that hankerchief

that hankerchief
Looking into the drawer, I found a hankerchief. A hankerchief that saved me. A hankerchief that made me understand how love could make one stronger. Just a hankerchief, that boy came back into my mind again. I still remember when I first met him. I was just a little six-year-old girl with braided hair and a pink hairband. I was sitting on a bench situated in the school's playground eating my vanilla ice-cream cone. All of a sudden BAM! The next thing I knew, I was on the floor with my ice-cream cone dropped and nose bleeding. "Hahahahaha! Look at her! She couldn't even dodge the ball!" They started to laugh and point fingers at me. Feeling so embarrassed, I cried. Until, "Hey, stop laughing!" The laughters halted for a moment and everyone, including me, looked at the boy who shouted. Ba-damp ba-damp My heart started beating faster. Is this what they call love at first sight? The boy was handsome looking and looked cool with his cap. His eyes were so captivating that I kept my eyes on him. He took out a hankerchief, came towards me and started cleaning my bleeding nose. I was taken aback for awhile. I couldn't help but to stare at him while he was focusing to clean my nose. "All done" He smiled and looked at me straight in my eyes. "T-thanks..." I managed to stutter my words out. "Isn't that Baro? I heard that he caused many troubles for teachers." Baro? Is that his name? I looked at the hankerchief while he walked away. Baro... his name stayed in my mind all day long. The next day, I decided to look for him but only to receive bad news. The teacher said that he had transferred to another school as he had caused too much trouble. Upon hearing that, my hopes crashed. Am I not able to see him again? Because of this, I was upset for a few weeks. Until I was able to let it go. However, he still remained in my memory. "YOU'VE GOT A NEW MESSAGE!" I guess there will be a day when I will meet him. Somehow, there must be a way. After sending out my reply, my eyes darted towards the computer screen. Facebook. Hmm, maybe I should try searching for his name. B-a-r-o *click*
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Angel28 #1
Chapter 1: I say, make a sequel!!! nice work!
Good work! Hwaiting!