0.1 - In Their Eyes


Two small figures of boys coloured his vision yet again. The smaller one was wrapped in the other’s embrace. Protected from the harsh realities of a breathing life and just float in a world where there’s just them and everyoneelse are but spectators of their beautifully written stage. Where they control where they fall, where they cry and even when they die.

All in perfect order.

 Perfect life, perfect endings... just perfect everything.

The taller hug the shaking figure, while all the while making cooing sounds trying to make his ddongsaeng feel better. Because then, the only thing that a 12 years old could do was to just wipe those tears away, because the blows were not his to take, the blood was not his to drain.  So the least he could do, was to  provide the warmth to glue the other’s heart together because physiques heal but heart remains broken long after you’ve healed, long after the curtains were drawn. Cracking in the deafening silence of innocent wonderment more than mere resentment where ‘Sorry’ is never enough and ‘it’s your fault you demon child’ is but a passing remark of a beautiful day, on daily basis.





“Hyungie!!! What do you mean you’re moving? Don’t you love your Minnie anymore? Why are you leaving me?” eight years old Changmin was seen gripping tight his bestfriend’s shirt tightly while trying to stop himself from outright sobbing himself.






“and i’ll come back okay! I won’t stay away for too long cause i need my dose of cute ddongsaeng so i’ll come back ..eventually i will and then i’ll take you away..okay..just wait for me till then...and we’ll be together again before you know it..” -Yunho






Changmin was the military’s first successful product. Well at least successful enough for them to be able to attempt in  correcting their mistakes and analyze them, rather than having to dump drained remains of cut limbs and exposed inner velvets of a once living person.





“please God. Make me remember Yunho hyung. At least Yunho hyung.”

“please God. Make Minnie remember me. At least me.”

And the rest of the night would be mainly of warm embraces and soft whispers of hope. A hope that they’re sworn to keep repeating until it is but a reality in their lives. A hope so deep that sometimes even when Changmin woke up disoriented, lost and erased he felt a tingle knot of words bubbling in his throat, landing itself heavily in the thuds of his heart.

A hope meant not for the brain but for the body to remember, a hope not meant for the body to act upon but for the heart to base it’s thuds upon.




Maybe as the eyelids flutter he could hope some recognition to pass through it before the heavy awkwardness settled in. That they were just a couple of friends enjoying their lives together.

As Changmin’s eyelids moved under yunho’s hawk like gaze Yunho’s heart constricted.





p/s~ sorry this is my first teaser and I know it ...-_-"""""

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Chapter 2: Ooooooooohh~ this is awesome author-nim! ^o^
Adorable MinMin is adorable >//<
Update soon~ <3
"mess of stories 50 First Dates to android and maybe a little of Wolverine"
I am intrigued, do continue.

The world needs more Homin
Chapter 2: It sounds interesting.
Update soon author-nim and bromance please.. XD
HominYC #4
Chapter 2: The story is enjoyable I am very enthusiastic about it,I can not wait for the next chapter ; I Love Homin so so match
Akuropanda #5
Chapter 2: why does this sound so sad for meeeee~~~~ T_T
Chapter 2: Yay! You updated! I can already tell this story's going to make me sad. I can't wait for more chapters! ^^*
Chapter 1: *subcribe subcribe*
a fic from you!!! yaaaayyyy
and an android minnie!! can't wait to read moreee, :D