The Shopping Adventure - Part 1

Confessions of an American Fangirl. . .


 The COEX mall was the biggest mall the girls had ever seen. They hadn’t seen anything so expansive, so extravagant, and so . . . BIG. They tilted their head back to take in the whole thing as they stepped out of the taxicab.

“Omo, it’s so huge!” Adriel called in awe, pointing at the gigantic building.

“Wahh!” Belle cried, stretching her arms out and spinning as the four of them strode through the double doors.

Taemin adjusted his disguise, which consisted of a blonde wig, blue contacts, and sunglasses, and bounced up and down giddily, pointing ahead, “Hyung, let’s get ice cream!”

Belle gasped in delight, “Yeah, yeah, ice cream!” she clapped her hands, grinning. The red head and the now blonde boy looked to the other two with large, innocent eyes, letting out little whines of excitement.

Key patted the maknae on the head, “Quiet down Taeminnie baby, we just got here,”

Adriel put her hands on her hips, “Yeah Belle, what are you, my child?” she faked a reprimand.

“Yes, you are my Umma!” Belle grinned, she didn't even realise she was gripping Taemin’s upper arm. He didn’t protest, but he did turn a slight shade of pink.

Key clapped a hand on Adriel’s shoulder, “Omo no way, Taeminnie calls me Umma too!” his eyes twinkled while he pointed to himself.

The brunette rolled her eyes playfully, “Yeah, and it’s hilarious since I’m younger than her.” they all laughed.

The diva gave a final sigh and stood up straight, “Let’s hit the stores, we don’t have all day you know!” he began tugging at Adriel’s hand in a random direction.

The brunette checked her watch, “Well, it’s only ten a.m.”

“That means we have most of the day,” Belle added.

Key nodded in satisfaction, smiling brightly, “That’s my girls. Let’s go Taeminnie,” he led the three followers to a luxurious clothing store.

Adriel suddenly became a totally different person. She began bouncing off the walls and running around all over the place, completely hyper at the sight of all the cute clothes. Her cries of excitement were heard all over the store.

“Omo, this is so CUTE!” she cooed at a ruffled top. She looked up and spotted something else, “Wahh, Belle, look at this! It’s totally your style!” she held up the hanger to Belle, who was looking at the jeans across the room.

Key was beside the redhead, and he whispered to her, “Yah, is Adriel-ah always like this in stores?”

“Hmm?” Belle looked up at her best friend tearing through the clearance rack, “Oh, yes. She gets rather excited when she goes shopping.” she giggled. The diva just scratched his head and blinked at the brunette’s total transformation in personality.

Key suddenly became very focused, and scouted out the perfect outfits for the girls, “Adriel-ah, Belle-ah, come to the fitting rooms! I have a couple of things for you two to try on!”

“A couple of things?” Adriel laughed after she saw the diva’s arms full of clothes. He had about ten outfits for each of the girls. Taemin acted as assistant and handed Key more potential candidates, and was running back and forth to put back the rejected ones.

After about two hours of hunting for the perfect outfit in about three different stores, Taemin spotted a store with plushies in the window. He had his nose pressed against the glass in front of a Pikachu plushy.

“Wahh, I don’t have this one!” the pseudo-blonde boy cried, “It’s holding a heart, so cute!” he ran into the shop and quickly purchased the plushy. He came out grinning from ear to ear.

“What did you get Taemin-ah?” Belle asked, still too shy to use more intimate honorifics.

Taemin opened the bag and held up the Pikachu holding a heart, “It’s a new Pikachu plushy that I don’t have!”

“Omo, it’s so cute,” the redhead cooed.

Adriel, who was still on her shopping high, was walking beside Key. They both didn’t notice that Taemin and Belle had stopped walking behind them. The brunette suddenly spotted a mannequin dressed in the cutest outfit she had ever seen, and she pointed at it and gasped.

The diva spotted it at the same time, and they both looked at each other and grinned. They ran into the store without looking behind them.

Belle looked up and glanced around them, “Yah, where are Adriel and Kibum-Oppa?” she asked worriedly.

Taemin looked around, tilting his head to the side and blinking, “Huh, it seems they’ve left us. We’re separated,” Belle whipped her head back to him and gasped. She looked all around her, searching the crowd for Adriel's familiar face. Adriel was nowhere to be seen.

“What are we going to do?”  she asked with disdain.


omo, their separated! 

what's going to happen?

teehee cliff hanger mwahaha~ 

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TL's username is now anythingkpop so don't freak out and think she left. She didn't^^


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Chapter 60: sorry for the slow comment; no internet access TT
but I'm so glad you updated! ^^
Onew is so so so so so cute!!! ahh asdfjskdfjsdlf <3333
I can't wait for the next chapter ^^
lisapyon #2
Chapter 60: *sees "story updates" alert on profile* Ooooo, an update! *clicks button* O.O They updated?!?! *floored*

*quickly clicks link to make sure she isn't dreaming* They updated!!! *reads chapter* I'd forgotten how amazing this story was. *floored again*
Chapter 60: Yay~ I can use this for my update in ICOLY!
For my finale *sobs*
And this was just soo... *rolls around* its so cute my cute little dubu <3
Chapter 59: Oh god I love you xD
I'll have to go back through and edit this next time we update....
Djowjdnebsicosmbdjekd hahaha
Chapter 59: whoa an update!! yay!! :D
but a cliffhanger?! noooo!!! ><
now you must update again soon!!! <3 or else I will die of curiosity!!
Onew's being sketch...and a little bit ghetto with that hoodie. xD
ahh I have missed this story; it brings back good memories ^^
please update again soon!! love you! <333
Chapter 59: Lol, suspicious behavior *wiggles eyebrows*
Anyways, I was surprised when I saw your update I was all O.O
Hahaha, but I'm so glad to see these characters again, I missed it terribly, you have no idea (even if they're in my story I can't write them like you can, sooo.... xD)
But yeah, I loved the update, as short as it was. Like I said, I love the characters <3
Okay.... I'm done....
Love you girl!
Chapter 59: Oh. My. Gosh.


*does happy dance of extreme happiness*


Really short...




But I'm not complaining! *glomps you* Thank you for continuing this work or art!

*dies of happiness*
Chapter 56: So... I think it should go into introducting Onew's... well, yeah and also... maybe fast forward to Minho's?
Idek... I used to know where you guys were going with this... and then there's catching up with my story... lol
Which, you really don't have to hahaha
Chapter 56: NOOOOO!!!! OTB-Unnie! You're back!!! *glomps a bagillion times and more* I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!! Did you get your notebook back? I still can't find you. T___T I honestly have no idea where to go with this. I suggest asking heartykeykeke. She's a great writer and I think she could probably think of something. Unnie's, fightinG!!!