

Title: Peacock

Characters: Sehun, Myungsoo


Kim Myungsoo walked half-heartedly to the studio that morning. That day was supposed to be his day off. That day was supposed to be his special day off with Sungyeol. He had prepared almost everything. Morning breakfast, board games, etc. But those rascals never learned how to stop. It’s 07.00 a.m. for god’s sake. He silently cursed whoever made him rush to the studio today.

It had been the third times that the studio he worked at attacked by a group of rascals. Some people from the area said it was a gang of high scholars with motor bikes. They broke the windows, and messed up the place. Nothing was taken from the studio. They were just scattered the whole place.

Myungsoo visited the coffee shop across the studio first. It was the owner of the coffee shop who reported him about the studio that day. The owner – Kim Jongdae – was always at his shop a couple of hours earlier from his working hour to prepare all the things before the shop open. He liked every things organized.

“Hi, Chen.” Myungsoo called Jongdae’s nickname after he entered the shop. Jongdae was behind the bar, re-filling the coffee jar on the shelf.

“Not a good morning today, isn’t it?” Jongdae put on a warm smile as he offered a glass of coffee he had prepared earlier to Myungsoo. “They did that pretty quickly, they already gone when I went out.”

“They?” Myungsoo asked.

“Yes, I heard more than one bike at that time. The culprit must be a motor gang or something.”

Myungsoo sat there with a quite annoyed look. He sipped the coffee before noticing it was still hot, and then spilled the half amount of the cup to his shirt. ‘he groaned.

“Hey, hey… Calm down.” Jongdae then approached him with a handkerchief. “Shouldn’t you report this to the police?”

“Yeah, I told him once.” Myungsoo referred to Sungyeol, who had been pretty awkward with the police. “He never listened.”

Jongdae tried to clean the mess on Myungsoo’s shirt, but it was too much. “Wait, I’ll get you a spare.” He then stormed to the staff room upside to find his t-shirt. Myungsoo sighed again. He couldn’t even count how many times he had sighed this morning.

Kim Jongdae had been a good neighbor since always. In fact he might be the one who had helped Sungyeol met Myungsoo back then. And right at the moment, when his friends were in trouble, he would try his best to help them.


Jongdae heard another glass shattered sound from the studio, followed by Myungsoo’s yell. Upon that, Jongdae rushed to the downstairs. But it was too late, Myungsoo already gone. He probably saw the culprit and went out to chase them. Panicked, Jongdae reached phone on the table.

Hello, Sungyeol! Myungsoo is in danger!”


Beautiful full moon shined brightly in night sky’s embrace. There were no stars. There was just plain black sky with some group of unseen clouds hanging above the sky. Kim Myungsoo had come to his awareness as the night wind sipped through his thin clothes. His head was twitching in pain so bad. He tried to move, but then he realized he was tied on the ground. His mouth was glued together with a tape. This is not good.

“You’re awake.” An unfamiliar voice heard not far from Myungsoo’s side. Myungsoo gazed around. There were a lot of huge trees, with a large pond in front of him. He struggled, tried to shout but his attempt was in vain. Myungsoo then looked for the man who spoke to him earlier.

“My name is Oh Sehun.” The blonde guy sat beside him. His voice sounded steady, even with his eyes all tearing. He was crying. “Can you swim?”

Myungsoo didn’t have to think so long about Sehun’s last sentence. He struggled and struggled, tried to loosen the rope that tied him but it was too tight. No, He couldn’t swim. He kept screaming with his muffled mouth, but then his screams got lower and lower. The woods are pretty thick. Yet it was too silent. He might be in some deserted place. And Oh Sehun seemed doesn’t need to explain anything to Myungsoo.

“This place once called peacock’s grave.” Sehun stated, still on his position. He gripped his knees close to his chest, to keep him from the night breeze. “You might haven’t heard the story yet, have you? It’s my favorite childhood story.” Sehun smiled weakly and closed his eyes, letting his mind wandered to the story.

Once there was a beautiful peacock live in the forest.

Her feather was the prettiest, the most colorful among the birds. Everyone was envious of her.

But in the other hand, Dear peacock didn’t like her beautiful feather at all. She hated it.

She wanted to have normal colored feather, like the others.

One day she met a raven who took a bath on the pond.

She thought, she might lose all her colorful feather if she bathed just like the raven.

So she got herself to the pond.

She brushed herself. All over.

Hours passed. Her feathers still the prettiest and colorful.

Until she fatigued, and drowned to the pond.”

Sehun chuckled as he finished. “How fool of a peacock.” He stated. “You can’t change your feather. You’re born with it.” Sehun looked to the grass on his feet, as the other thing around him might have a judging look on him. Tears started flowing from his eyes again.


“Boo, look who’s coming. A head.”

“Man, don’t come near me. I heard faggots are contagious.”

Sehun kept his distance towards the guy in the room. He needed to see kris to explain everything.

“What brings you here?” The awaited guy appeared from the back of the door.

“Look, Kris, You misunderstood. He’s not my friend. I don’t even know him.”

“We don’t like you here, Sehun. Go find your mom and sleep tight.”

“But Kris!” Sehun kneeled. He grasped Kris’ feet. The surroundings made disgusted looks.

“Eeee what are you doing, ball er? Get off!”

“Go find some out there!”

“What do you want?” replied Kris unemotionally. “We don’t need anyone who can’t fight.”

Tao won a fight with him a couple of days ago. He fought for the acceptance to the team. But since Sehun lost, so both of them kicked out. Plus the rumor said that they were dating. Which was the reason for Sehun to join the bully—to erase himself from the gay rumor.

“Please, I’ll do anything!” Sehun pleaded.

“Hmm… Anything?” Kris grinned like a boy who just found a new toy. He looked down to Sehun’s eyes.

“Yes, anything.”


Oh Sehun grabbed his cell phone. He called the certain number on the list. It was unsaved.

Hello?! Hello?! Myungsoo, is that you?!” The guy on the phone sounded terribly in panic.

Sehun looked at Myungsoo who had been screaming with his muffled mouth. What a sight. Sehun felt that often already. Hopeless, in a terrible fear, no one would help. He helped to open the tape in Myungsoo’s mouth. A loud scream could finally be heard from Myungsoo. He screamed and cried hysterically, calling Sungyeol for help.

Myungsoo?!?! Myungsoo what happened? Hello?! Who the is this?!!” Sungyeol barked in anger.

“I’ll teach him how to swim. Let’s see if his feather could change…” Sehun then shut off his phone. He then pulled Myungsoo up, who was still crying, and then dragged him to the edge of the pond.

Sehun immersed his hand to the pond to feel how cold it was. “It’s freezing.” He told Myungsoo as if he asked before. He waited and waited until he got used to the water temperature. Then he walked further into the pond, soaking more of his body part slowly until he finally got the whole body in. “Your name is Myungsoo, right? Come on Myungsoo, you have to feel the water too.”

Sehun pulled Myungsoo’s feet and get himself to the water in one go. Myungsoo struggled, shocked by the freezing water. Sehun grabbed him, so the tied guy still had his head up from the water. Myungsoo cried hopelessly.

Don’t do this to me… Please.” He pleaded with his broken voice. But Sehun’s face showed less expression.

Sehun hugged Myungsoo tight. He caressed the guy’s wet hair. “Don’t worry. We’ll go together.” Then he swam – while carrying Myungsoo – to the center of the lake.

The water was surely cold at the time. Both of the guys could feel their body began to feel numb. Sehun then released his grip to Myungsoo. The tied guy began to sink to the freezing water of the pond.

It was once a simple task from Kris to make him join the group once again. And Sehun had done everything Kris said with all of his might. Theft, vandalism, anything. Weeks passed with a huge note of sin Sehun had done. But the gang still treated him badly. They made fun of him. And Sehun was tired of it. He no longer thought any of his doing would help him. The bad jokes kept going on and on until he got sick of it. Nothing he could do to be a normal guy like others.

That was until Kris’ last note for him. Kim Myungsoo. 19. Haole Studio on Wed – Sat. He owed me some money; teach him a lesson or two. – That was the text said. He didn’t even understand what Kris meant by a lesson. He didn’t care. He had enough of it already. He wanted to quit. But he had already gone too far.

Sehun too, slowly let his body drown to the depth of the water. Jealousy and hatred engulfed Sehun and kept dragging him to the bottom. He let himself soaked in vain. The reflection of the bright full moon carried away all the hopes and memories he had went through. He wanted to be accepted. He wanted to live a normal life. All those hopes were getting dimmer and dimmer as the bright full moon faded. He was already too deep.

The water tied him with its grip, suffocated him with its serenity. The night started to sing a peaceful lullaby for Sehun. The wind blew. The woods were shaking their branches, making such a melody. Vaguely there was a great splash sound on the water too, followed by some guys screaming, and dog barking. But Sehun was already too sleepy to catch what was going on.

He began to lose his breath. The steady water who previously felt so gentle then turned into a grim reaper. It stabbed its deadly scythe right on Sehun’s chest. The soaked body then felt so heavy. Sehun started seeing lights under the dark bottom of the pond.

The lights lured him.

hi .///.) it's been a while.... I'm sorry for taking so long =3=) I hope it's not that disappointing .///.) thanks to madkappa for the beta (and for being so supportive /sobs/ you're the best!) and for pandabun for the posters >///<) drop the comments okay? okay? love youu~ =3=)/

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[Raven] Hi!! it's been a while :"D sorry for taking so long, but now I've already finished it yaay >v


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Chapter 3: posternya bebek!!!!!!....cute banget....jarang2 ada yg make gambar aneh kaya gini...

nyan...ko gw ga ngerti korelasi antara chapter 2 sama chapter 3 yah?...
now i understood bout peacock-peacock that you've been talking about..
wew...tenyan got request for from littlephoenix ...las vegas eh?..heuheuheu...
awww....this chapter is so fluffy....really2 love this...*jadi ngebayangin kiyutnya makne kopel ini*...

itu tags completenya harus d cabut deh nyan....
Chapter 3: It's so fluffy and I really enjoy reading it
Thank u for writing this story :) I really hope to read other stories by you soon
Chapter 3: This is so good! So fluffy-fluffy I like it so much! So that's the bathtub scene you've been talking about? Sehunnie, for everything's sake HOW COULD YOU BE THAT CUTE WITH YOUR MR.DUCKS?
And smoking is not a good thing, Sehunnie, so stop smoking. :O

You should write again, Nyan. Make the one, I think? ;3
Waiting for you next story! :D
Chapter 3: damn you nyan. why you hung it there!!!!!
well, it's fluff nonetheless! i loved it veru much!
Chapter 1: I saw Taohun here so I immediately jump in and then I was like... "Uh... Umm... That's it? Umm... Maybe there's still more? This story isn't completed yet right?"
I NEED MORE!!!!!!!
This is so cool and good! Why stop it so suddenly?????? Why???????
Plz... At least make a sequel in this because I love Taohun and I need more of this... No, this fic needs more things to be told! Plz.....
mikazuki_angel #6
Chapter 1: This was really good, though I felt that the was too short. I also really liked the whole moral of the bird story. Sungyeol was really helpful too.

Chapter 1: sungyeol.....kamu....bijaksana sekali nyangka deh....

*biasa ngeliat sungyeol ngetroll, tiba2 ngebayangin muka seriusnya dia lagi ceramah.....rasanya.....susah ngebayanginnya*

what a beautiful friendship...dia (tao) kuatir sama sehun yah?...
yolochinchins #8
Chapter 1: Omg you put my Infinite bias in a fic with my Exo bias ;3;
Chapter 1: congrats!! you finally updated! I liked the bird story and I like sungyeol's ending line~
well I can't say anything anymore, so yeah~ I'll be waiting more from you~ hwaiting!!
Chapter 1: finally you updated. nyahaha~