (he's in another ward, deep in his sleep), but if I don't, please tell him Im sorry for everything. Tell him I love him. Tell him I always regarded him as my own brother & not just a step-brother. & tell him that I'll always be watching over him. Tell him Im glad to have him as my brother" I could only afford to nod as I held back more tears from falling.

Before leaving the ward, I took one last glance at him. He gave me a reassuring smile that everything's going to be alright but his eyes state the otherwise. It won't. Everything won't be alright. I know it won't.



Tomorrow's the day. His last day. *When's mine?* Even I don't know that. All I know is I can't bear seeing Hea Jung like that. Right at that moment, I made up my mind. I will do it. 

After a while, I finally found him. Without hesitating, I approached him. "Excuse me, doctor..."

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Chapter 39: aish to much sadness . hmm crying crying crying . beautiful story you got here :D
Chapter 37: Omg I'm crying now! Very good story by the way Author-nim!
ohmahgawd I cant even ;;
Zeulde #4
Chapter 37: It's heartbreaking to know that Jung is dead but somehow glad that L.Joe is still breathing because Teen Top is nothing without L. Joe..
Zeulde #5
Chapter 15: The suspense is killing me..
Zeulde #6
Chapter 3: Your story keep making me to continue reading it...
I hate u author-nim . my tears won't stop falling ya know >.< and my shirt is wet already ;A; lol I love u author-nim . ur story is dae to the bak ~ /throws confetti/
Chapter 38: Gr8t fanfic Dri Unnie!! Haha was anticipating for Gongcan to win her heart :,)
rubmybananas #9
Chapter 37: So what happens to Hea Jung and GongChan?
Chapter 37: Gosh. I cried :')