A token of Apology


hi.. I know some of you might subscribed this because the TaoHun tag.. yet the story seems like didn't deliver the good amount of Taohun.. so.. uh. here is another chapter .///.) I love you~

Chapter ++


The smoke faded to the thin air. Oh Sehun sipped his cigarette and blew another smoke. They gathered first, and then slowly faded into thin smoke, to the free air outside the window. There was no cloud that night, just him and the round moon that bright peacefully.

“I never like it when you smoke, you know?” Huang Zitao hugged his lover from the back, and kissed Sehun’s nape. Upon that, Sehun smiled as the ticklish feelings grew in Tao’s embrace, and put away his cigarette to the side of the window.

Tao had just got back from Haole Studio. He worked there now, helping Myungsoo out. It had been a half year since that accident. Tao had already graduated, while Sehun was now on his senior year. So many things changed, but thankfully everything was doing fine.

“… I’m sorry.” Sehun smiled, and turned over to face the gentle Tao and let his forehead touch the others. He closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of Tao’s body that hugged him tight. He could feel his heartbeat.

Tao released his hug and approached the cigarette on the window. He put it on his mouth, trying to smoke it, but then coughed in the end. Sehun let out a soft chuckle.

“What are you doing?” Sehun then pat Tao’s back.

“I was just… curious how it taste.” Said Tao stumbled with the cough. Sehun couldn’t help himself but smile to the older.

“Well… How was it?”

“My throat felt heavy.” Tao pouted. He put away the cigarette to its own place.

“Like being drowned, wasn’t it?” Sehun chuckled with his smile eyes. But the last word hit the other well. Tao then hugged him tight.

“I don’t want to lose you anymore.” Tao held him close. Imagining that Sehun would leave him alone, He didn’t like it. Thankfully he was there in time. Thankfully he could save him. He shut his eyes tight, and enfolded his body to the other’s embrace.

“I’m sorry… Hyung…” Sehun returned his warm hug and rested his chin to Tao’s broad shoulder. He thought that he was such a fool to listen to Kris just because he only wanted to be accepted. He thought that he would be lonely. But then Tao finally made him realize that he was always there beside him. That Tao would always there to support him, to cherish him. To protect him. He fully understood now.

“You’re beautiful, you know.” Tao whispered softly to Sehun’s ear. “Nothing’s wrong with that.” They stayed there like that for a moment.

Tao might be still young, but he was learning a lot on his go. He thought he should give some space for Sehun too. He was a bit possessive back then, but he would work out the best way for them from now on. Tao had matured a bit. And little did he know that that mature side of him attracted Sehun even more. He made Sehun feels save, and that was all Sehun needed for now.

Sehun let go off Tao’s hug and pulled his arms. “Hyung I’m tired… I want to take a bath.” Sehun chuckled as he wouldn’t let go off Tao’s arms. Tao then joined the symphony of the ticklish chuckle, as he finally understood what Sehun was up to.

“Since when you’ve become this cute…” Tao giggled and followed the company.


Sehun splashed the water happily inside the bath tub. Right behind him sat Tao inside the same tub, buried his face in Sehun’s soaked hair. There were other companies too, like Mr. Shampoo, the green duck, the yellow duck, the purple duck, and the foams. Sehun grabbed the ducks with his both hands and played them all over.

“Mr. Yellow duck would be mad at you if you keep pushed him under water like that.” Tao said as he rested his chin on the younger’s shoulder.

“No, Hyung. He’s the best swimmer; he likes to dive in to show off his skill to the others.” Sehun giggled and play along. Tao then pulled the purple closer and lifted it.

“So, how’s this mate doing? He’s been swimming away too far.”

“That’s Mr. Purple. He’s swimming away because he misses his Ms. Pink. He is jealous of us, Hyung.” Sehun said. That made Tao burst in laughter.

“So why you don’t take Ms. Pink with us?”

“Hyung… it’s too crowded here already.” Sehun blushed. His face turned red all of sudden. He left a soft moan as he leaned back to Tao. “Hyung… your…”

Tao chuckled. He let out a soft ‘sorry, I can’t help it’ and kissed Sehun’s ear.

And they continue to their embrace~



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[Raven] Hi!! it's been a while :"D sorry for taking so long, but now I've already finished it yaay >v


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Chapter 3: posternya bebek!!!!!!....cute banget....jarang2 ada yg make gambar aneh kaya gini...

nyan...ko gw ga ngerti korelasi antara chapter 2 sama chapter 3 yah?...
now i understood bout peacock-peacock that you've been talking about..
wew...tenyan got request for from littlephoenix ...las vegas eh?..heuheuheu...
awww....this chapter is so fluffy....really2 love this...*jadi ngebayangin kiyutnya makne kopel ini*...

itu tags completenya harus d cabut deh nyan....
Chapter 3: It's so fluffy and I really enjoy reading it
Thank u for writing this story :) I really hope to read other stories by you soon
Chapter 3: This is so good! So fluffy-fluffy I like it so much! So that's the bathtub scene you've been talking about? Sehunnie, for everything's sake HOW COULD YOU BE THAT CUTE WITH YOUR MR.DUCKS?
And smoking is not a good thing, Sehunnie, so stop smoking. :O

You should write again, Nyan. Make the one, I think? ;3
Waiting for you next story! :D
Chapter 3: damn you nyan. why you hung it there!!!!!
well, it's fluff nonetheless! i loved it veru much!
Chapter 1: I saw Taohun here so I immediately jump in and then I was like... "Uh... Umm... That's it? Umm... Maybe there's still more? This story isn't completed yet right?"
I NEED MORE!!!!!!!
This is so cool and good! Why stop it so suddenly?????? Why???????
Plz... At least make a sequel in this because I love Taohun and I need more of this... No, this fic needs more things to be told! Plz.....
mikazuki_angel #6
Chapter 1: This was really good, though I felt that the was too short. I also really liked the whole moral of the bird story. Sungyeol was really helpful too.

Chapter 1: sungyeol.....kamu....bijaksana sekali sih...ga nyangka deh....

*biasa ngeliat sungyeol ngetroll, tiba2 ngebayangin muka seriusnya dia lagi ceramah.....rasanya.....susah ngebayanginnya*

what a beautiful friendship...dia (tao) kuatir sama sehun yah?...
yolochinchins #8
Chapter 1: Omg you put my Infinite bias in a fic with my Exo bias ;3;
Chapter 1: congrats!! you finally updated! I liked the bird story and I like sungyeol's ending line~
well I can't say anything anymore, so yeah~ I'll be waiting more from you~ hwaiting!!
Chapter 1: finally you updated. nyahaha~