The Moon

The Moon

The pale moonlight shines softly through the open window, illuminating her beautiful, strong features.  A summer breeze floats into the room, blowing the silk curtains gently in the bedroom.  He watches her sleep, breathing in, breathing out. Her breathing was even, calm, like harmonising music. His gaze runs over her face, reaching forward, he traced his finger over her smooth skin, over her thick eyelashes, around her light pink cheeks and ran over her plump lips which slightly pouted in her sleep. He admires her beautiful tanned skin, contrasted on the white sheets, legs and arms tangled into an unorganised heap. Her brunette hair floats delicately around her face, and her lips form his name in her sleep, “Seung-Hyun.” Wanting to hold her close, he rests his head on her pillow and wraps his arms around her petite waist. Pulling her sleep form towards him, he feels at ease. Sensing his presence, she responds, wrapping her arms around his strong chest and intertwines her long legs with his. She stirs awake, her melted chocolate eyes meeting his almost black ones. She smiles and leans closer to him. Scared that his reality world would shatter like a dream, taking her away with it, he kissed her soft, rose lips gently; praying this night would last for eternity. She moves her arms from his chest and wraps them around his waist and snuggled close, resting her head on his neck. Feeling at peace, he drifts of to sleep, hoping that when he awoke the next morning, his princess, Park Bom, would still be by his side.


A/N: Sorry if it's a little cheesy, but i hope you enjoy it anyway~! BomXTOP forever <3

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syayuuri #1
Chapter 1: Simple and yet sweet <3
Lyca_Myx #2
Chapter 1: Uhmmm... okaay~~~
swttwnkl #3
Chapter 1: soooo sweet!
Chapter 1: Is ther going to be a sequel?? Kkkk :) well writen shows the intimate beauty of these loving couple ^-^ TOPBOM FOREVER <3 <3
angelin #5
Chapter 1: Nice... Love it