Bad Personal Decision

Drabbles Collection


“I don’t think that’s a very good idea”

Taemin was stacking the old soda cans he used to collect, stacking them as if they were a house of cards, or at least trying to.

“We’re not really going to use them so” Taemin shrugged, concentrating more on the stacking then on Key.

Taemin stacked the last one, scooting back on the floor to admire his handy work. Taemin was most creative when he was bored, but that also lead to painful decisions.

“Just saying when they fall over and smack you right in the fa-” The leaning tower of soda swayed and toppled on top of Taemin, a few hitting him right in the head. Groaning, Taemin said “Maybe that was a bad person decision” Key tried to hold back his laughter with “Yeah ‘maybe’ ”

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Iminthezone #1
Congratulations for being featured as the story of the day =)
Chapter 2: HAHAH this is the cutest <33333
Chapter 3: Hey...It's cinco...But really cutee..!
Mrin_Jr #5
It's so cute ^^ I really like it >o<
Uhmm... my friends is Blinger and she has some bad trouble. I wanna give to her many gifts.
Can I translate your drabbles in order to give to her ?
I think she will be happy.
And I hope you agree :*:*
I will credit enough and give you link when I finish it. ;)
So short and sweet!
Chapter 6: Short stories, but truly made my day ^^