Just a gift

Midnight Rose



A/N: Exo-m is not going to appear for a while but they are in this story ^^ 


   His big hands cupped her white neck, feeling her blood flow through her delicate skin. She stood still, her innocent eyes staring into his. He brushed her plump lips with his thumbs and his own lips, fantasizing the taste of her blood. His breathing got heavier the closer he got to her skin, to her white neck just waiting to be bitten. He breathed in her scent, brushing his lips against her flush cheeks and ears. 

   He whispered, “It’s going to be alright” softly between heavy breaths. Just the thought of her thick blood flowing through his body was enough to make it seem like his un-beating heart was running like a wild horse.

    She knew what was coming; she has gone through the pungent bites many times. Too many times to react to it anymore. She stared at the mirror they were standing in front of, eyeing the reflection of her in his embrace. She felt his breath tickle her neck and flinched without a sound as she felt his fangs pierce her skin.

     Blood started to flow into his mouth. Warming his cold body with her warm blood. With every , a heavy breath came in. He clutched onto her tighter, supported her neck with one hand and holding her up with an arm around her petite waist. As he devoured her, she started to loosen up. Not because she was reposed but because of the blood loss. Her eyelids became heavy and her breathing was short and hitched. Her arms were limp and her legs were soon going to follow.

   As soon as he withdrew his fangs from her neck, tilting his head back for air, she fell unconscious in his arms. He the remaining blood on his fangs and lips while carrying her as gently as ever onto his bed.

   She lay on his bed like an angel in a deep slumber. He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling the white blankets on top of her. She fidgeted, revealing her bite mark. He frowned and leaned into her to place a soft kiss of apology on her wound. He stood up, kissed her forehead and whispered “goodnight” before turning off the light and leaving the room.



“Liking my gift?” L smirked. He sat on the luxurious couch with his legs crossed, one arm over the back and the other holding a glass of wine.

Chanyeol closed the door of his room ignoring L’s remarks with a poker face. He sat in front of L and poured a glass of wine for himself.

“Uh.. you missed a spot” L pointed out with a mischievous face. “Right here” he bent over to Chanyeol and wiped a speck of blood from his jaw with his thumb. He slipped his thumb in his mouth and it clean. “hmm not bad, not bad” he grinned. “I guess she really is worth the money”

Chanyeol rolled his eyes and placed his empty glass down. “So, where’d you find her?”

“I have my sources and you know me, I hate sharing information” L winked back.

“But I guess you do like my gift. If you don’t, just tell me, I’ll take her back”

After a long pause Chanyeol replied “It’s fine.”

L couldn’t help but smile and give a little nod “you are very welcome”

“Anyways~” L locked his fingers and stretched his arms forward, taking a deep breath at the same time. As he exhaled, he released his fingers and stood up. He looked up at the clock and pretended to squint his perfect vampire eyesight. “yay~ time to go hunt!”

Chanyeol chuckled and stood up, walked over to the coat rack to grab his coat. He hooked it over his shoulders and left his apartment room. 

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VivianaExo12 #1
Chapter 1: I like it!
Smileyblu #2
Chapter 1: Love it but who's the girl ?!?...... Update soon !....