
Not one, not two, but twelve

I sat down on the couch and waited for Leeteuk. I the tv and stared at it for a long time. Leeteuk was on tv with his head shaved. They were interviewing him since he was leaving to the army today. He was leaving today? Why didn't he tell me? Then the tv turned off and I looked up. It was Ryeowook. 

"You shouldn't have seen that."

"Why didn't you tell me Leeteuk was leaving today?"

"Hyung told us not to tell you. He was going to talk to you about it."

"Why? Why didn't he tell me when he told you?"

"Because I perfer to do it personally."

Me and Ryeowook both looked up at Leeteuk. I pouted and looked down. Ryeowook looked at us and then left. I sighed and played with my fingers. Leeteuk sat down beside me and he took a deep breath. We didn't talk instead we messed with our hands. What can you say in this situation? I knew this day would come, but now that it's here it's difficult. 

"Sica I know you're upset about me not telling you-"

"If you knew I would be upset then you shouldn't have kept it from me."

"Because I want to talk to you about it."

"About what? About you leaving and I'm stuck here dealing with my dad?"

"Do you actually think I would leave you here to face your father alone? I started it and I'm ending it too."

"How are you going to do that? He's already furious with you as it is."

"You leave that to me. Come on we have to go now."


"You'll see."

---------Leeteuk's POV----------

We were standing in front of the paparazzi. Super Junior, SHINee and Girl's Generation smiled proudly except Sica who was having a hard time giving a genuine smile. She was really suffering this whole time. Knowing the truth about her father and having to choose between us and her father. I couldn't leave and let her suffer like this. She's helped us and regardless that it was her father she choosed to stay. I grabbed my mic and waved to the people.

"I personally would like to thank you all for coming out to see me leave. It will be a long 5 years, but I will serve my country well. I hope many fans will still look foreword to my group, Girl's Generation and SHINee."

Everyone clapped at my speech and I looked over at Sica. She seemed distracted and upset. I took a deep breath and nodded at the staff. The quickly made their way to their positions.

"In my years of being an idol I came to realize that their are both bad and good people. I've met my members, SHINee and Girl's Generation. Most importantly I had the honor of knowing Jessica who has become someone dear to me. Jessica's father Mr. Jung the manager of EXO is one of those bad people. He was originally our manager, before he lied to us in order to leave and manage EXO."

I nodded to the staff and they played the tape. Instantly Mr. Jung came on the screen.

"Why don't you all enjoy the world tour and when you return we will start our comeback. I will leave earlier to rearrange everything."

Then the camera changed to Super Junior's current manager. 

"Mr. Jung informed me that your group will be disbanded."

"What?! He said we were on tour."

I could hear my voice and everyone started mumbling.

"He told us you were disbanding so he accepted the job to be EXO's manager."

The tape ended and I faced everyone.

"Mr. Jung left us in order to be EXO's manager. It was a devastating time for Super Junior, but we managed to continue."

"Is Jessica joining the company part if a rebellion or vengeance for Mr. Jung?"

I looked at the reporter and then at Jessica. She stared at me and I looked at the reporter again.

"She joined of free will. She knew nothing about what her father did. We debated a lot in letting her join, but she seemed so determined we couldn't let natural born talent slip away regardless of their parents mistakes."

"Jessica what do you feel knowing what your father did?"

"Please this is Leeteuk's farewell I don't want to ruin it by talking of my fther's mistakes."

I looked at Sica and she looked like she was about to cry again. After the interview we took picture and I met with the general. I turned to everyone and said my good byes. I turned to Sica and hugged her. 

"Thank you Sica for everything. I told you I wasn't going to let you go through this alone. I'll see you in five years."

"Thank you Leeteuk for everything too. I'm going to miss you these five years."

We seperated and I finally had to leave. I waved goodbye for the last time before leaving.

--------Jessica's POV--------

I watched the TV and the news was on. My father was fired as EXO's manager and news spread that EXO would be moved to a different company. Everything was falling apart because of my father's greed. I turned off the TV and went to bed. I checked my phone and there was various of text messages from EXO, Leeteuk, Ryeowook and Donghae. EXO's messages were telling me if I was ok and that they were moving to a company. Donghae's message and Ryeowook's message was the same. I looked at Leeteuk's message.


Your surprise isn't over yet. You'll find out soon that things will only get better from now on. Thank you for everything and I'll see you in five years. FIGHTING~!

I couldn't help but smile at his message and at the same time I found myself crying. I wiped my tears and went to sleep. I hope Leeteuk was right, because everything seemed to get harder.


Hello reader~ ❤

The next chaper is the final chapter ㅠㅠ I'm not ready for it D; but we will get to see who Sica ends up with :D Leeteuk has left to the army ㅠㅠ but he has a surprise for Sica. Curious? You'll find out in the next chaper what it is. EXO is also leaving their company after Mr. Jung got fired ;o I'm sure many of you want to know how this will end and for everything to be revealed. It soon will be so look foreword to 'Not One, Not Two, But Twelve's  grand finale ^.^  

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I've started the sequel 'Not Twelve, Not Two, But One' ^.^ I'll update the first chapter soon so please give that fanfic as much love as this one ❤


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Chapter 28: I would prefer hansica, hunsica, kaisica, baeksica!!!!!! I can't choose!!!! But I guess KaiSica for this one!! hehehe
Chapter 28: This is an awesome story. GREAT JOB AUTHOR NIM!!! make more of these pleaseeee
Chapter 28: WAAAAHH!!! LUSICA MEN ! :D
Chapter 28: Maybe "the only one" or "my special love" kekeke i hope jessie will end up with exo member, upadate soon yeah ^^
Chapter 28: HUNSICAAAA<3
jungkookismyhubby #6
Chapter 28: HAESICA!!M!M!M !!!!!! PLZ
Chapter 28: hmm ~ wondering who she will end up with =3 ??? hwaiting ~ and I am looking forward to your sequel
Chapter 28: Wow. You really have bright ideas for your story!! We'll be waiting for your sequel!! :) p.s. i like the title. ^^
Chapter 28: Yay!!!! I like your title 'Not twelve, not two but one' I wonder who Jessica will end up with. FIGHTNING XD
Chapter 28: Omo~ Omo~ AUthor-nim~!!! SHOUT OUT FOR SUSICA~!!! <3 <3 <3