Chapter 2

One Choice



 "why you seems running away from that kris guy?" T.K sudden question shocked me a little bit. "is't it too obvious that i hate him" I answer lazily , well more to i fall for him to be honest. "really? or you'r hiding something from me?" T.K still didt satisfied with my answer.

"im not minwoo" I start to feel annoying. Minwoo 'The protective' is back. Rolling my eyes i walk faster ahead leaving him. "Airin , wait up! Dont you dare leave me here!! KIM AIRIN!" He was shouting like a mad man in the school hall. "PALLI MINWOO HAISH" sometimes he's acting like a child that annoy me to death.

While i was stomping my foot angry with T.K at a hall behind the school , someone calling my name "Airin~" wait whose voice is that.. "Airin~~~" I stood froze , well it might be a ghost or not. I turned around slowly just to bump with a big tough man broad chest not too tough actually. I can smell his scent , raspeberry and watermelon. I cant see his face cause he is freaking tall !

I tilt my head up just to see an angelic handsome poker face looking down at me towering me with his freaking height. Our eyes met and his eyes are full of something that i cant figure it out but the sudden eye contact make my heart pounding non stop.

"k-kris" "Airin~" he use such a very sweet voice calling my names. No stop kris , you'r are making me fall for you more. I cant be like this , i have to be cold towards him. "what do you want kris" my voice turn cold while my face showed a poker face. But he seems not scared with my sudden change attitude. "Airin~" gosh that tone again , i might die if he use it again.

He leaned forward towars my neck , inhaling exhaling my scent. I can feel his breath and i think i become a stone the moment he do that. "I want to know you more Airin" he whispered while his hand wrap around my waist and pull me closer towards him. "you'r not like the other girl i met , you are different" I can sense his smile. "w-what are you talking about , you dont even kn-" suddenly someone took my wrist even before i can finish talking and turn me around just to meet with a furious eyes looking at kris.

"what the hell you doing to Airin" wow T.K i dont know you become this overprotective. "minwoo , just let's go , he didt do anything , he just want to talk , let just go okay" my voice become soft and I push T.K slowly , im the only one know how to deal with the 'Angry T.K'. I sent a glare to kris just to get a wink back from him. Nice one kris , i think i might die i will blame you 100% if i die.

"dont you dare touch her again new boy , or you will regret what you did" did T.K just say like that? this is so not T.K. I tilt my head up to see T.K and its still the same , looking furious at kris. "what if i said no , why would I follow your order , you'r not his boyfriend" Kris replied with a cold voice standing the death glare that T.K gave him. "just stop guys , so immatured!" I hissed at both at them and slap T.K shoulder to stop him.

"Ahh mwoya ~!" he whined like a kid. I soft a bit , T.K is back. giggling i took his hands "lets get a bubble tea shall we?" I look at T.K with my soft smile , well this is the only way to cool down the 'Angry T.K'. I turn around to face and our eyes met. His eyes somehow show sadness and hurt. I bit my lips thinking how to deal with the 'Angry Bird kris'. I took his right hand and held out a pen from my pocket. I wrote down my number on his hand and smile at him.

"Lets be friend kris , call me anytime okay?" I wink at him and quickly took T.K hands to start walking. My sudden action , cheer kris up. He quickly move away to give us a way to walk. "Bye Airin~" oh not again , his sweet voice can kill me i tell you. I just smile back at him as a bye sign and took T.K hands and pull him out of the awkward situation as fast as i can. "Yeah bye bitc-" haish this T.K. I sent T.K a glare a sign for him to stop. "what?" He smile at me with his innocent face.

Gosh , sorry for late

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