Chapter 27: A surprise party

The other side of Change [Hiatus]

Walking up and down in the room for the whole day I finally stopped and sat on my bed, tapping my chin. I looked at synthesizer that Daniel put it in my room and then at doors, where I heard footsteps stopping right in front of my room. No one knocked, called or walked in. I kept looking at doors, until I heard footsteps once again, but now going away.

Letting a sigh out, I stood up and walked to table with synthesizer and sat down, slowly taking the cover off it. Biting my lower lip, I turned it on and pressed on C.

You have time till 10th December, where you will play on the China Hunan Satellite TV.

“Why do I have to go to China?” I murmured in annoyance and stood up from the seat, walking away from synthesizer. “Who even sent this letter?” I looked at the unfolded paper on my table. Three months? I have three months time to compose a song on synthesizer, because I will play it on piano in China? What is going on? I bit my lower lip and let a sigh out before I walked back to synthesizer and sat down.

“Here goes nothing and all…” I murmured and stretched my fingers, before I closed my eyes and randomly started pressing on piano keys.

Time was passing by and I did both; school and composing new song. Though it was a little bit hard to think about the notes and which note is on what time, it was kind of easy. Indeed I had some troubles towards the end, but I still managed to make it in time, right one day before I had a flight to China.

“So Min,” Mary called me once I was standing at the exit, looking around to see any familiar face, but there was none, her.

“Yes?” I asked and looked at her.

“He left for Korea,” she said and looked at me in sadness. “He had some business to do with his career.” She added and stepped forward.

“I see,” I murmured and looked away with a bitter laugh. “It is okay,” I smiled and looked at her. “At least one came, right?” I asked and tilted my head to the side.

“It is better one than none, right?” she chuckled and caressed my cheek before she pulled me in a hug.

“True that,” I nodded and hugged her back. “I will be back as soon as I compose the song.” I said and pulled away.

“Oh please, take your time.” She waved with hand. “You have to rest for a bit, because these three months has been rough on you.” she smiled and held my hands. “Please, So Min…do this for me.”

I bit my lower lip and nodded hesitantly. “Okay,” I said quietly and held my bag. “And you too. Take a rest while I am not here.” I smiled and stepped backwards.

“Have a safe trip,” she waved with hand. I waved back and walked to the exit, where my plane was, before I disappeared behind the doors, I looked back at Mary and then behind her, to see if he came, but there wasn’t anyone familiar.

He isn’t coming, So Min. Leave, I bit my lower lip and turned around, forcing myself to walk down the long hallway. Go, plane is going to leave without you if you are walking slowly. I fastened up my pace and made it just in time.

The whole flight I kept thinking why do I have to go to China? Why there? Why me? And though I was a little at ease, knowing Henry is going to be there, I still had this uneasy feeling with me that something is going to happen.

“And now, ladies and gentlemen,” MC said while I was standing on the backstage, in my dark red strapless dress and black high heels, right when a woman walked to me.

“Miss So Min,” she called.

“Yes?” I asked and looked at her.

“I just want to tell you that whatever will happen, don’t stop and sing till the end, okay?” she said with a small smile.

“O-okay,” I nodded confused and looked on the stage.

“Please welcome Miss Cho So Min, a new composer, coming straight from United States, with her composing song.” MC said and gestured in my way. I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs on the stage, getting applause from the whole hall.

Before I sat down, by piano, I looked through the hall to see for any familiar person, but I didn’t. A small smile formed on my lips, being happy that no one knows or recognizes me, and sat down, gently placing fingers on a keyboard.

My thought is yours
My wish is the web into the world of words.
Yours mine
is the truth and it is our world.
Hungry for love
You find it in me together
became different, became mine.

I closed my eyes and smiled, seeing a flash of Donghae’s face.

Only with you
I can laugh, love and cry.
Only with you, I am really me.
Only with you
I can live like I want to
and time stops with you.

I looked up at the screen, in front of me, and saw a family picture of me and my family. Gasps and squeals were heard through the whole hall and I couldn’t help but the let a quiet chuckle out.

My luck is yours
Your years are trapped in my hands
And with both
Is hugged someone, who isn’t alone anymore
How much I love you
so you became mine,
all I feel is when I’m with you.

Seeing lights turning off, while the video started playing, I looked back down at the piano and closed my eyes, singing it to the end.

Only with you
I can laugh, love and cry.
Only with you, I am really me.
Only with you
I can live like I want to
and time stops with you.

Only with you
I can laugh, love and cry.
Only with you, I am really me.
Only with you
I can live like I want to
and time stops with you.

I stopped and the light still hasn’t turned back on. Everything was quiet, until I quietly heard someone singing together with everyone, while a small light shined right on me.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, dear So Min
Happy Birthday to you

My eyes widened, recognizing Kyuhyun and Henry, walking on the stage in costumes, trying not to be recognized, with a cake holding on their hands. I covered my mouth, tears filling my eyes, as a wide smile crossed my lips.

“Happy birthday my little sister.” Kyuhyun smiled and pecked me on my cheek.

“Dork,” I chuckled and looked at the cake, closing my eyes. I want…to be on good terms with everyone. I bit my lower lip and opened my eyes before I blew out the candles, gaining a round of applause and cheering.

“This was our Cho So Min’s new composed song.” MC smiled while Kyuhyun wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “Please give her another round of applause for her birthday that was two days ago.” He added. I smiled widely and bowed deeply, tears streaming down my cheeks.

“Happy birthday,” Henry smiled widely and hugged me tightly.

“Thank you,” I hugged him back. “How do you know where I live?” I asked and looked at Kyuhyun, who was grinning, saying nothing. “Kyuhyun~” I pouted and stomped like a little kid.

“Shush, and let’s go,” he took my hand and dragged me down the hallway with Henry behind, who kept singing to himself.

“Where are you two taking me?” I asked and looked now from one to other.

“Shush,” Henry put finger on his lips and smiled widely, stopping at the last doors. I confusedly looked at Kyuhyun, who opened the doors and pushed me in the pitch dark room, before lights , confetti flying all around, while they claimed: “Happy birthday,” with wide smiles.

“Minnie~” Ahra came running and hugged me tightly, spinning in the air. “I missed you so much…” she said and kissed me all over my face.

“Ya, you will suffocate her.” Kyuhyun rolled with his eyes. Ahra looked at him and stuck tongue out as I let a chuckle out, which turned into laughter. Everyone at firstly looked at me in confusion, before they started laughing with me.

“I have missed you,” Mother walked to me and pulled me in a hug.

“I missed you too,” I smiled and hugged her back tightly, missing the warmth she was always giving away.


Happy moment^^

I am sorry for not updating before, but I had some troubles going on. Everything is okay now^^

Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year :)

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I'm sorry for not updating, but I'm having a writer's block... My friends (in my head) don't want to talk with me anymore.. >


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Nieknique #1
Chapter 46: I finally got time to catch up on the story, I love the last chapters!
Nieknique #2
Chapter 41: Lovely update! ;)
Nieknique #3
Chapter 40: I hope you did well on your exams! Waiting for the results is the hard part though! Thanks for the update! It's lovely! <3
Nieknique #4
Chapter 39: I'm happy your exams went well! I'm looking forward to the next chapter, this one was entertaining :) henry losing heebum out of sight, hahahaha
Nieknique #5
Chapter 37: Good luck on finals!
Nieknique #6
Chapter 36: Full house! Hahaha. Thanks for the update!~
Nieknique #7
Chapter 34: Nice updates!!!!! :)
Nieknique #8
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams! Do well! :)
lulu88 #9
Chapter 28: OMG Is that really true ????
I hope he will be strong that is the worst thing I hear today T_T
lulu88 #10
Chapter 26: Take your time , and Just get back healthy to us .
I really love this story .FIGHTING!!!! ^^