Chapter 9

Cheonsa and Dajeong's Adventure!!!

Chapter 9

Dajeong's POV


Two days passed by without me even realizing it. Two days since Sungyeol once again stole a kiss from me. My brother and Woohyun had both tried to call me to see if I was OK but I ignored both of their calls. I could tell by their worried voice mails that they had no idea on why I was so upset. I was guessing that Sungyeol had decided to not tell them about what had happened in the closet.


“Dajeong, Cheonsa is here!” I heard my mother call up to me. I quickly hopped off the queen sized bed in my room and ran downstairs. My best friend came walking into the living room just as I did. The second I saw her I ran to her and threw my arms around her, hugging her tightly to me.


“What is wrong?” She asked me knowing right away that I was upset. I wanted so bad to tell her everything that second but I knew that if my parents, who where standing right there, knew why I was upset they would never let me go over to the boys apartment again. I loved hanging out over there. I would miss the boys very much if I was not allowed to hang out with them anymore.


“Dajeong sweetie. You need to finish packing your room.” My mother told me as she turned me around and pushed both of us girls towards the stairs. I turned to look at her and mouthed my thanks. I knew she knew I wanted some alone time to talk to my best friend.


“Before you go.” My father started, stopping both Cheonsa and I in our tracks. “Cheonsa I heard you were staying in a house full of a whole bunch of boys and I would like you to move to our new house with us.” He said and walked up to us. He placed a hand on Cheonsa's shoulder and the other on mine.


“I can't I have a dog.” She stated looking at me then back at my father.

“That is OK. I am sure Dajeong would love to have a dog in the house.” Cheonsa smiled at mybhy father and nodded her head saying she would move with us. “Good we leave tomorrow and we would like to invite your brother and his friends to help us and have a home welcoming party. That reminds me I need to call my son and have him and s help also.”


As my father walked away from us both, to call my brother, Cheonsa and I booked it upstairs. We ran into my bedroom and closed the door.

“Don't you just love how my dad forces you to do things?” I asked her sarcastically. She giggled at me and headed over to my bed plopping down on it.


“So Dajeong what has you so down?” She asked. I looked over at her before laying down beside her.

“Sungyeol stole my second kiss now.” I mumbled. She shot up into a sitting position and looked down at me.


“Did he do it on purpose or was it an accident again?”

“An accident. But I think he kind of actually kissed me back this time.” I felt my face heat up just thinking about the closet incident. Cheonsa placed a hand on my cheek and smiled down at me.


“Do you like him?” She asked me curiously. I wanted so bad to say no. To say I was never going to feel that way about Sungyeol but for some reason the words wouldn't come out. That more than anything irritated me to no end.


“ thinks I am dating Woohyun.” I told her sitting up and scooting back on the bed until my back was against the headboard.

“Are you?”

“No. Woohyun is my best guy friend and he means a lot to me but that's about all I feel for him.” I explained.


“So does that mean you do like Sungyeol?” She questioned not quite understanding what I was trying to say.

“No....I don't know.” I told her truthfully. She looked over at me and smiled slightly.

“Well I think you should figure that out. Maybe if you accidentally kiss each other again you should try actually kissing him.” I grabbed a pillow from beside me and hugged it to my chest.


“I doubt that is going to happen again.” I told her placing my face into the feather fluffy pillow.

“Ha with someone like you, you never know.”

“Hey this was not my fault. They were both his.”



The day that we were officially moving into our new home came and so did some of the boys. Some of the members could not make it on time because of their schedule but would definitely be there to help us unpack.


“Oppa!” I shouted when he walked through the door. Cheonsa had thought earlier that day that it would be funny to give me a lot of sugar and soda. So I was extremely happy and hyper at the moment.


“Woah. Dajeong don't kill him. We need him to help.” My mother had said to me and grabbed my arm pulling me off of my brother. Woohyun who was standing next to my brother threw his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.


“Joonie. Why have you been ignoring my calls? I missed you.” He said and hugged me even tighter. I heard my father clear his throat from behind me causing Woohyun to instantly let go of me.


“I am sorry hyunie. But I feel better now so I promise it won't happen again.” I turned around to face my father noticed that he had a stern look on his face. I mouthed my apologizes to him and walked into the living room.


“So what is it we need to move?” My brother asked as he followed me into the living room. After him came the rest of the Infinite members and some boys I only recognized because of Cheonsa telling me about them. Doojoon, Yoseob, and Hyunseung were the only Beast members here at the moment. The other three would be coming later after they were done with their schedule.


“Ok so these can go in the truck first.” I mother ordered and pointed to the boxes beside me. The first person to grab one of the boxes was Doojoon.


“Hi oppa.” I whispered to him giving him a smile. He smiled back at me and pinched my cheek.

“Hey cutie.” I pushed his hand away and looked over at my father.

“I am afraid I will have to go to work now. Though I am not really sure I want to.” He had said and looked over at me then Woohyun and Doojoon. I walked over to my father and gave him a hug. He lightly patted my back with one hand and cleared his throat once again.


“Ok. I am off then. Be good and help your mother.” My father told me and ruffled my hair. As he walked out of the house Hoya, Yoseob, and Dongwoo also picked up a few boxes. As my mother showed the 4 boys where they needed to put the stuff my brother turned to me.


“If you ever ignore me like that again I am going to hurt you.” He ordered. I looked away from him quickly my eyes looking at Woohyun. Woohyun also held a look of anger on his face so I turned away completely and ran up the stairs to my room. I heard someone follow after me but I ignored it.


“Wait.” I heard someone say quietly and I stopped in my tracks. The second I did the person ran into me knocking us both to the ground. I looked over to see Sungyeol beside me. His dark eyes locked with mine and both of our faces broke out into a light red blush.


“Well at least this time us falling didn't end in a kiss.” He joked pushing himself off the floor and helping me up also. I don't know why but something in the back of my head was telling me I should have been disappointed in that.


I placed my hand in his and allowed him to help me up. The second I was on my feet I dropped his hand and looked away from him blushing an even darker shade of red.


“I want to apologize for....well....everything that has happened.” He said lifting his hand to rub the back of his head embarrassed. I tried to calm myself before looking back over at him.


“Ok. Apology accepted.” I said and tried to walk away. I found that I was not able too because he had grabbed my hand preventing me from being able too.


“I don't want things to be awkward between us.”

“I'm sorry. What do you want me to do about that? I just feel awkward around you.”

“Why is that?” He asked watching me pull my hand from his grip. Not wanting to let go he squeezed it tighter.

“Because....” I trailed off not really sure on how I wanted to answer that.

“Because what? Tell me Dajeong its OK.” He took a step closer to me and looked into my eyes. The look in his eye was that of concern but also curiosity.


“Because I'm confused. I don't like being confused so I avoid it.” I told him honestly. He took another step closer to me, leaving very little space left between us.

“Confused how?” He asked now smiling slightly at me. The look of concern in his eyes had disappeared and was left with just curiosity and a slight hint of mischief. I felt my face heat up a very bright red again and I started to look away. Before I got a chance to completely look away though I felt a hand on my cheek making me look back into Sungyeol's eyes.


“Don't hate me.” I looked at him confused.

“Hate you? Why would I hate you?”

“I want to try something. I don't know how it is going to end but please don't hate me. I just want to know what happens.” He explained and a second later I saw him start to lean in closer. The closer his face got the more my cheeks turned a brighter red. When our lips finally made contact I felt a slight wave of dizziness envelope me and I grabbed a hold of his arms to try and not fall. The kiss didn't last very long but it definitely left a last impression. The gentle kiss that he had given me I was sure was going to haunt me in my dreams later tonight.


When he had pulled away he looked into my eyes a slight smile on his face. Without another word he walked away leaving me to stand there and think about what had just happened. I knew now that Cheonsa was right. I needed to actually let a kiss happen to find out how I felt about him. I knew now that I liked Sungyeol. How much I liked him I was not sure about yet but I knew I had some sort of feelings for him. I have only know the boy for 3 weeks and everything was happening way to fast for me to keep up. But I knew I wasn't going to be able to help myself.


“Oh my god!” I heard someone scream from beside me. I turned to see Yoseob and Cheonsa standing beside me. I jumped from surprise and looked over at Sungyeol's retreating back to make sure he did not hear them. When he made no sign of turning around I turned back to my friend.


“Oh my-” she started to shout again. I threw my hand over cutting her off.

“Shut up.” I ordered pushing her and Yoseob into my bedroom.

“Oh my god.”

“Will you say something else please?” I asked her shutting my door.

“OH MY GOODNESS!” You shouted only slightly changing her sentence. I slapped my forehead the palm of my right hand and fell on my bed.


“He kissed you.” She said smiling bigger then I ever seen her smile and sat down beside me.

“Thank you captain obvious.” I turned away from her trying to hid the blush that had once again made itself known on my face. 'I seriously need to stop blushing'. I thought to myself.


“So how did it feel?” He asked grabbing both my cheeks and turning my face to look at her. I turned my gaze over to Yoseob slightly embarrassed that he was here at the moment. He locked eye contact with me and smiled.


“Oh sorry. I can be a girl here.” He looked around for a second and saw one of my hair-ties laying on my desk. He grabbed it and pulled his hair up into cute ponytail on the top of his head. He then proceeded to plop down on the bed beside me and smile big. “See I am a girl now.”


“You are funny.” I told him.

“Now tell me how was the kiss?”

“I don't know how to describe it. But I know I like him now.”

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what-is-this #1
Chapter 20: this is nice
teehee. XD i wrote last :P YOUR turn :)