Into Your World


Forget the fluttering butterflies. With the smirk she received from her twin, it felt like buffaloes were rolling in her stomach. 

This is it. The fateful day, when finally, oh finally, her father had enough. Things will--no, have to change. It was the nth time the school asked for him. For the same reasons. 

Ms. Lim cut three classes today, and we found out she was attending classes not on her schedule. 

Your daughter failed her fifth exam this week, Mr. Lim. I might suggest you ask her if she's doing it on purpose. 

Yuan was sleeping in her class. Whatever does she do at night? 

It all happened so quickly. After getting home, Xi told her that father needed to talk to her. She went to her father's study, but not before hearing Xi's words. You're so dead, Lim Yuan. 





First, thank you for clicking on this story. I started this out of Exo feels and boredom (so bear with me okay). Also, I should probably apologize. I kept posting new stories, but I'm not faithful in updating. Mianhae. T_T 




wow look at all the updates I'm not making


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iHeartB2ties #1
please continue this story it's so pretty!!! :3