The Shopping Adventure - Part 3 (Key and Adriel)

Confessions of an American Fangirl. . .


“I think I’m in heaven!” Adriel squealed happily, flitting around the boutique she and the diva had run into. It had the latest trends, all at low prices to make it even better.  

Key followed her, keeping up with her high energy as if it was nothing. But man, the girl was in overdrive. She sighed in happiness as she ran her hand along the different fabrics, taking hangers off racks and holding them under her chin, looking in the mirror.

She was on her seventh visit to the fitting room when Key spoke up, “Yah, Adriel, slow down. You’re going to collapse in exhaustion if you don’t stop soon.” he smirked at the pouty face she made.

“Yah, I don’t want to,” she puffed her lips and folded her arms crossly. The diva smiled wider, She looks like a five year old, he thought, fighting back a chuckle, How can she be so cute?

He ruffled her hair, “Come on, let’s look in a different shop,” he took her hand and had only taken two steps before she was distracted by the jewelry display case.

“Omo, look at all these earrings! They’re so pretty!” Adriel cried, touching them gingerly.

Key sighed and walked to stand behind her, leaning over her shoulder to peer down into the glass case. He liked the way her lips pursed when she was concentrating, kind of like the way they were now.

Adriel was fixated on two specific pairs of earrings, and she wasn’t aware of Key’s close proximity. She grabbed the two pairs of earrings and whipped her head to the side, “Yah, Kibum-Oppa, which earrings are the b – “she stopped midsentence, she blinked at the situation they were in.

Key was busy looking at her lips that he hadn’t noticed when her face suddenly turned to face his. He blinked slowly, looking into her eyes. Their noses were touching, and they could feel each other’s breaths on their cheeks, their lips mere millimeters apart.

Adriel was so surprised that she yelped and jerked backwards, dropping the earrings in the process. They clinked against the glass as they fell to the glittery tile floor. The other shoppers all looked at the two of them with disapproving looks.

“Our apologies,” Key bowed to them, before stooping to pick up the fallen jewelry. He held them up to each of Adriel’s ears and said, “I like these silver hoops best,”

Adriel blinked out of her surprised state and stuttered a reply, “O-oh, okay,” she avoided eye contact with the diva. He could see her cheeks had darkened in color.

He smiled and took her hand, “Do you want them? I’ll buy them for you,”

“Oh, no, i-it’s okay, I’m-I’m fine,” Adriel tried to get coherent words to come out of . The only thing she was aware of was that her hand was being held by Key.

“I’m buying them for you,” the rainbow haired boy said simply, walking towards the cashier, “They suit you, and I want to see you wear them,” he smiled. He handed her the small package and wordlessly led her out of the boutique. A silence had enveloped the two teens.

Key chuckled and ruffled her hair again, “Aigoo, why are you so quiet now? I want to hear your voice!” she reddened completely, but kept shut. She doesn’t even realize how cute she is, he thought to himself, still smiling.

“You know, you were so hyper in that shop just now,” he continued, talking as if nothing had happened, “you kind of reminded me of a bird. You were even attracted to shiny things! Araso, that’s what I’ll call you from now on, Birdie!” he pinched her cheeks.

“Yah! Since when did I give you permission to do that? And what are you implying, calling me a bird!” Adriel shouted, shoving his hands away.

“Aigoo, she’s back! Yay!” Key smiled, throwing his arms around her. She gasped as she realized how short she was compared to him. Her face pressed into his chest and his chin rested on top of her head.

“Fine, I guess I can forgive you, but don’t do that around the others or else it would be a disaster!” she said sternly, playfully glaring up at him.

“And who said that? I’ll have you know – “ Adriel’s stomach growled loudly, interrupting him. She turned pink again and pulled away. The diva chuckled; “Are we hungry Birdie?” he winked.

The brunette smiled sheepishly, “Neh, a little. I haven’t eaten since breakfast,” she let Key take her hand and they started walking towards the food court, “Neh, Kibum-Oppa, can we have American food? I want it right now,” she made her eyes big and did an aegyo pose.

“Of course, anything for you, Birdie,” he winked, and she blushed again.

Adriel suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, yanking Key backwards, “Yah, Kim Kibum, where are Belle and Taemin-Oppa?” she grabbed his ear and started to yank downwards.

“Ouch! Yah, who are you, my grandma? Let me go!” Key cried, “We got separated a while ago, but you were so caught up, I didn’t get a chance to tell you. Just calm down, let me go, and let’s get something to eat. We can look for them after that!” Adriel finally released the diva, and he rubbed his ear tenderly, wincing slightly.

“Omo, I’m sorry, I just panicked. Belle doesn't do well on her own... bad things happen. Are you okay? Yah, let’s just get something to eat at McDonald’s araso?” Adriel took his hand and led him into the restaurant.

They stepped up to the counter and were about to order when a voice called from behind them, “Hyung, hyung! There you guys are!”

Adriel cocked her head to the side, “Kibum-Oppa, that sounded just like Taemin-Oppa,” they both whirled around and saw the faces of Taemin and Belle sitting in a booth on the side of the restaurant. Taemin’s arm was waving like a palm tree in a hurricane. Belle held an expression of relief on her features.

The girls ran to each other and hugged tightly, “Omo, where the heck were you guys?!?” Adriel demanded.

Key was right behind her, “Yah, don’t be running off like that again, I was very worried!” he swatted the back of Taemin’s head.

“Yah, you guys left us!” Taemin protested, pointing his fingers at them and rubbing his head.

“We did no such thing, what you did was not pay attention,” the diva replied.

Belle giggled, “Yah, let’s just eat guys.”

They ordered and began to eat. "So Belle, how much damage did you do to the place while we were separeated?" Adriel friends clumsiness.

"Yah! None! Taemin-oppa and I shopped and bought stuff. I didn't break anything!" Belle defended herself.

Adriel laughed, "Aigoo, I was just kidding."

After eating, the four of them roamed around the mall for another hour before Belle glanced at her watch and gasped, “Omo, it’s almost four!”

Adriel dragged her feet, “I believe you, man I’m so tired!” she slumped her chin on Belle’s shoulder.

“Hyung, I’m tired! Let’s go home araso?” Taemin whined, tugging on the diva’s sleeve.

Key nodded, “Araso, let’s all go home,” he hugged them and they walked out into the hot, muggy air as they waited for him to hail a cab.

The girls were dead asleep before the taxicab left the mall parking lot.


the shopping adventure saga has come to an end! 

how did everyone like it?

ooh seems there was some tension/butterflies between Key and Adriel~ 


comment what you think is going to happen, or what you want to happen! <3

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TL's username is now anythingkpop so don't freak out and think she left. She didn't^^


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Chapter 60: sorry for the slow comment; no internet access TT
but I'm so glad you updated! ^^
Onew is so so so so so cute!!! ahh asdfjskdfjsdlf <3333
I can't wait for the next chapter ^^
lisapyon #2
Chapter 60: *sees "story updates" alert on profile* Ooooo, an update! *clicks button* O.O They updated?!?! *floored*

*quickly clicks link to make sure she isn't dreaming* They updated!!! *reads chapter* I'd forgotten how amazing this story was. *floored again*
Chapter 60: Yay~ I can use this for my update in ICOLY!
For my finale *sobs*
And this was just soo... *rolls around* its so cute my cute little dubu <3
Chapter 59: Oh god I love you xD
I'll have to go back through and edit this next time we update....
Djowjdnebsicosmbdjekd hahaha
Chapter 59: whoa an update!! yay!! :D
but a cliffhanger?! noooo!!! ><
now you must update again soon!!! <3 or else I will die of curiosity!!
Onew's being sketch...and a little bit ghetto with that hoodie. xD
ahh I have missed this story; it brings back good memories ^^
please update again soon!! love you! <333
Chapter 59: Lol, suspicious behavior *wiggles eyebrows*
Anyways, I was surprised when I saw your update I was all O.O
Hahaha, but I'm so glad to see these characters again, I missed it terribly, you have no idea (even if they're in my story I can't write them like you can, sooo.... xD)
But yeah, I loved the update, as short as it was. Like I said, I love the characters <3
Okay.... I'm done....
Love you girl!
Chapter 59: Oh. My. Gosh.


*does happy dance of extreme happiness*


Really short...




But I'm not complaining! *glomps you* Thank you for continuing this work or art!

*dies of happiness*
Chapter 56: So... I think it should go into introducting Onew's... well, yeah and also... maybe fast forward to Minho's?
Idek... I used to know where you guys were going with this... and then there's catching up with my story... lol
Which, you really don't have to hahaha
Chapter 56: NOOOOO!!!! OTB-Unnie! You're back!!! *glomps a bagillion times and more* I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!! Did you get your notebook back? I still can't find you. T___T I honestly have no idea where to go with this. I suggest asking heartykeykeke. She's a great writer and I think she could probably think of something. Unnie's, fightinG!!!