6 -Talking over coffee

Only Good Girls Go To Heaven.

He looked at her. "No" he denied again.


"So, where do you live?"


Myungsoo looked at her and seemed to hesitate for a moment, "You know Jungsoo Road?" she nodded her head in response "that big white house, the one with the big front porch."


Her eyes widened. "You live there? In that house? No way, the houses there are really beautiful. Especially that one."


"I know" Myungsoo nodded proudly with a straight face.


JiEun managed to convince him to have a little talk with her in a cafe, she wasn't taking no for an answer from him. Like when you had your first crush, you seem to want to desperately talk to them, and this is what JiEun felt like now, despite him having done things to her. As minutes passed, he seemed to open up to her about himself and she liked that about him. They were now just simply having a chat over a cup of coffee.


They've been talking about themselves and their lives for this past half an hour now.


"What about you?" he asked


"Oh, nowhere special, I live in HalJu."


"I know that place. Live with anyone?"


"Of course. But I live with foster parents; my folks died when I was young" she half lied


"Oh, i-i'm sorry about that."


"No worries, I was young so, it didn't really affect me that much."


Actually, her parents death did affect her a lot. Her father went first, and then her mother. After that happened, seeming that she had no remaining family left, they sent her off to a foster home, where she's been going in and out of ever since.


Myungsoo took a final sip of his coffee, and his cup was now empty. Silence filled between them now accompanied by awkwardness.


"Anyway," JiEun broke the silence "who do you live with?"


"My parents"


"Any siblings?"


He shook his head, "No"


She couldn't believe it; yesterday he seemed like the most crude person in the world and now he was acting different. Like a normal person. Perhaps she just caught him on a good day?


The way he talked was still the same though. Low voice, didn't seem to have any difference in the pitch of the sound, and it didn't carry much emotion. Either way, she was glad that she sought this side of him today.


"Hey, why were you acting so stubborn in the past few days you've come to our school?"


His eyes met hers and he sniggered. Was something funny?




"What is it?"


"I'm not the type to socialize." Yeah, I think we can tell.


JiEun wanted to bring up the fact that she hardly sees him anywhere during reccess, but if she did that it would bring up the fact that she might be even stalking him during break times, and she didn't want him to think of her as that type of a person.


Heck, she didn't even want him to know that she's got a slight crush on him. The thought of him being her boyfriend, she quite liked the idea, but she wondered what type of boyfriend he would be. Protective, perhaps? The look in his eyes tells it all; it's as if he could protect anyone who who was important to him, however cheesy that may sound, it could be true.


But by looking at him, he doesn't seem the affectionate type either. It's like he won't make his affection obvious, like couples do nowadays.


JiEun zoned out of her thoughts suddenly.


He quickly lifted up his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. Time was up between the two.


"I think I better go now."


"Yeah," she just noticed that they lost track of time "me too"


"See you" he said, standing up about to leave


She was about to do the same too, until someone stopped her in her tracks.


"Excuse me, miss? You forgot to pay." A lady said to her whilst smiling


"Oh, right" JiEun looked around her for Myungsoo, but it turns out that he had vanished completely already. Bummer. I guess i'll have to pay then.


"Here you go," she said handing her over a crisp note "keep the change, thank you."


She put on her coat and began to make her way home, it was almost 4pm now. Her mind recalled of his last words; "See you".


What does that even mean? Does it mean that he wants to see her again? Are they friends now or something? He said it so cooly as well; she can't help but get a little bit of butterflies fluttering around in her stomach after that though. But his words confused her; what does he think of me now? is all that she could ask herself.


She soon arrived home


"JiEun, where did you go?" her foster mum asked her


"I was out with, uh, someone. Lost track of time, mianhe."


"Who was that?"


"N-no one. Just a friend." Did I really just refer to him as my friend now? Aish.


"Um, alright then" her mum seemed unconvinced


She went upstairs to her room as always and plonked herself on the bed, she grabbed a pillow and burried her face in to it. All she could do now is think about him; he wasn't ultra nice, but he was better than the person she thought he was. A rush fled up her spine, it's that feeling you get whenever the person you like says hi to you or anything like that.


Hopefully from this day on they'll grow to be closer.



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minnakitty #1
Chapter 29: WAAAH!! DAEBAK AUTHOR-NIM!! What a good fanfic! So sweet!! And the feels!! THE FEELS!! MyungU FTW!! =))
Chapter 29: sad yet amazing story..
KimHaeJung #3
Chapter 29: Oh my god. Thats soo sweet!! ITS STILL PLAYING LIKE AN ANIME MOVIE IN MY HEAD!! ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT! I love this story! Thanks for the updates author-nim!
theadorable #4
This is such a beautiful and great story! I like it a lot.. looking forward to your works! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 29: AWW~~~ o n o
Chapter 29: Aawww... So romantic. Great story and pls make MyungU's fic again authornim.... Pls pls pls...
4_EverLover #7
Chapter 29: author-nim!!!! i love your works. And please make another myungU story! jeballl! and if you do, would you mind to message me? jebal! please!
4_EverLover #8
Chapter 29: author-nim!!!! i love your works. And please make another myungU story! jeballl! and if you do, would you mind to message me? jebal! please!
Chapter 29: END :(
Wow! that's the true love! >.<
See you again in another FF,authornim!