Chapter 29: Son of the kissing-in-the- principal

The other side of Change [Hiatus]

“Chloe get your over here!” I heard Kathy from afar. Raising my head from piano I looked around the class, before my eyes landed on doors that opened widely, seeing Kathy.

“What is wrong?” I asked and looked back down on the next song I was working on.

“Everything!” she groaned and sat beside me. “James is such an – there isn’t bigger – and to think that he likes you – scratch that, to think that he loves you, I never thought!” She was shocked, while I remained calm, already knowing this, which caught her attention even more. “You knew?!” She shrieked and looked at me wide eyed.

“Well…it was you in the first place that thought he likes me.” I shrugged and glanced at her.

“But I never knew he really…loves you. I mean, I just heard him talking with his friends, saying that he will confess to you.” I frowned at her statement and raised my head, looking at closed doors. She frowned and looked at doors as well.

“You know,” I started after moment, still looking at doors. “I hate you.” I said.

“Aw, I love you,” she hugged me around my neck tightly and snuggled like little kid that just saw his mother after a long day.

I let a chuckle out and pushed her away with index finger on her forehead, making her grin. “And don’t talk about people on what they will do. It isn’t good and who knows what might happen to you.” I grinned when I saw shock written over her face.

“Chloe~” she whined and hit my shoulder. “I was just saying what I heard.” She pouted and crossed her arms like little kid. “And don’t come later to me whining what to do, because I am warning before-hand. Don’t mess with his feelings, because I am more than sure he will do something if he realizes you lied to him.” She was serious, making me laugh. “I am serious, Chloe. Please look after yourself.” She added and stood up.

“I will,” I smiled and took pen. “I am working on my new song, so get out.” I stuck tongue out as she did the same before she walked to doors and opened them. “And don’t joke about something like this.” I added and went back on composing after Kathy walked out, but I couldn’t work on it anymore.

I stood up and walked to the window, where I saw students playing with snow, after all it did pass two weeks after my composing in China and it seems some grew to like me, yet some grew to hate me and my composition.

Letting a sigh out I wanted to turn around, when I saw James playing in snow fight with his friends and some other students. Like he could feel that I am looking at him, he rose his head and looked straightly at me after he throw a snowball at his ‘enemy’. I quickly hid behind the curtain, my cheeks turning into light shade of red, before a knock on the doors woke me from my thoughts.

Why did I hide? I narrowed my eyebrows and looked at doors, seeing Samantha walking inside in front of Jin. “What are you two doing here?” I asked surprised at their appearance.

“I just came to greet you before I go.” Smiled Jin and walked closer to me. I walked to piano and smiled, glancing at Samantha, who was smiling like an idiot beside. “Can I hear you play?” he asked and looked at piano.

“Sure,” I smiled and sat down, taking notes of the other song that I was practicing my piano skills. “This one is one of my favorite songs.” I added and started playing.

“Ah, Daughtry,” Samantha smiled widely and nodded in approval. “This is Home right?” she asked and looked at me.

I nodded in reply and smiled when I saw them smiling. “When are you leaving?” I glanced at Jin, who was enjoying in music.

“Tonight,” he answered and sat on the chair in front, while Samantha walked to my side, sitting down. “I am done with work here either way, so I decided to go back to Japan.” He smiled.

“But you will come on a visit, right?” I asked and fully turned to him.

“Of course,” he laughed. “Of course I will come. I think even Meisa will come next time.” He smiled and stood up after I ended with playing. “It was great to hear you play once again, and I do hope you will make it big with being lawyer and composing.”

“Thank you,” I smiled and bowed with head after I stood up. “And I am keen on meeting your girlfriend.” I and nudged him in the ribs. “Oh and if anyone asks for me when you will walk out of the room, say that I already left, since I will.” I added.

“Okay, but why?” asked Samantha confused, before her eyes widened. “You plan on avoiding him, don’t you?” she murmured and crossed her arms.

“No!” I answered instantly. “I don’t have time, because Daniel wants me to be home earlier today, but he didn’t tell me why.” I pouted and saved notes in my bag. “I am really in hurry…” I added and looked at the two, who were laughing at me.

“Okay, go already.” Samantha rolled with her eyes, while Jin nodded, agreeing with her.

“Thank you,” I smiled widely and grabbed my bag, already running down the hallway. The moment I came to ground floor, I bumped into someone, making me fall on the person.

“Ouch…” he murmured.

I rubbed my head and widened my eyes, knowing that it was James I bumped into. “I am so sorry, James.” I said and quickly stood up, helping him.

“You should watch where you are running to.” He let a chuckle out and rubbed his head. “Why are you in such rush?” he asked and took bag from the ground, handing it to me.

“Daniel wants me to be home early today, and I completely forgot, until I remembered less than a minute ago.” I quickly explained and looked behind him, seeing Daniel already waiting in the car. “I should be going, since he is waiting.” I looked back at James.

He nodded and stepped aside, but held my hand. “Can I ask you something?” he murmured, making me to look at him.

“Sure,” I nodded, confused at what he is trying to say, until I remembered Chloe’s words. He will confess to you. “What is wrong?” I asked.

“Do you have time today in the evening?” he asked, looking to the ground as his cheeks turned into light shade of pink, making me smile.

“I do,” I nodded.

“Do you want to go out with me?” he asked and looked straight into my eyes.

My eyes widened at his question, as my mouth gaped a little. “W-what?” I stuttered and blinked few times in shock.

“If you have time, and if you don’t mind, I want to ask you on a date tonight.” He looked away.

I could feel hotness appearing on my cheeks, and looked away. “S-sure,” I stuttered an answer and nodded second later.

“Really?” he asked surprised by my answer.

I nodded with a smile. “You know where I live, right?” I asked.

He nodded and smiled widely. “I will be waiting for you at six in the evening. Be ready till then.” He said and ran out of the school, with wide smile. I chuckled at his childishness and walked to Daniel’s car, where I sat in.

“A date, huh?” he asked right away, without greeting.

“Hello to you too…” I murmured with red cheeks and belted myself. “I am going at six today.” I quietly added and looked through window, right at James, who was talking with his friends, wide smile on his lips. I smiled unconsciously, making Daniel grin before I realized I was smiling. “Let’s just go…” I groaned and crossed my arms like a little kid.

Daniel laughed while I wanted to bury myself alive. Luckily he didn’t say anything while driving back, though I knew he was dying from laughter inside and just waited for the right moment to burst into real laughter.

When we came home, everything was closed down. It surprised me, since Hyejung was still here in America when I went to school, in the morning, together with Mary. I confusedly looked at Daniel, who smiled, knowing I looked at him.

“What is going on? Where are Mary and Hyejung?” I asked and stepped out of the car.

“They had and still have some business to do.” He answered and locked the car, before he walked to my side. “Since we are all alone home and since you have a date in the evening- oh, don’t tell me that guy is son of the kissing-in-the- principal, because I won’t let you go out then.” He frowned.

“He is not that bad.” I rolled with my eyes.

“When I picked you up from the school on the first day you were saying the other way.” He gave me are-you-kidding-me look, before he opened the doors. “Now go into your room and pick the clothes you find cute, while I will borrow Hyejung’s makeup.” He smiled and directed me to stairs.

“Sure,” I murmured, rolling with my eyes, and walked upstairs into my room. “Like he will do that; Hyejung is going to skin him alive if he ever touches her makeup box again.” I chuckled at the memory when Daniel really tried to borrow her makeup box, but she almost broke his neck.

I walked to my wardrobe and opened it, thinking of what I should wear. I should try nice clothes. I thought and shook with head. Why am I even trying to dress for James? I laughed and closed the wardrobe, but opened it again as soon as I closed it. Now, where was I? Wait, I looked around the room and then back at clothes. “So…what am I wearing today?” I sighed and sat on the ground.

“Are you done, So Min?” Daniel called from downstairs.

“I don’t even know what to wear, how can I be done?” I called back.

“Do you need my help?” he asked.

I was quiet for a minute, because I knew if I answer with yes, he will come, and if I answer with no, he will come either way. “Do as you want.” I called and not a second has passed when he was in my room, in front of my clothes, tapping his chin, wondering what I should wear. “You are getting faster by day…” I murmured surprised.

“Well…” he murmured and tilted head to the side. “You have quite…a choice…” he glanced at me.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at clothes, seeing few pair of jeans, few T-shirts, long-sleeve shirts, sweaters, jackets and blouses. “So…do you have any idea?” I asked and stood up, standing by his side.

“Do you have…any kind of skirt?” he asked and looked straight into my eyes.

“I don’t wear skirts and you know that.” I narrowed my eyebrows, afraid of what he is thinking.

“I will be right back.” He grinned and disappeared from my room.

I stared at the doors. “Thiswon’t be good.” I murmured and not a whole minute has passed when he came back, holding a blue skirt with different graphics. “What do you think you are doing?” I asked once he handed it to me. “And no, I am not wearing Hyejung’s clothes.” I shook with head and gave skirt back to him.

“If you won’t change by yourself, I personally will change you.” he raised an eyebrow.

“You won’t.” I shot him a glare, but he only smirked and stepped closer. “Daniel!” I shrieked, once he grabbed me for my hand. “I will tell Hyejung!” I defended, but he wasn’t listening. “Fine!” I squealed and pushed him off myself. “I will change, so get out of my room.” I glared at him.

“Oh and wear this as well.” He grinned and threw me a pair of grey, with stripes, high knee stockings and a blue, with white stripes, sweater.

I stared at clothes in my hands and then at closed doors, before I let a sigh out and decided to change, since he won’t stop either way. After I was done, I slowly opened the doors and saw Daniel standing in front of doors, walking up and down the hallway, until he saw me. A wide smile crossed his lips when he looked at me from head to toes before he grabbed my hand and walked me into kitchen, where Hyejung’s makeup box was on table.

“You know she will skin you alive, don’t you?” I looked at him as smirk danced on his lips, before he took eyeliner. “And I don’t trust you a bit.” I added.

“I choose clothes pretty good.” He looked at me, waiting until I give up.

“It is snow outside and I am going in skirt on my first date.” I said matter-of-factly.

“It is your first date?” he asked wide eyed.

“Yes,” I rolled with eyes. His eyes widened even more as he released the eyeliner, making it fall to the ground, and disappeared from the kitchen, hearing him running upstairs. “Where are you going?” I called, picking up the eyeliner.

“I can’t believe he convinced me to change again.” I groaned, while putting on my Converse shoes. I looked towards kitchen and saw Daniel peeking from the doorway. “Next time I won’t be your guinea pig.” I pointed at him, before a doorbell caught my attention.

I walked to doors and opened them revealing James in black jeans, blue long sleeve and black open coat. He was looking to the ground, but he slowly raised a head and smiled with pink cheeks. Was it from the cold or was it because he saw me?

I didn’t care, but I smiled back and took my grey coat. Before I closed the doors I looked at Daniel, who hid right in time, and spoke. “I will be back in the evening.” I looked at James, who smiled once again and held his hand out. I took it and carefully walked to his black Mazda3.

“Where are we going?” I asked and looked at James once he sat on the driver’s seat.

“Secret,” he smiled and drove on the road.

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I'm sorry for not updating, but I'm having a writer's block... My friends (in my head) don't want to talk with me anymore.. >


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Nieknique #1
Chapter 46: I finally got time to catch up on the story, I love the last chapters!
Nieknique #2
Chapter 41: Lovely update! ;)
Nieknique #3
Chapter 40: I hope you did well on your exams! Waiting for the results is the hard part though! Thanks for the update! It's lovely! <3
Nieknique #4
Chapter 39: I'm happy your exams went well! I'm looking forward to the next chapter, this one was entertaining :) henry losing heebum out of sight, hahahaha
Nieknique #5
Chapter 37: Good luck on finals!
Nieknique #6
Chapter 36: Full house! Hahaha. Thanks for the update!~
Nieknique #7
Chapter 34: Nice updates!!!!! :)
Nieknique #8
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams! Do well! :)
lulu88 #9
Chapter 28: OMG Is that really true ????
I hope he will be strong that is the worst thing I hear today T_T
lulu88 #10
Chapter 26: Take your time , and Just get back healthy to us .
I really love this story .FIGHTING!!!! ^^