That One Night


Hai, first OS I post on AFF. Hope you all enjoy it.

Pairing: KAI/OC

In the depths of mainstream, here goes a story inspired by nothing.



"The energy isn't there. I can't compete with that level. Again."

Singull, a famous Korean record label, was having castings in the capital and Dina was planning on trying out. Since the company was very demanding, she practiced for over a month to perfect her song.

As midnight struck, students started packing up and leaving the facility, while Dina decided to stay and rehearse some more. She pressed play and the sound of an acoustic instrumental version of MAMA filled the room. When she reckoned it good enough, she put her blue waistcoat on and headed for the door.  As she closed the practice room's door, she felt a hot breeze by her neck, as if someone was actually breathing by her ear. She brushed it off and started walking towards her house, located a few blocks away.

It was a cold autumn night and Dina cursed herself for not bringing a warm jacket, as she knew she would stay late for practice. Cut in the middle of her thoughts, Dina hears a muffled laugh come from her back. She freezed on her spot and reluctantly turned around, expecting a mugger to snatch her bag. Turns out she watched too many scary movies, as only thin air stared back at her. She sights and takes up her walk. Not only a minute has passed that she feels the same warm breath against her ear. She fastens her pace, feeling slightly frightened. As if it wasn't enought, pit-pats add up  to this serie of startling events. Annoyed, she violently turns around. Nothing. Thiis time, the pit-pats can be clearly heard. "Dina, calm down. your ears are playing tricks on you." A sight of relief escapes as she spots the familiar street leading to her house. She runs to her final left turn, only to collide with a hard, warm chest. Raising her head, she finds a pair of unhuman silver eyes staring right through her soul.


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