beaten - the second meeting

Forgetting Him

krystal went to the woollim ent. building to see if she was accepted to work there. fyi, woollim ent. are the biggest entertainment in korea. they just pick the best workers there. the jobs are idol, actress/ actor, and models. krystal was applied a job for model, because it was a suggestion from luna. she said that her body was perfect to be a model, so she applied here. she went inn there and asked the woman. "sorry, but where's the announcement of the accepted models are?"

"you can see it in the corridor in front of the staffs office."

"thank you." krystal bowed and went to the corridor. from afar, she can saw a lot of people were searching fro their names, if they were accepted. it was really crowded, she can't see anything. "excuse me, excuse me." krystal tried to pass through the crowd, but she ended being pushed. "this is not working."

while thinking what she have to do, someone patted her shoulder.

"excuse me, please."

in a second the crowd gave way to krystal. krystal turned. "thank yo-" she saw nothing. krystal frowned, and then walked to the announcement board. but, who's there? why is he helped me? she ignored her thoughts and trying to searching her name.


5. Krystal Jung (20) -- Accepted as= "Model"


"Yeah! i accepted!" she beamed happily and jumping like  kid. she's not care if they stared at her weirdly. she took her cellphone and starting to text luna. 


To: Luna

guess what? i accepted! yaho~


she smiled all the way and leave that building. she sang and bounced in her way home. being accepted as model at the biggest entertinment was so fantastic. she keep singing and bouncing, but she stopped as she saw someone was beaten. she look it closely and gasped. it was l.joe! she quickly ran to him and trying to stop the gangster from punching him. "stop! sto-"

"what a girl doing here?" the one of the grabbed krystal's arm harshly, made krystal winced in pain. "l-let me down." krystal begged, the pain he gave is just too much. "oh no until i do something with you." he raised krystal's chin and smirked, while krystal stared at him with fear. "w-what?"


suddenly a few person were trapped krystal with their hands, preventing krystal to escape. the boss smirked and walked towards her. "w-what will you do? let me go!" she tried to escape, but nothings happen. they're too strong. "there's no way you will escape." he smirked and trying to rip krystal's shirt, krystal just closed her eyes, a tear slipped. God, please help me.


"soojung run!" 

krystal opened her eyes and saw l.joe was giving them a punch. "b-but--"

"just run!!"

without hesitation, krystal ran away from that place. she looked at her shirt and clean good. "I think he already ripped my shirt." she sighed in relief. not knowing to do, she went to the park nearby. she sat on the bench blankly. her thoughts were flying to l.joe. 

"hey. you want this?"

krystal looked up and saw that boy in black yesterday. krystal cocked her head to the side, feeling confused. "what is that?" she asked, not realize that this person is a stranger. "ice cream. you want it?"

"OF COURSE I WANT IT!" krystal beamed happily, ice cream is her favorite after all. she took it from his hand and it. realizing what she's doing, she stared at that boy in embrassment. "i-i'm sorry, i just become weird and-" 

that boy laughed. "it's okay, i see you like ice cream so much." he ruffled krystal's hair and smiled. and then krystal hearts was going ba-thump ba-thump again. "I'm myungsoo. nice to meet you." he held out his hand to shake off. krystal stared at that hand before she held out hers and shook it with him. "i'm krystal, nice to meet you too."



A/n: second meeting with myungsoo~

but l.joe was beaten ;u; 

fyi, i edited this chapter, i make it more longer~

hope you like it<3 thanks for subscribing<3

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sorry for not updating!! there's a new update! happy new year guys! :D


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HoneyCates #1
Chapter 12: A twist??//?
Chapter 10: OH MY GOSH!! I'm so worried right now ...

HoneyCates #3
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh is ljor dying?!?! Oh noo
HoneyCates #4
Chapter 6: Just cousins!!!
HoneyCates #5
Chapter 5: Omg this story is so good. Please update..
Chapter 5: I really like this story.I love Soojung,Byunghun,and Myungsoo..update soon,please~
Chapter 2: please update,,,it seem interesting
Chapter 2: updateee ! :)
Seems interesting! Can't wait for the story OuO